Tuesday, October 30, 2007

happy, happy, happy day!

Hari ni bangun pagi with a smile. I had a good sleep. (but demam aja baru kebah, batuk nya kalah pesakit TB!!!!)

Tapi masuk office, lagi-lagi la sengih. The news of me being offered another job dah spread the whole office. Of course first person to know is my MD la. But I told her I'm not taking it. After doing my calculation, I am better off here. Although the other offer can guarantee me not having to work hard to gain that stable income, but during my good months here, which can be 6-8 months in a year, I make much-much better than the stable income. Yang rugi EPF la, sebab my current company pays epf on basic salary saja. Tapi I have a ceti mother (ma, jangan marah aaaa.....) who makes sure I send money for saving to her every single month (sometimes if babah accidently tell her I have extra money this month, she will ask again!!!) without fail.

I had a meeting with my chairman yesterday who was very concern of the news. Although we had agreed earlier that my increment will only due feb/mar next year, but he has come up with a generous offer that I cannot resist this morning. Hehehe. Just to make sure I stay although I convinced him yesterday that I will not move.

So, aku terperuk la kat sini, and korang semua akan keep on going dengar aku komplen duit tak cukup, collection tak masuk, bsp sangkut, kutuk IATA, marah salespeople aku, and so on. Hehehehehe. Now my aim for next year is to double up my amount of saving in 2 years time, if nak kawen, still ada enough for hari tua. Hehehehe.

Okay, nak kerja dah. Take care everyone!


Monday, October 29, 2007

my new toy has arrived!

Yeay, finally, my new toy has arrived! Airin Sofea binti Azwan Hadzree, weighed at 3kg, was born on 27th October 2007 at 1153pm. I spent 2 hours with her yesterday.

pix : kids.azwanhadzree.comhttp://kids.azwanhadzree.com/
(I tengah malas nak play with gadget this early morning, still sleeping actually!)

Nurin cried when I told her : "Makngah nak sayang sofea sekarang. Nurin nak sayang aunty emma seribu juta pun makngah tak kisah sebab makngah ada sofea!"
Huhu, merajuk, kalah time I merajuk. Hehehehe. Both ibu and baby are fine. Hari ni dah boleh keluar hospital. Will visit them again lepas I betul-betul baik demam.

I demam! On Saturday, memang duduk rumah, atas katil aja. Hari ni rasa lega sket, tapi batuk ada kahak pulak. Aiseyman. Cepat la baik demam.


Friday, October 26, 2007

reading of the week - Osteoporosis

Someone passed a comment to me last week that I don't read. Yeah, I agree to it 100%. Why? No time? Too busy with work? Too busy with personal things? Too busy doing nothing? Or simply malas? Hmmm.... MALAS is the most correct answer. Hehehe.

I do read during my free time, but most of them are creative writings, novels, chic-novels etc. After the hectic work life I go through daily, these type of books put my mind at ease. But that does not mean I'm a dumb girl. I have my info and general knowledge from newspaper, forwarded emails, when I lepak with my friends and they start to discuss about global warming, economics etc (usually I'm the one sitting quiet and absorb information, but I do participate by asking questions for things I don't understand, or give my sincere/dumb/professional opinion). Or worst case scenario, tanya ja la kalau tak tau atau tak faham kepada orang-orang yang berpengetahuan.

This morning I noted about Osteoporosis in SUN paper. So I spend some time reading/look out for info in the internet about Osteoporosis. My opah is having that problem now. Last week, during the raya break, I had spend some time with her at Gombak, taking care of her. She is so fragile. I was really afraid that I will crush her. Since her bones are very fragile now, she can't stand/sit/walk without assistance. She can't stand straight, dah seriously bongkok tiga.

Below are type of people that can easily expose to Osteoporosis :
1) Alcoholics
2) Smokers
3) Overweight (alamak, I am in this category!)
4) Low physical fitness (being kurus, kalau tak fit, no point juga!)
5) Excess physical fitness : this is not good. Excersive exercise can lead to constant damages to the bones apparently that can cause exhaustion of the bone structures. For women, if you exercise heavily, it can lead to amenorrhea (suppression of your menstrual cycle) which can decrease your estrogen levels. (huh, tak leh exercise lebih-lebih? camne nak kurus? takpe, moderate, mesti moderate. Tak kurang, tak lebih)
6) Softdrinks lovers

We can't change for what we have done, ate, did to ourself in the past. But we can start change now for a better life. A lot of malay women don't like to drink milk (a good source for calcium to prevent osteoporosis), and I know quite a number of people, including me, tak makan sayur. Busy kerja la, where got time to exercise? Start to love your body and your health. It is never too late to change. As we grow old, all of us are tend to get osteoporosis, but by practising good life-style from now, it will lower our risk.

Need more information on osteoporosis, GOOGLE ah sendiri. Hehehehe.

This is opah and myself morning of first day raya. I had a good time with her that raya week. Next week's reading is on flying and aeroplanes. Need to prepare myself before going for my joyride soon.

Take care everyone, have a good weekend!


raya at opah's house

my siblings, soon, the number will increase. ....... soon!

opah, her daughters, and her cucu.

opah Dah helping Nurin keeping her collections of duit raya in her handbag. I wonder how much the kids made this year. hmm.... I missed my duit raya collection!

mojo buat tak tau aja bila opah Dah asked for a kiss, he is concentrating on the duit raya!

opah with my uncles, my dad (in pink with songkok), my cousin epi, and my 2 brothers.

kak lin (the lady in green) is glowing during her last 4 weeks of preganancy. the adults are kakteh & me, the kids are kak long shila's adorable kids, nadine, sarah, and my favourite, sophia. the kids look lovely with their white kebaya and batik sarong, good job epi!

opah, her daughters, her great grand daughters. HER 3 GRAND DAUGTHERS are busy eating, that is why we are not in the pix!

from left : maklong, opah, mama.

atok ariffin, hariz danial, and nurin arisya. hariz senyum happy sebab baru lepas collect duit raya from all the opahs, uncles & aunties. : )

aunty yot and opah di pagi raya.

masak rendang malam raya at opah's house.

opah tengah inspection kitorang kemas rumah on malam raya.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

kueh raya : reordering?

Tadi ada orang telefon kita tanya ada kuih raya extra tak? Apa lah, dah raya baru mau tanya.... hehehehe. Mana ada! Mama is not here, kalau kat sini, boleh gak I ask her to bake for this Saturday. Even if my ayong (elder brother) ada kat Perai, boleh gak I kerah mama soh buat and ask my darling ayong to bawak balik the kuih. Tapi ayong ada kat KL this week. Kuih yang I save untuk Mawaddah & Jawahir pun dah kena kidnap, tinggal yang I bawak pegi office today only, tu pun dah habis diorang licinkan. I know the recipe, tapi tanak susahkan diri nak buat. Hehehehehe.


I am asking mama to make another batch of cookies as ramai yang nak lagi for their own consumption. Ini macam banyak teruk la korang, hehehehe. Dah habis raya, nak lagi kuih raya. Takpe, mama mesti suka la, bisness bagus. Hehehe.


Sape nak order, sila bagitau so I can plan betul-betul nak soh mama buat berapa banyak. I will take last order by next week Friday (02/Nov/2007). (Can sms, email, tepon or order kat tagboard pun okay gak.) Then the following week baru boleh dapat delivery dari SP, depending my darling ayong (kena puji sayang lebih-lebih ni nak mintak tolong bawak balik kuih) balik with his car, or keta boss dia. Tapi paling lewat pun mid november la boleh dapat.


To jawahir & mawaddah : aku janji budget bagi lepas raya kan? So nanti you will get it with the second batch okay? I dah hempuk kepala orang yang kidnap kuih korang tu.

To iza & sarah : korang tak payah order lagi, I dah order korang punya kat mama.

To ayong : nanti mintak tolong bawak balik kuih untuk kakngah ya?
Nurin Arisya binti Azwan Hadzree and myself on second day raya at maklang's house. This is my 2nd favourite raya pix this year!


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Raya Updates

Huh, tahun ni raya sungguh memenat kan! Penat apa? Penat makan!

Today I dah stop makan segala rendang, kuah kacang, lemang and so on. Nasib baik tadi at my friend's house dia buat soto, so tibai itu sup saja. Cukup la 4 hari makan raya food. Besok I nak puasa la. Buat puasa sunat terus.

Malam raya semua sibuk kemas rumah opah. Aunty Da bought new tikar getah for living room bawah. Since my another aunty dah rearrange semua perabut, so we kemas accordingly. Babah jadi mandor, kakteh, adik, aunty yot, and apit yang kerah tenaga. Me? Sibuk-sibuk amik gambar orang tengah buat kerja. Hehehehe. Tapi lepas tu buat la kerja, kemas barang-barang, susun kuih and so on. Sempat lagi pergi rumah my aunties deliver barang-barang and kuih.

Pagi raya, after prayers semua serbu rumah opah. Opah dah ramai-ramai macam tu, ceria la muka dia. Agenda biasa, makan, then bersalam-salaman mintak maaf, the kids beratur collect duit raya. Untung la diorang tu, from parents dapat, atuks & opahs bagi, monyang bagi, aunties & uncles too. Komplen dapat siket jugak, tak tau la. Tahun ni again I dapat bagi duit raya to anak-anak buah, my parents, my siblings, my uncles & aunties, my elder cousins and both my grandma. Takde la banyak, saja seronok-seronok. I hope I can continue doing it in the future years. Kitorang amik gambar, riuh nya rasa sampai kat jalan depan rumah. Banyak betul camera nak amik gambar, and semua orang nak be in the picture. Hehehe. And this year cipta sejarah sebab aunty yot ada dengan kami pagi hari raya. Usually dia balik PD rumah ibu mertua malam raya, tapi sebab opah tak sihat, dia tunggu and raya with us the whole day. 2nd day raya baru dia balik PD. Lepas kitorang dah habis ceremony immediate family, my dad and siblings pergi rumah nenek pulak (my dad's mother's house) Me and mama stayed back to clean up and tak sampai 5 minit rumah tu senyap, tetamu dah start datang. The first to arrive is uncle Din (a good friend of my uncle). I always thought uncle Din ni my mother's cousin, sebab every year raya dia mesti tak miss punya datang rumah opah. Rupanya kawan baik my uncle, time bujang dulu memang selalu lepak rumah opah. Then atok Cu datang dengan his anak-cucu, aunty jah with her family, and so on. By the time I sampai rumah nenek dah noon. And after that pun dok ulang-alik between both houses bila ada sesape datang. Ye lah, dah lama tak jumpa, so time raya ni letih & penat tu belakang kira la.

At rumah nenek ada nasi ayam macam biasa. And bermacam jenis kuih. Cousins pun ramai. Sembang la banyak, catch up each other's updates. We had a new anak sedara. I called her Nurul dot..dot..dot.. Hehehehe. 1st day raya tu, umur dia baru 6 hari, baru sangat keluar hospital. I think by this time dah ada nama la tu. She is so tiny. Tak berani nak pegang, takut. Nanti la, dia dah besar sket baru la boleh dukung.

2nd day raya baru I jalan sakan. My dad and busu as usual, planning nak pergi sana-sini. We went to rumah my dad's sisters, his cousins, his aunties. After maghrib pergi Puchong rumah opah teh (mama's aunty). By the time balik rumah..... penat, terus tertido kat depan. Lepas mandi ingat nak tengok tv, tapi I lena terus kat couch.

3rd day raya still berjalan sana sini, mostly rumah my parents' cousins la. And by 6pm we were at Sg Buloh celebrate Nurin's 5th Birthday.

Semalam keluar beraya lewat sikit. Bawak mama pergi kedai cari barang-barang for adik's wedding coming soon. We saw some things that we like, bought some things too. Then we went to Shah Alam, rumah busu, and my father's old friend. Rumah uncle Zul ni every year wajib pergi. Kitorang pun dah macam his cucu. Apparently time my dad kawin, dia yang buat kenduri di Taiping for my parents. I suka pergi his house, check-out his books, rumah dia banyak interesting books (serious stuff type of books, the type yang I tak beli, but like to read at his house, hehehehe). After that kitorang beraya rumah Amy.

Kat situ dapat tau this 2 cousins of mine (Anny & Amily, eh , jap, diorang bukan actual cousins, they are cousins to my real cousins. Tapi kitorang close sebab time study dulu they like to lepak at my sister's place, and now I suka melepak at their place. Bak kata my taylor : ini sedara takde darah punya!) Anyway, back to these 2 girls (with another 2 cousins of theirs), on 2nd day raya, their car kena hijack dekat jalan gasing! Ada orang purposely langgar their car and then stop them, pull over and keluar bawak parang & besi. Ngeri ja dengar their story. Nasib baik takde apa-apa. Their cousin yang drover the car kena tarik out of the car. Tapi ada kereta pass by, so orang tu cabut lari. So to all of you, please be carefull, tak kisah la lelaki ka, perempuan ka, mesti alert sentiasa, kat rumah or luar rumah. My mom dengar story tu, mula la dia leter pasal I'm living alone by myself. Hmmm....

Hari ni, pegi satu rumah aja. Nak kasi perut rest. Besok nak pergi rumah another friend, then lepak at opah's house jaga opah. Jumaat Anny is getting engaged, so will be busy at her house. Sabtu pun kena jaga opah kejap, sebab kasi chance my aunty nak pergi beraya pulak. Sunday baru I resume my raya.

Pics nanti jap lagi I post!


Monday, October 15, 2007

Hari ni birthday Nurin

Hari ni Nurin is 5 years old! She is so excited this morning, semua orang pepagi dah tepon and wish dia. Me, babah, mama & kakteh pergi beraya rumah sedara mara, by 3pm Nurin tepon babah and asked : atok, pukul berapa nak datang bawak cake ni?

We arrived about 6pm at rumah ayong. Adik bawak cake, pak busu and family pun datang jugak. Atok abas & Wan jah pun ada, excited lagi-lagi la Nurin tu. Attention semua kat dia. She wore her lovely pink dress and her lip gloss. Happy dia bila kitorang nyanyi happy birthday. Nurin blow candle sekali hembus saja. We had fried mee, satay, ketupat palas and kuih. Maghrib kat sini. While I'm writing ni, the boys are upstairs playing ps2, kitorang yang adults kat bawah berborak pasal computer. I kidnap my brother's laptop and updating blog. Nurin ada kat bawah ni, all attention to her by her aunties and uncles, and atoks, seronok la dia.

Soon, lagi 4weeks, insyaAllah Nurin will get adik baru, baby girl, so nanti lepas ni attention akan ubah kat adik dia. Tapi to me, she will always be my darling Nurin.

Happy birthday Nurin! Thanks for being part of your makngah's life. You always make me smile and happy although Nurin selalu cakap makngah gemuk, and sayang aunty emma lebih.

Love, Makngah!


Friday, October 12, 2007

Countdown to raya!

Yes, kita still kat office. Sabar ja la. Takpe, sat lagi 5pm gerak la balik Gombak. Jalan depan office ni dah start jam, penuh bas ekspress making their move to leave KL, penuh dengan manusia-manusia yang ingin pulang ke kampung halaman tercinta untuk menyambut lebaran.

My aunty Da, opah and mama non-stop calling dari pagi. Kejap-kejap aunty Da telefon sebab opah nak pesan beli barang. Barang yang dikirim ada la 3 ja, tapi kuantiti nya kejap-kejap naik. Nasib baik boleh singgah kedai kat danau kota tu ja. Semua ada situ, one stop centre kalau nak apa-apa. My mom dah sampai tadi, now she is in opah's house. Katanya letih drive, I selamba ja jawab : Habis tu, dah tau letih, tak reti-reti nak balik pindah KL? Saja ja mulut laser sebab I tau my dad tengah dengar sekali since mama put on speaker mode. Hehehe. Siap la babah tu, I nak pujuk dia balik KL tinggal sini. Dia takde kerja kat sini dia ada pencen, lebih dari cukup la dia nak hidup dgn mama. Dah janji with aunty Da malam ni lepas buka will make one round sapu and lap semua benda again. Nanti pepagi besok sure opah nak naik atas tengok ruang depan tu okay ka tak for raya. Tadi opah mengeluh sebab tak boleh buat apa-apa. Dia memang tak larat. Nak berdiri pun kit kena pegang. I know dia tak selesa duduk saja, dia tu rajin sangat buat macam-macam. Dah terlantar macam tu, dia bosan la.

My elder brother, ayong, posted his kenangan zaman hari raya time kanak-kanak. I didn't remember that my brother gave me the previlage to sit atas kusyen empok while he was stuck dekat speaker radio in the car for our long journey from Taiping to Gombak for Hari Raya or any of our balik kampung trip. Ada jugak yang dia kasi I menang, walaupun I tau dia memang suka duduk kat belakang tempat speaker radio tu sebab nak dengar radio. Mungkin I was too young to remember. Yang I ingat dia suka sakat and buli kitorang. Semuanya dia yang menang and selalu dapat lebih. Not that I'm complaining, but I wish I was more like Nurin (his daughter) who do most of the bossing around within our siblings, hehehehe. Anyway, semakin kitorang membesar, dia la yang banyak tolong kitorang semua. Ingat lagi, first job dia bagi his adik-adik duit raya. Seronok gila, we were talking about it for one whole week among us the adik-adik.

Okay, now mau print itu report, fax dekat boss, sign apa yang patut, then balik.

Selamat hari raya everyone! Jangan over makan!

Besok Raya

Besok Raya!


Babah just sent me sms saying they have left SP at 830am this morning. Tak tau la pukul berapa diorang tu nak sampai. I am sure the traffic will be heavy. Dah pesan kat diorang to be carefull. I know I will get an update every hour about traffic, where they are stopping, if they see any accident, or if they pass by my colleague in Trolak, or they pass by their soon-to-be daughter and son in-law, when they pass by exit to rumah kak lin. Dah sampai Rawang, every single toll, every single traffic lite, every single simpang, mama will definately sms all of us. Showing her excitement balik kampung. Eh, balik kampung ka? Balik KL bukan balik bandar ka? Apa-apa la! Hehehehe.

Apa nak buat, kampung KL. Arwah atuk (both atuk) bought the piece of land and house there, kebetulan back to back since the 60s. Mom and dad met there, romanticlly behind the house, separated by Sungai Gombak. Hehehehe. My mom was a friend of my dad's sister (mak lang), so every day mama lalu depan rumah nenek (my dad's mom's house), babah mesti usha. Bagus jugak babah cari bini, tak yah pening kepala nak balik raya, jalan kaki 5 minit dah sampai rumah each other. Dulu raya kat KL ni best, jalan lengang, tapi sekarang dah ramai orang, and foreigner pun ramai, still meriah, sebab kat masjid ramai orang, tapi pegi shopping mall penuh bangsa asing. Sabar je lah. Bukan tak boleh, tapi rasa macam kat negara diorang pulak, padahal kat Malaysia. Sebab ramai sangat.

Ok, malam ni I will be at Gombak, help out apa patut. Then besok awal pagi kena pegi, pergi kubur arwah atuk kejap, both at the same place, tanah perkuburan Taman IbuKota which is also 5 minit walk from opah's house (Yes, my kampung is in a Taman Perumahan in KL). And also will visit kubur sedara mara yang lain and my friends and family friends too. Tengok mana yang sempat. I am not going for raya prayers besok as I will help aunty Dah and mama at home. Lepas pray, semua will serbu rumah opah. Cousins sekelian, and uncles and aunties too : korang pakai la baju kaler apa pun, yang penting kita semua happy and ceriakan rumah opah. And take a whole family pics kat tangga rumah opah like we did 3 years back.

Okay la, I have some reports to finish. Petang karang baru sibuk pasal raya. Tak worry sangat as rumah opah aunty Yyot & aunty Da sudah siapkan. They will cook the dishes today, I think sure dah start. Mama is bringing all the kuih & cakes baked at SP.

It will be a nice raya no matter what has happened, that is one thing for sure I know.

Take care everyone!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Besok last day puasa, then raya, Yeay!!!

Semalam letih gila pegi carik barang. Kuar rumah 630am, pegi epot, pegi keramat, pegi jalan tar, pegi midvalley, pegi melawati, pegi gombak. By the time sampai rumah dah 10pm. Letih sangat, mandi and pray, ingat nak tengok tv, tapi terlelap terus depan tv sampai la pagi ni. Tapi lega dapat cari semua barang.

Semalam sempat jugak jengok opah. Dia memang weak sangat sekarang. Baring aja dalam bilik, nak pergi toilet memang kena orang bawak, kena mandikan, kena bersihkan dia lepas buang air. Opah dah pakai pampers, dia tak leh nak makan macam dulu. Dia boleh cakap, boleh sembahyang, tapi dia tak larat. Kalau orang datang visit dia, ceria la muka, sihat terus, hehehehe. Tapi dia dah tak boleh mengemas, buat kerja macam dulu. I know dia rindu nak buat tu semua. I noticed banyak benda dah tukar kat rumah opah to accomodate dia and my aunties yang jaga dia. Katil bilik bawah and atas dah tukar, meja and kerusi pun dah tukar style lain. Kitorang tengah nak cari maid to help my aunties, so at least kalau diorang nak keluar, ada jugak orang tunggu kan. And the maid can do house work, tak la my aunty tu letih sangat. Nanti by next week, after the raya, the aunties will settle among themselves. Now they need to prepare for raya. Opah being the eldest, nanti sure yang ramai akan datang rumah nak visit dia.

My raya preparations? Takde! Hehehehe. This year again tutup rumah. Just untuk mama, and opah house. Tapi tu pun I dah broke dah. Hehehehe. Tahun ni I bagi duit raya siket aja. Sebab nanti lepas raya nak pindah, so berjimat apa patut. Pindah rumah sure banyak nak pakai duit nanti. Knowing me, semuanya nak beli baru. Tengok la macam mana. Itu cerita lepas raya. Tapi Nurin & Hariz jangan la risau, nanti cukup bulan dapat gaji, dapat la duit raya extra. Hehehe. Anak2 sedara lain, jgn komplen ok?

Next week off to Singapore for 2 days, yeay! Jangan jalan jam sudah, itu kita tak sanggup. Kalau ada tiket bas, naik bas ja la kut. Tak plan lagi, ikut mood next week. Mama akan sampai besok, with all the barang2 for raya. Everytime my mom datang KL, raya ka hari biasa ka, dia mesti bawak macam2. So kalau dia cakap dia nak naik bus datang KL, I risau kalau dia bawak barang macam-macam. And I mewarisi perangai dia tu. Kalau pergi jalan, macam-macam bawak. I takde definisi travel light! Nanti kalau takde barang I nak, mana nak carik? I cannot decide what to bring and what not to bring. That is why I suka pack last minit, masuk apa yang ada saja. Pack awal-awal nanti semua nak masuk. I will bring baju yang konon nya I think I will need it, but at the end, will wear the same t-shirt! Hehehehe. My family & friends selalu perli : Pegi 2-3 hari bawak barang macam sebulan! Tapi kalau I bawak siket barang pun, balik mesti penuh bag tu, and silap-silap ada bag extra bawak balik. Lagi-lagi kalau bawak tempat shopping, mesti berabis punya, hehehehe. Tapi yang selalu perli tu la, nanti at the end bila benda takde, mesti dalam bag I tu la yang diorang carik, sebab they know I will bring all the things. And my bag besar or bag-bag kecik I yang banyak tu yang selalu jadi mangsa orang nak pinjam. Raya ni ada la 7 bag aku jadi mangsa. Nak bawak kuih raya pun I kasi pinjam bag, nanti letak dalam kotak hancur pulak! Btw, adik dear : if you read this, bila nak pulangkan my bag? So long overdue. I thot pinjam pegi Jepun aja? Now bag tu nampak gaya asyik pegi Singapore ja ulang alik? Oh, yes, talking about bags, Minah : the blue recycle bag you gave me is so very convenient! Telah mengangkat banyak barang for me. Now the bag is in Kota Kinabalu, lepas raya bag tu balik. So to those yang pinjam bag balik kampung, lepas raya make sure hantar balik ye. Kalau tak I charge interest, hehehe.

I kerja lagi besok, then off one whole week until 23rd October. But I will blog kalau ada access.

Now my raya wish :


To my family members : Thanks for all the support and being understanding. Yang due duit raya, kalau tak cukup, tunggu cukup bulan, nanti kita tambah. I'm excited for the additional family members to come. Please alert them that Makngah Aida can be crazy from time to time.

To friends yang dah banyak2 hantar kad raya, sms, blog wishes, email wishes : Selamat Hari Raya too. Nanti my own domain dah on, I will inform everyone. Jalan leklok, raya leklok, jangan lupa balik sini balik, do your open house for me to come and makan.

To my 3 very close friends who I had hurt them a lot this year again and again and again : Minta maaf setulus hati. I always take you guys seriously. Yes, I have change, but deep down inside you know the Aida you once knew her very well is still there. As always, I'll come back. If I have not shown how serious I take your thoughts, cherish your friendship, and show my appreciation, I am very sorry. Selamat Hari Raya, enjoy the kueh ok?

To the person yang I rindu seribu juta : Jaga diri elok-elok. Ramadhan and Raya always bring us back together and stronger. (ps : Nurin dear, makngah pinjam Nurin nyer trademark kejap ye. Cakap kat ayah jangan nak charge royalty pulak)

Take care everyone!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

System down!

Banyak benda la nak buat hari ni, hari ni la system down. Hampeh la. Dah la tu, dapat tau malam ni banyak nyer benda nak kena buat. Aiyak. Actually satu ja addition, tapi kena patah balik journey tu yang eden lomah tu. Takpe la, setahun sekali punya pasal.

Besok I have one day to do everything. So kalau tak sempat, nampak gaya ada tak beraya ni. Hehehe. Mama ni memacam pulak dia nak. I don't want to do it on Friday, nanti sure jam. Besok nak naik LRT saja! Hantar kereta service, then petang baru collect. Keta needs to be service, dah more 10k km dah, tak leh jadi. Nanti nak drive down to Singapore lagi. But then I have to go to airport early in the morning, might as well I drive straight to the shops. Tengok la nanti macam mana. Planning macam-macam, tapi kena jugak tengok mood besok macam mana, kalau takde mood, jawabnya kena ready nak kena leter dengan mama sebab tak pegi beli barang-barang dia. I have bought half of her list, but there are more to get. Nasib baik dia tinggal jauh, kalau dia tinggal sini, hmmm.... tiap-tiap weekend la my sister kena jadi driver dia.

Okay la, nak sambung kerja balik. Mesti siapkan jugak sebab today plan nak leave office at 5pm sharp!
Last nite tak leh tido. Orang buat kerja malam-malam, letak tar kat jalan luar my house. I think until 2am they were still working, bising bunyi tractor, lori kuar masuk. Sabar ja la. Dah la malam tadi kena hujan. So pagi ini ada cranky sket. Masuk office awal ni bagus, sementara tepon belum bunyi, I can concerntrate buat kerja. Orang pun tak kacau. Tapi sure kejap lagi ramai yang question apesal aku sampai awal hari ni. Lately masuk office memang after 930am. Tak leh mandi pagi, sejuk, tak tahan (alasan ja.... actually malas nak sangkut dalam jam!)

Lately ramai orang cakap I have change. Yes, admit that, banyak benda change, turning me into a worst person. Antara yang I notice, I lagi clumsy lately. Forgetfull too. Last Sunday boleh tinggal purse kat rumah ayong, misplaced my stoplock key, forget where I kept my RM50 note. Mind tak focus, tu la pasal. This morning spent 40 minutes to find my things, lupa I simpan mana. Hmmm..

I will change back to that good person I used to be, but will take time. I pun missed the old Aida.

Ok, nak start kerja. Nak siapkan sebanyak mungkin, besok I cuti one day. Yeay!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Lupa nak cakap, I'll be moving this blog to my own domain soon. Nanti nak habis berguru dengan guru besar dulu, baru bukak itu domain tu public. Biasalah, kita buta IT kan? Nak buat fotopages pun lembab nak mampus. Baru ja pandai last weekend. Tapi baru 2 gambar aja. Hehehehe.

Nanti dah siap register and set up, I will update everyone.
Lagi 4 hari nak raya! Yeay!

This year raya tak look forward sangat. Tapi I know it will be a good time to meet with other family members and friends. Planning nak buat banyak benda the whole one week cuti tu, tapi tengok la mana yang sempat, and tengok budget jugak.

Hari Sabtu sempat buka puasa with my siblings, and as expected, kitorang ended tido rumah ayong. Nurin is so good at memujuk. Actually memang dah plan pun, tapi saja ja buat-buat nak balik, and nak tengok dia nak guna taktik apa pulak nak suruh kitorang tido her house. This time Nurin asyik cakap : Nurin sayang makngah 101! Maksudnya dia sayang makngah dia ni banyak-banyak la. And it went up to 109 after buka puasa, just to convince us to overnight with her. Makteh kena pujuk tido sana 3 hari. Uncle adik dia kena layan main bunga api. Hmm.. she always get what she wants. Harap-harap bila ada adik nanti dia tak perasan dia paling best la sebab attention sure pindah to her adik nanti. Food was good, despite ikan terubuk tak dapat beli sebab tukang jual cakap hari ni ikan terubuk takde, frust jugak. Adik yang dari Singapore pun sempat joined us jugak. We had fun looking at old photos of the kids and us. Kaklin keluarkan album lama, aiseyman, my gambar lama much better, kurus siket from now, hehehehe.

Okay, nak sambung buat kerja. Hari ni balik lewat nak finish up things. Rabu saya off, nak settlekan last minute barang2 to get for mom.

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Baru kuar meeting kat opis ni. Boss suggested kitorang move!

Move? Dia crazy ka apa? Banyak belanja la. Baru ja 2-3 bulan ni aku kerja bagus bawak duit masuk make sure semua benda kena bayar boleh bayar, aku make sure hutang-hutang lama semua aku collect, dia nak belanja sakan pindah office? Bukan dia masuk office hari-hari pun! Aiyak!!!!

Tau la tempat ni bising, tempat ni tak lah class sangat macam certain travel agent lain, tapi to me praktikal is much more better. And we are in ground floor! Itu sudah banyak fengsui bagus, banyak walk-in. Walk-in sales ni la yang banyak help cycle my cashflow.

Nak pindah pun bangunan depan office tu ja. Tapi tingkat berapa entah. Ye la, turun parking senang, office baru, space besar sket. Tapi berbaloi ka? Our new projects tak memerlukan space besar. We can have current staff, pay them extra because they can do the job, ambil sorang junior assistant, ada banyak space nak letak meja even if we take 4 more new staff. Can take my table downstairs and I'll be glad to move to 2nd floor. That accounts room is damn big, tapi sorang ja dalam tu.

Ni my sales people la pepandai bukak mulut. Chet!!!! But chairman is seriously considering it. Hmmm... I can't say much, company dia, bukan company aku or company bapak aku.

Hmmm.... :(

Anak Yatim

Every year during Ramadhan, my alumni, ANSERI, mesti ada aktiviti bersama anak yatim. Alhamdulillah, promosi yang berterusan, rumah anak yatim di Jalan Kebun, Kelang, (Institut Taufik Islamiah). First time I went to that place, tengok tempat tu daif sungguh. Tapi after 3 years, wow, banyak sungguh improvement. The surau dah dibina elok, ada dinding, newly painted, ada tikar getah, and kipas. The asrama dah dibuat batu, takde papan macam dulu. Tempat the kids belajar pun dah dibetulkan, and cat baru. Alhamdullillah. Lepas ni kena carik tempat lain yang daif-daif siket.

This year kitorang tak buat derma untuk tempat ni lagi, but I know they are individuals yang berterusan menderma to the orphanage. Walaupun tak banyak, sedikit pun, itu memang diperlukan. This year, my alumni buat derma untuk beli beras and distribute to fakir miskin di Kuala Perlis. Why Perlis? Sekolah kat Beseri, Perlis, so cari tempat2 kat sana la. So far, collection tak banyak sangat, sebab program dilancarkan quite late. But duit yang dah ada boleh beli 170 kampit beras (50kg), meaning, can help 170 family. Kalau dapat cecah 200 bagus la. One of our aim is lepasan MRSM Beseri ni buat program give back to society. In 2005, we had Tabung Masjid Beseri. Kumpul derma to improve the Masjid depan maktab. And it was a success.

This year masih sempat berbuka dengan anak yatim di Puchong. It was organised by a Mares member. He managed to get his friends from 4-wheel-drive group, about 20 of them to bring the kids for an experience off-road somewhere between border Kelang & Puchong. The off-road journey memang best. I cuak jugak la duduk dalam jalopy(sama maksud = kereta) tu. Some of the drivers saja je pegi test turun naik gaung tunjuk skill. Bebudak tu lah yang paling seronok. Then ada pulak few times jalopy stuck dalam lumpur, atas bukit, apa lagi, semua skill kasi tunjuk la macam mana nak lepas. Bawak 4wd ni tak susah, kena tau cara. And kena ikut guide, sebab kita duduk dalam jalopy tak leh nampak gaung or batu kat luar tu macam mana. I had fun. Tapi bab paling best, on the way back, ralit sangat kat off-road (we started after asar around 5pm), baru nak sedar hampir waktu berbuka. So, yang mana dah habis di arahkan balik dulu for berbuka. Half-way konvoi berpecah. 3 cars drive terus ja sampai hi-way kesas, tak tau ada simpang ke kanan back to the orphanage house. Nasib baik ada radio boleh communicate. We decided to proceed ikut hi-way, tapi stop kejap dekat petrol kiosk singgah 7-eleven. We told the kids, about 6 of them, you can take whatever you want, we'll pay for it. Bebudak tu terus, betul ka ni pakcik? nak air boleh, nak jajan boleh? kitorang nak megi! I was, WHAT? MEGI KORANG NAK? kat asrama tu ada kambing golek, megi yang korang nak of all things? Hmmm.... bantai la, ikut tekak korang. So all of them took megi cup, terus letak airpanas and ate licin dalam kereta on the way back!. They also asked for ribena, each take bread, chocalates, snacks like twisties, cheezel etc, took soft drinks and lots of sweets! While paying they noticed the TV at the cashier, and saw the advertisement people drinking slurpee. And they started asking sedap ka air kaler-kaler tu? We, the 3 adults yang tengak sibuk check dalam poket ni ada duit ka tak (baru nak sedar time nak bayar) gelak besar dengar soalan tu, sebab we knew the kids would love to have the air kaler-kaler. So we said okay. Kopak bayar, tapi worth it. The happiness shown in the kids face is something I feel great about.

I always forgot to bersyukur for the great life I had. Sometimes at this age, I do complaint, but tak sedar ramai lagi yang unfortunate. I hope I takkan lupa memberi others from time to time selagi I mampu.

Friday, October 05, 2007

buka puasa

This year buka puasa sunyi gila. I think buka puasa kat luar tak lebih 5 hari. To those who knows me well, my Ramadhan usually means banyak buka kat luar.

So far tempat paling sedap buka puasa................ hmm.. home. Why? At your own comfort.

Buka kat luar ni leceh la. Too many food, and expensive too. Too many people to meet up & chat, nak pray kena que. And by the time you arrive home, you feel so tired.

Besok will buka puasa with my siblings kat Sungai Buloh. Every year we will make an attempt to buka puasa together. Makin lama makin meriah as ahli keluarga bertambah. This year buka puasa again at rumah ayong. Kaklin is pregnant and almost due, so it is best if we just tapau food at baazar Ramadhan near their house and buka di rumah aja. I hope I can manage balik rumah after buka. Knowing Nurin, she will keep on asking "Makngah tido rumah kita ka malam ni?" until she gets the answer yes. Will see how tomorrow.

Oh lupa, ada sekali tu last week during buka with colleagues kat Millenium hotel, kitorang duduk next tv. Then around 7.05pm iklan berbuka with azan was aired. We thought that dah masuk waktu buka. Selamba ja 4 of us minum and start eating. Until our other colleagues datang from the buffet table and ask kenapa kitorang buka cepat ni? Tengok jam baru realised. Hehehehe. Tak leh buat apa. We stop eating, and waited patiently the next 3 minutes and break our fast with the rest.

kueh raya

Mama as usual buat kuih raya for selling this year.

Tapi this time I tak sure la dia nak beli apa pulak with the money she makes. Past 3 years dia beli sofa, dia beli meja, dia beli almari, this year I tak leh nak fikir apa dia nak beli as I think rumah kat SP tu dah terlebih barang. I mean you only need the basic staff, that is enough for me, tapi knowing my mom, ada ja la lagi benda dia nak beli & letak kat rumah tu. I order banyak jugak from her. Ramai jugak orang beli, and yang regular dapat pun ada jugak.

For first timer yang try biskut tu most of them telefon balik and ask me still boleh order ka tak? I said ok, tapi dapat after cuti raya la sebab I dah malas nak buat round deliver kueh raya lagi. Tak larat la. Tinggal kengkawan kat Bukit ja yang I tak deliver lagi. That I will do before this coming Monday.

Nama kuih tu actually Venice Singer. Don't ask me why. Tapi ramai orang bila nak order akan cakap kuih semprit chocolate chip or kuih kuning chocolate rice. To me tak kisah la apa korang nak sebut, janji dah beli, sila bayar eh. Hehehehe. Recipe my mom dapat dari Chef Wan dah lama dah, since I was very young. I tak ingat which year, tapi seingat I, that kuih dulu masa kecik2, lepas mama buat, memang kena sorok kan. If not tak sempat raya, kuih tu dah habis. Either me or my siblings will manage to find it. Dulu memang ada at least 6 jenis kuih mama akan buat. Our favourite will be venice singer, coco crunch with cornflakes, that coffee rangup cookies shaped like a flower yang I dah tak ingat apa nama, of course biskut cornflakes, and the yellow cookies in cupcakes with chery on top. Tapi past 5 years my mom stop, dia tak larat dah nak buat. I used to bake coco crunch cookkies, tapi now dah malas jugak. Leceh la. Tapi janji kueh venice singer ni ada, cukup la.

I hope next year mom will stop baking kueh raya, tapi kalau dia larat jugak, hmmm.... can't stop her.

Okay, hari ni banyak gila kerja. Take care everyone!