Friday, April 27, 2007

Nak balik dah! Bag dah pack, kerja dah siap!

Happy holidays everyone, take care!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Kat office lagi. Banyak pulak kerja nak kena settle by today. But am leaving soon, tunggu HP siapkan her work, then baru balik. Kesian plak dia tinggal sorang. Lagipun malam ni no date, so okay la. Lepas ni nak balik straight home, letih la. Mata half awake! But nak tengok OC dulu baru sleep.

BSP this week dah settle, next week monday pun clear. Gaji dah set aside, other monthly bills dah set aside. Tinggal bsp 30th apr & 7th may aja. Tadi dapat letter dari Iata, need to increase our bank guarantee. Doink la diorang tu! Dah la tekan kitorang, tak leh lewat sket, terus shut down system. Now nak increase BG pulak. Tak cukup ka RM 1 million tu. If only I can take out that cash and roll my capital. Ni lagi mau tambah RM85k. Kena bayar by 20th May. Die!!! I'll worry about it after I come back from Russia la.

Last night pegi KLCC jumpa Iza. Doink betul Aida, purse left at home. We had dinner at Uncle Chilis. Semalam tengok ja boot & baju sebab tak bawak duit. Next week before pergi nak kena beli itu boot. Cari yang simple & murah. Russia sejuk la. 3'-5' day time. Night time???? Iza beli kasut last night. Dah kena stop pakai heels 3 inci during pregnancy. After KLCC pegi KLS. Bf kemaruk hotcakes McD. Lepas gym makan hotcakes, baik tak yah pegi gym. I had icecream only.

Pagi ni my boss bagi I macam-macam ubat. Dia belikan vitamin C, Lecithin, neem guard I dah habis pun dia bawak baru punya, epo pun dia bagi jugak. My boss ni rajin beli vitamins untuk staff. Pastu dia claim kat office. Hehehehe. She is off to London tomorrow, but Lina is around, so okay la. Tak yah manage office sorang-sorang.

Opah besok baru nak balik SP. Ingat last week, tak jadi. I macam nak ikut, but banyak pulak nak kena settle before pergi ni, so lepas Russia la baru balik Sp. Tapi next month ma&ba takde pulak. They are going to bangkok, then surabaya again. Asyik jalan aja. Tengok la nanti macam mana.

Aisey, HP dah buzz nak balik. Besok la sambung. Tak pun next week, bila rajin! Hehehehe

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Last night I met Dimas. Dia cuti 3 weeks balik dari Bangkok, so we had makan-makan session or rather sesi "bemesra bersama Dimas" bak kata Toy kat Desa Pandan. Dimas dah kurus, jeles!!! He looks much better since I saw him kat Bangkok last January.

I had my BP checked last night & this morning. Good news! 124/80. Macam tak percaya ja, but that is my current status. Okay la tu, sebab check with 2 different clinics. Ubat still kena makan untill I balik dari Russia, kalau betul-betul stabil, then baru stop. My mata belah kanan still red! Dr kata because of the high BP. So now kena pakai ubat mata. Seksanya nak buat tu. I memang fobia anything nak letak kat mata. Semalam fahroe tolong, kat office tadi pagi Mrs Sam tolong letak ubat mata, malam ni kena mintak tolong Iza as I will be having dinner with her later tonight at KLCC. (sure ada yang chop aku mengada ni, dah tua pun ubat mata penakut nak pakai..... dah boleh bayang muka bapakaina mengata! lantak la korang nak kata apa! hehehehe)

I bought my new digital camera last Sunday kat PC Fair kat KLCC. Fahroe did the bargain, I bayar. Ni nak pergi Russia punya pasal la ni. So lepas ni kena belajar letak gambar kat blog. Aida memang doink bab hi-tech and gadgets! I sempat jumpa Ayong, Hariz, Nurin kat KLCC. Kesian ayah kena dera with the kids. Hariz dari tak nak ikut ayah changed his mind bila dapat tahu boleh jumpa Makngah kat KLCC. I am very happy to hear the news Ayong's wife aka Ibuhariz aka my sis in law is pregnant again. Biar Nurin tu jadi kakak. But I'm sure dia akan buli both adik & abang. Nurin tu very dominant and bossy! Always get her way. (Kenapa la I tak macam tu???!!!) I hope this time punya pregnancy will be okay for kaklin. Jaga leklok this time. I also met panglima kat pc fair. Tak tau la apa gadget dia beli that day, jumpa kejap aja. Lepas KLCC pegi putrajaya, my cousin's house. Jumpa ramai sedara mara yang dah lama tak bersua muka. Nenek pun datang walaupun berkerusi roda.

Okay, nak chow, Iza nanti mengata kalau I lambat, dia tengah pregnant, so layan ja la apa dia nak malam ni! Take care everyone!

ps : lagi 9 hari nak pegi Russia!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

12th April declared a JLH day for Aida Doink!

For the past 3 years, 12th April mesti rasa JLH. Tak tau kenapa. Pagi ni bangun smiling lega. Last nite I had a quiet birthday with Fahroe. This year is his say, no surprise, no posh celebration, no big thing. Just the 2 of us. Birthday dia kan, I mengalah, birthday I..... siap la dia. Hehehehehe. I was quiet to the extend lupa wish! Hadiah still half wrapped, kad still half siap! Hampeh betul. Nanti lah kita bagi. Many people reminded me : please don't fight, please don't buat perangai, please don't cry!

I did not fight or pick a fight, I did not buat perangai, but I did cry. (Sorry Iza, can't help being a crybaby last night). But don't worry, it was a good cry. More on a lega/relieved cry. From now onwards I want happy moments only in my life. Whatever happened in past years of my life and the recent events, I take it as a hurtful but thoughtful experience so that I will not make the same mistake again. (But knowing me, I will la.... but with more preparation on how to handle it.) Although I crybaby, tapi kalau I strong & determined with what I want, what I do, I will be fine.

At this moment I am looking forward for my Russia vacation. Yes, 9 days out of country, 9 days without boyfriend (the thought of it makes me feel doink dah), but 9 days without office matters, 9 days in that chill Moscow & St Petersburg (must get Russian Vodka there), 9 days without feeling morello. I've got my new passport, my new bag, my medicine, my travel insurance, my ticket, my visa. Still nak kena cari kamera, boots, and baju sejuk. I've packed toileteries (that's new, I had always pack last minute!).

The next 2 weeks I need to concerntrate on work, collect as much I can, clear apa patut yang pending. At least rasa lega nak pergi cuti and my assistant boleh handle apa yang patut. Opah going to SP tomorrow with Uncle Wahid & Aunty Yot. Opah tak tengok lagi rumah baru kitorang. I hope she will be fine throught out the journey. I know mama is excited opah is coming. Habis riuh la rumah tu with Opah, my mom & Aunty Yot. Dah boleh bayang & terngiang-ngiang kekecohan nya.

Mood kat office hari ni pun semua orang happy. Boss datang bawak chocs for everyone. Banyak brainstorming, tapi tak strees. Full of laughter. Besok dah Friday, everyone looking forward for the weekend. I have to work this Saturday, tapi half day ja. Then nak pegi pamper myself with massage. Last Saturday sempat buat facial, so terasa macam nak pegi massage pulak, sape nak ikut, buzz my hp then. Tapi bayar sendiri la!

Ok, nak balik. Besok another day to look forward too. Fahroe asked me this morning how I can remember many happy things through out the past years. I replied to him that if you are sincere, you will be happy, and you will remember. Even it will be vague after sometime, but when you thought about it, then you will be happy. Not just in a relationship, but with your friends, with your family too. I have good friends around me, bad friends too, bad people that hate me, good people that hate me, a solid family behind me, who have seen me through out my life from worst to good, from sad to happy. They've seen me in my worst condition, they will agree in some aspect I'm still taking the wrong action. But I have survived so far and I will have a good life. So, to anyone of you who feels life sucks at the moment, not to worry, Aida had her doink days too!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Today is a better day. Office is more calm today, everybody felt better, happier. I, myself is a bit more relax today. Gave out extra Matta allowance to all staff today sebab we made extra this year. Boss happy sangat, so reward staff la. Dapat added annual leave lagi. Mana tak semua orang happy kat office ni.

I had a good sleep last night, which is good. Felt better this morning, smiling when I woke up, donno why. I left home early for work. Had healthy home cooked meal for lunch. Nak balik awal hari ni.

Besok boyfriend's birthday. So, to those who know him please wish him besok, 11th April 2007. He will be 32 tomorrow. Ikut suka korang la nak email ka, nak wish kat blog ka, nak tepon ka, nak ym ka. He doesn't like to be reminded how old he is, and don't like if people make a big deal for his birthday (the very opposite of me, birthday = big thing!), tapi nasib dia la I nak buat announcement ni. Hehehehehehe. I have no plans for him tomorrow, no surprise like last year. Tapi tengok la besok, if I change my plan, hehehe, tengok mood esok macam mana. ;)

Hari ni birthday MakUsu & Nadia. So sedara mara yang baca ni, please wish them!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Bad Day

Today is going to be very long for me. I masuk office lambat again. BP tinggi sikit this morning bila pegi check tadi. Malam tadi cannot sleep. Ngantuk lagi now, selamba-selamba masuk office lewat.

Hari ni bad mood giler. As at last night, I had add one more person to my "people I hate most" list! Kejap lagi I have to call 2 staff and ask them to leave. Not an easy task, but I have no choice. Sekarang sape cari pasal or tak perform up to expectation, memang kena hampeh dengan I.

F1 was okay, Alonso menang as expected. Tapi panas gila kat Sepang!

Moody lagi now. Okay, nak pergi fire orang!

Friday, April 06, 2007


I thought I will be fine this week, but still wake-up in the morning with headache. Hari-hari masuk keja lambat, buat selamba aja. Except yesterday pagi as we had staff meeting, this week, between 10am to 11am baru la muka aku masuk office. Boss at the moment okay, tak bising-bising sangat. Penting kerja jalan. BP tak check lagi this week, I tau sure tengah high. Minggu depan dah reda sket baru pegi check la.

I did not manage to do most of the things I wanted to do last weekend. Meaning, as at now, my car is still dirty! Tak cuci-cuci. Asyik hujan aja. Tapi this weekend kena cuci la, sebab this morning dah nampak kotor pulak. Cuma sempat tengok movie stomp the yard on saturday night and pegi ikea on sunday evening. Nak cari tilam. Tilam yang I nak cost RM800!!!! For tilam????? Hmm.... tapi mmg best la. Nasib baik tak bayar terus hari tu, I've decided to give it a thought first before invest so much for tilam. Sebab nak beli washing machine baru lagi. Tak larat la hantar laundry!

Office is okay. Workload macam biasa. But next 2 weeks kena kerja keras sket update collections. Am going away end of this month. Nak pergi Russia. I'm going to Moscow & St Petersburgh on 28th April, and will be back in KL on 5th May. That means I'm not going to Anseri AGM. Which is good, because they will not able to re-elect me to join the committee. Hehehehe. President bengang aja, siap nak guna kuasa veto nak tukar clause. hahaha. Tapi I dah check with secretary, it cannot be done. Finally I got an excuse kenapa tak payah hadir. You have to attend AGM to be appointed. I tak kisah sangat in the committee ka tak. Tapi akan kisah kalau kena jadi secretary to president & our honorary secretary. These 2 men ni kekadang terlebih mengada mendera I buat keja. Not that they cannot speak to each other directly. Entah apa-apa punya perangai.

Russia group ni at the moment ada 11 pax nak pergi. 9 chinese & 2 malays. We don't need to send a tour leader for a small group like that as we have our own tourguide in Russia. That has always been for Russia. Expensive la nak hantar tour leader. The total package cost RM7000 per person inclusive everything. It is a full board package. Tapi my boss is sending me f.o.c. as my holiday/her appreciation/whateverla you want to call it. My md told me on Tuesday. First thing I asked her, "Sape nak buat bsp 2 minggu?". It is a tough job. Next monday ja RM700k nak kena bayar, I baru ada separuh. Hmm.....

I did tell her to give me 2 days before saying yes or no. Ye lah, nak kena tengok my work plan, my budget, my exposure of lingkupkan company sbb tak leh bayar bsp, nak kena alert semua debtors & associates make sure payment masuk on time!, dah la pegi end of the month, duit gaji semua staff kena make sure ada. So far, alhamdulillah sebab I dapat bayar gaji staff on time, pay all bills, epf, socso and lepaskan bsp at any cost. Kalau kena gaduh ngan associates sampai ada yang hate me, tampar me, hmm... I tak kisah. Tampar ja la balik, then make sure duit masuk.
But I did told myself, pergi ja la, leave the office for a while and see how they manage. Let them feel my pressure for a while, hehehehe. Problem solver kat office is really going away for a long time and not reachable! Hehehehe. I agreed to myself that same night while waiting for Fahroe jumpa doktor. Poor baby demam & sakit perut. Pastu makan maggie, and being himself, being arrogant! But now he is okay. (Keirul : keta jb is black kaler la, keta orang gila kuasa kan? Plastik seat tak bukak seminggu tu! Perangai keji tahap doink!).

Love life? Hahaha, asyik gaduh aja. Many people said leave him. I did. 3 times in the last 6 weeks. Last fight on Saturday night. But we patched up quickly. Tu yang tak leh tahan tu. Drama hindustan pun tak doink macam kitorang. Hari-hari gaduh, tapi lepas tu hari-hari jumpa gak. Takpelah, biar ja dulu. The russia trip will do me good. Clear mind to think. But at the moment, just enjoy bullying him. Asyik dia ja buli I, mana aci! But adik, my younger brother did give me a wise advice when I was talking to him last Wednesday. Biar la adik, nanti-nanti kakngah tau la apa nak buat. My problem is not the end of the world, ramai lagi yang ada lagi worst hal.

Okay la, I nak stop. Having discussion with ticketing department. Sure big problem tu sebab all 3 insist nak jumpa immediately. Going to F1 this sunday. Yes, the hot F1. I will be at gate c2. Semua tempat kat F1 tu I dah rasa. Dari semurah-murah, sampai semahal-mahal tempat duduk. Ingat lagi dulu pergi dengan Minah&Omar with baby dalam perut, friends from Singapore, with Eddy, John, Andrew, with Sarah & Fathil. Actually start pergi dengan Sarah & Fathil la pergi tengok F1 ni. Best place to watch, semestinya depan tv kat rumah! Hehehehe. This year, layan ja la Fahroe yang baru 2nd time nak pergi F1. When I went with him first time in 2005, I terperanjat dia tak pernah pegi F1. Ada jugak some things that I'm better off than him. Boleh berlagak kejap!