Saturday, October 06, 2007

Anak Yatim

Every year during Ramadhan, my alumni, ANSERI, mesti ada aktiviti bersama anak yatim. Alhamdulillah, promosi yang berterusan, rumah anak yatim di Jalan Kebun, Kelang, (Institut Taufik Islamiah). First time I went to that place, tengok tempat tu daif sungguh. Tapi after 3 years, wow, banyak sungguh improvement. The surau dah dibina elok, ada dinding, newly painted, ada tikar getah, and kipas. The asrama dah dibuat batu, takde papan macam dulu. Tempat the kids belajar pun dah dibetulkan, and cat baru. Alhamdullillah. Lepas ni kena carik tempat lain yang daif-daif siket.

This year kitorang tak buat derma untuk tempat ni lagi, but I know they are individuals yang berterusan menderma to the orphanage. Walaupun tak banyak, sedikit pun, itu memang diperlukan. This year, my alumni buat derma untuk beli beras and distribute to fakir miskin di Kuala Perlis. Why Perlis? Sekolah kat Beseri, Perlis, so cari tempat2 kat sana la. So far, collection tak banyak sangat, sebab program dilancarkan quite late. But duit yang dah ada boleh beli 170 kampit beras (50kg), meaning, can help 170 family. Kalau dapat cecah 200 bagus la. One of our aim is lepasan MRSM Beseri ni buat program give back to society. In 2005, we had Tabung Masjid Beseri. Kumpul derma to improve the Masjid depan maktab. And it was a success.

This year masih sempat berbuka dengan anak yatim di Puchong. It was organised by a Mares member. He managed to get his friends from 4-wheel-drive group, about 20 of them to bring the kids for an experience off-road somewhere between border Kelang & Puchong. The off-road journey memang best. I cuak jugak la duduk dalam jalopy(sama maksud = kereta) tu. Some of the drivers saja je pegi test turun naik gaung tunjuk skill. Bebudak tu lah yang paling seronok. Then ada pulak few times jalopy stuck dalam lumpur, atas bukit, apa lagi, semua skill kasi tunjuk la macam mana nak lepas. Bawak 4wd ni tak susah, kena tau cara. And kena ikut guide, sebab kita duduk dalam jalopy tak leh nampak gaung or batu kat luar tu macam mana. I had fun. Tapi bab paling best, on the way back, ralit sangat kat off-road (we started after asar around 5pm), baru nak sedar hampir waktu berbuka. So, yang mana dah habis di arahkan balik dulu for berbuka. Half-way konvoi berpecah. 3 cars drive terus ja sampai hi-way kesas, tak tau ada simpang ke kanan back to the orphanage house. Nasib baik ada radio boleh communicate. We decided to proceed ikut hi-way, tapi stop kejap dekat petrol kiosk singgah 7-eleven. We told the kids, about 6 of them, you can take whatever you want, we'll pay for it. Bebudak tu terus, betul ka ni pakcik? nak air boleh, nak jajan boleh? kitorang nak megi! I was, WHAT? MEGI KORANG NAK? kat asrama tu ada kambing golek, megi yang korang nak of all things? Hmmm.... bantai la, ikut tekak korang. So all of them took megi cup, terus letak airpanas and ate licin dalam kereta on the way back!. They also asked for ribena, each take bread, chocalates, snacks like twisties, cheezel etc, took soft drinks and lots of sweets! While paying they noticed the TV at the cashier, and saw the advertisement people drinking slurpee. And they started asking sedap ka air kaler-kaler tu? We, the 3 adults yang tengak sibuk check dalam poket ni ada duit ka tak (baru nak sedar time nak bayar) gelak besar dengar soalan tu, sebab we knew the kids would love to have the air kaler-kaler. So we said okay. Kopak bayar, tapi worth it. The happiness shown in the kids face is something I feel great about.

I always forgot to bersyukur for the great life I had. Sometimes at this age, I do complaint, but tak sedar ramai lagi yang unfortunate. I hope I takkan lupa memberi others from time to time selagi I mampu.


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