Sunday, December 17, 2006

I am sure everyone have been cheated before. I do. Many-many-many-many times!

It feels hurt very bad when it happen. You are cheated by your friends, by your very good friends, your husband, your wives, your fiance, your boyfriend, girlfriend, your children, your colleagues, you boss, your own siblings, your relative, the mamak jual roti canai, your taylor, your very trusted one, well....... cheated from everybody.

I have cheated others before, many times too... hehehehe (eh, to be fair la kan, I'm not going to comment on others while myself is doing the same!!! ) I admit I have hurt some people when I cheat them. Well what goes around, comes around.

But how do you deal with it? Some people will never forgive, some buat bodoh, some forgive & forget! How can that be? Forgive & forget? Hmm.... I do that, many times. Although I kena tipu kaw-kaw punya by the people I trusted most. I guess my forgiving behaviour, my tolerance, my patience have supercede the hate & hurt feelings. My friends, my dad always think that I should hate & not forgive people from time to time. I will ended being the target that people will take advantage on me. I do that always. Not that I don't have determination in my life, not that I don't have pendirian of my own, but if someone do not mengalah, then who will? Yes, life is hard, this world is full of bad people, but I will always be myself.

Don't get me wrong. I do have people I hate so much list! Until now, some of them are still asking for forgiveness for what they had cheated me. Ask my adik, azril. He kena kaw-kaw from me for lying. It took me months to forgive for what he did.

So, if you feel you have been cheated lately, always think of me, try to find some forgiveness in your heart, and forgive them. It is hard, but it is a winning for you if you can get others to feel guilty about it. They will get their pay afterlife later.

And if you have cheated your loved ones lately, take this end of year mood to ask for forgiveness. They will hate you, probably throw you out of their life. But if you are sincere, they will understand..... but they will not forget....

And if I have hurt anyone who reads my blog in any way, if you guys think I have cheated you, let me know.

We have about 2 weeks to another new year. I had a great year, full of laughter, full of sadness, full of forgiveness & hates, full of stress and full of JLH. And I am looking forward for another good year. I will be 32 years old then. Not so old, not so young, and still not late to get my prince charming to marry me. Yes... hehe, same azam, same year. But guess what, I have found him, just waiting the right time to convince him that the right time is already here. It will be a hard task to convince, but I will work my sweet charming aida to him. .... I leave that issue to god now, if it doesn't work, I'll be fine..... cari another prince la, hehehehe (eh, tarik balik, i don't one another anak raja la.... only want this one!!!!.... to those who knew about the anak raja dream, you will be smiling reading this then!)

Take care everyone. If I don't write further, see you next year.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


ok, ok, everyone knows I memang baby crave for the past...... hmm.... cannot remember la. Dah lama nak baby sendiri. Tapi belum kahwin, so how???

These few days asyik tengok anak my friends, baby my client, pagi ni one of my close girlfriends cakap dia maybe pregnant, aku yang excited terlebih.

Last Friday my client bawak her cucu to office, baru 8 months, so chubby! Saturday night jumpa Najmie, anak my friend nash, so cute!!!! Sunday jumpa my darlings Hariz & Nurin, hmm.... tu jangan cakap la betapa best nya spending time with them. Last night pergi rumah Mawaddah tengok baby dia baru lahir 2 bulan lepas. Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!

Bila la nak dapat baby sendiri ni??????

Bila la prince charming aku ni nak masuk meminang?

So, besides tv, baby craving is the next thing to stress about this week!

Monday, December 11, 2006


Semalam I date ngan Hariz Danial, my darling nephew. Pegi tengok Happy Feet. Nurin Arisya pun ikut sekali. Seronok la budak-budak tu. Uncle Adik kirim toys untuk Hariz, makngah belanja makan, ayah & ibu belikan barang & baju sekolah. And both of them behaved very well, tak buat perangai.

Thank you ayahnurin for allowing me to spend some times with the kids. Jangan la garang sangat ngan Hariz tu, perangai dia ngan ayong lebih kurang saja! hehehehe. Masuk toys r us pun, ayahnurin yang lebih belek tengok toys!

Habis movie and jalan-jalan kat OU, I met up with friends. Hanizah tu sibuk sangat nak makan kueyteow. It was raining, macam mana la nak makan? Last-last, tapau & makan dalam keta. Huh, punya la kemaruk kawan I sorang tu. I makan lebih kurang sebab banyak sangat taugeh la. Then pegi tesco, to kill time before our movie at 1145pm. Ingat saja buang masa, ended up everyone shopping kat tesco. I ended tengok Happy feet again, twice in same day! Dah itu aja cerita yang available. And my friends, nama melayu, tapi tak tengok cerita melayu, apa la!

So pagi ni memang tak leh bangun la, tido dah pukul berapa pagi tadi. Dah la the night before tak boleh tido, hidung berdarah.

Hari sabtu penat buat apa ya? oh, kemas rumah after I came back from work. Minah, u can come anytime, my house dah clean! hehehehe. I had daun kadok at puchong for dinner, sedap! Tapi kedai tu tiba-tiba dah mahal la!

Ala, boss intercomm plak, chow kejap, nanti sambung!

Friday, December 08, 2006


Dah lama tak balik tengok sedara mara kat Jitra. Actually diorang sedara mara angkat. My dad moved to Jitra in 1992, on the last day of my spm paper that year. One of his officers kat PULAPAH (the place we stayed before moved upnorth) punya kampung kat sini. So the night we arrived, Tok Minah yang masak kasi kitorang makan. And tok minah dok masak for us ever since. Everytime mama & babah kena outstation, tok will cook for us. Then her cucu, either abang or dikda will deliver the food to our house (hmm.... now come to think about it, me at 17 years old, hampeh sungguh. tak boleh harap punya anak dara! hehehehe. Well, I learn to cook when I was in Australia, and so used to maid, so, don't blame me!!! hehehehehe)

Our family memang anggap Tok and her family as our own. They are very humble people. To this very day Tok calls babah as tuan, and calls mama as cik puan. 2 years plus kitorang tinggal Jitra, pagi raya rumah tok la kitorang serbu and collect duit raya. Aunty ana (tok's 2nd daughter) is very close to mama. Ini 2 perempuan kat dapur, aiyak, very bising! But at the same time you can expect yummy food. Aunty Ana ni pandai masak. Memang dia antara ceterer yang glamour kat Jitra. And she knows our favourite. Sometimes she will cook our favourites and deliver to our house, eventhough after we moved to Sungai Petani. Her house is always full of laughter, ada saja lawak dia everytime kitorang datang visit. My cousins, my friends, anak-anak kawan my mother yang study kat UUM dulu will agree on this. Diorang selalu lepak rumah Tok and Aunty Ana over the weekend.Tapi sekarang, takde lagi. Aunty ana meninggal 3rd week of Ramadhan baru-baru ni. I tak balik jenguk, ma & ba saja yang balik. Memang kematian dia sangat mengejutkan, tapi Allah lebih sayangkan dia.

So last weekend I went back to Jitra to attend her daughter's wedding. Memang terasa sangat kehilangan Aunty. But the wedding went smoothly. My parents, as usual, in-charge of menyambut tetamu & entertaining guest (on each family wedding as long as I can remember, my dad tak reti buat keja kenduri). Ma as usual mengdominate her say in arranging things for keluarga pihak sebelah. Hehehe, so hari tu semua kena kerah la buat kerja. I was really tired that day. Mana tak nya, sampai SP pukul 430am, tido kejap, then dah terus kena drive pegi Jitra. Mama baked some chocalate cupcakes, very yummy. She made yummy jelly. I had to sorok some, sbb ramai yg nak, kena la simpan utk tuan rumah yang penat melayan. Before balik sempat packing utk semua keluarga terdekat bawak balik kek. Tapi kenduri okay, enough food, hari tak hujan. Sampai pukul 5pm masih lagi tetamu yang datang.

We left early as we had to go to penang that same night. Babah nak visit Mamak Ahmad, my granduncle as he was not well. Dia dah kurus sangat since he fall sick few months back. Mamak Ahmad ni pandai melawak, mesti tak kering gusi kalau ngan dia. He is my opah's adik tiri, satu mak, lain bapak. I ordered roti bengali berpack-pack bawak balik KL. Mama was telling me & adik the story of our great grandfather who had a kilang roti in Tanjung Malim when she was a child. My arwah great grandfather nama Lal Mohamed. Keturunan bengali dari pakistan. No wonder I have big bump.

On Sunday, as usual, bangun pagi kena kerah buat kerja. Sapu rumah, mop kasi bersih from atas sampai 3rd floor. Penat la. We had late lunch at Leboss, a restaurant near my house. This place is very cosy, has yummy food at affodable price. Semua western food. I suka the environment in the restaurant. Balik mama sibuk suruh goreng ayam. About 80 pieces of drumstick yang mama dah marinate the night before I kena gorengkan. Semua bawak balik KL. So on the way balik memang bau ayam goreng la dalam kereta. We left SP at 6pm. (Ayahnurin : Sori la, your portion takdak sebab kitorang tak detour Sg Buloh, nanti mama turun, so mama masak la. Kakteh punya dia ambik kat office, so she got he 10pieces of her share, jangan marah la!)

Sekali sekala balik utara memang letih sebab kejar masa. Tapi this time balik best dapat jumpa ramai orang. And sekali-sekala jumpa sedara mara, banyak benda I rasa I'm still lacking, banyak benda lagi nak kena achieve. I'll take one at a time.

TV still no progress. Dah survey, nanti weekend ni beli. Duit keta.... dream on ja la. Mama buat condition only to be used for wedding. Hmm... Takpe, beli keta next year pakai duit lain.

This Sunday am going dating with Hariz Danial! Yeay! At least that will cheer me up. Ayahnurin : Make sure you give enough money for hariz & me! Hehehehe.