Friday, October 05, 2007

buka puasa

This year buka puasa sunyi gila. I think buka puasa kat luar tak lebih 5 hari. To those who knows me well, my Ramadhan usually means banyak buka kat luar.

So far tempat paling sedap buka puasa................ hmm.. home. Why? At your own comfort.

Buka kat luar ni leceh la. Too many food, and expensive too. Too many people to meet up & chat, nak pray kena que. And by the time you arrive home, you feel so tired.

Besok will buka puasa with my siblings kat Sungai Buloh. Every year we will make an attempt to buka puasa together. Makin lama makin meriah as ahli keluarga bertambah. This year buka puasa again at rumah ayong. Kaklin is pregnant and almost due, so it is best if we just tapau food at baazar Ramadhan near their house and buka di rumah aja. I hope I can manage balik rumah after buka. Knowing Nurin, she will keep on asking "Makngah tido rumah kita ka malam ni?" until she gets the answer yes. Will see how tomorrow.

Oh lupa, ada sekali tu last week during buka with colleagues kat Millenium hotel, kitorang duduk next tv. Then around 7.05pm iklan berbuka with azan was aired. We thought that dah masuk waktu buka. Selamba ja 4 of us minum and start eating. Until our other colleagues datang from the buffet table and ask kenapa kitorang buka cepat ni? Tengok jam baru realised. Hehehehe. Tak leh buat apa. We stop eating, and waited patiently the next 3 minutes and break our fast with the rest.


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