Friday, June 29, 2007

sakit mata

Dah seminggu 4 hari I kena kuarantin kat rumah. On Sunday petang I jaga orang demam, bangun pagi Isnin kita pulak yang sakit. Cet. Mata dua-dua belah bengkak, merah sangat-sangat. Memang malam tu tidur badan rasa panas semacam. Bangun pagi mata tak leh bukak. Tengok kat cermin, aiseyman, ngeri sungguh. Pergi klinik dapat ubat tahan bengkak, vitamin c, and ubat titik mata. Satu hari duduk rumah tak leh bukak mata. Dengan gatalnya, dengan pedihnya, dengan sakitnya. So the whole day I sleep.

On tuesday mata still bengkak, tapi at the same time jadi lebam and merah semacam. Pegi ampang puteri, doktor kata kena alergy, so kena tukar ubat. Ubat baru ni kena sapu kat mata, then I kena tutup mata 1-2 hour. Kalau bukak pun memang tak nampak apa. Everything jadi blur. Tv tak leh tgk, so, tido lagi. Busan giler kena kuarantin kat rumah. Although ada tukang pamper, tapi diri rasa hopeless tak leh buat apa. 3 days makan roti saja. Bf pun satu, beli la beras dgn telur ka. Dia bagi aku healthy food. Roti & soup. Hmm....

Semalam I dah tak leh tahan terperap kat rumah, so I went out. Dari pagi sampai malam dekat midnight baru balik. My chairman siap panggil masuk office kejap. Nak meeting, sbb 3 hari kita tak masuk office, chaos la jugak. I went dinner kat kampung baru last night. Had dinner at Nasi Lemak near Kelab Sultan Sulaiman. After 3 days makan roti semalam makan nasi lemak 2 bungkus kasi puas selera. Jumpa 9W2LRT (dia pun dah mc 2 hari sbb sakit mata) with his family, and abang Nash too. Borak-borak tu yang sampai lewat malam baru nak balik. Paroe pun MC 2 hari dah jangkit kena sakit mata. Tapi at least mata dia tak bengkak. I know kaklong shila pun mc sakit mata gak, another 2 friends of mine pun mc gak. Sekarang ni musim sakit mata ka????

Tadi noon I pergi ampang puteri again sebab doktor cakap dia nak check balik. So, bengkak dah takde, tapi still merah kat hujung2. So the medication continue until next week. Tapi I taknak la mengkuarantin kan diri lagi this weekend. Enough staying-in.

Take care everyone, and have a good weekend. Jaga mata anda elok-elok!

Friday, June 22, 2007


Sekejap ja dah half day. Dah pukul 2pm. Baru masuk office from lunch. Went out with my colleagues at CM for makan. Perut penuh. So malam ni no dinner la. Hehehehe. Tak la, still have to makan, but must be something light. Kerja banyak as usual. I akan busy luarbiasa sampai cukup tahun. Lepas tu kalau tak naik gaji jugak siap la boss aku tu.

A client of mine passed away yesterday. No wonder rasa resah semacam yesterday. His secretary called me this morning. He died of heart attack. Dah tua pun client tu. A very nice gentleman, payment pun prompt. I guess lepas ni deal dengan anak dia pulak la. Yang sungguh arrogant tu, so not like the father.

This month macam-macam dah jadi. Tapi semuanya ada kebaikan dan keburukan yang kena analyse. To me as long as I am healthy, still can work, still tak menyusahkan my family dah orang lain, then life must go on. I know sooner or later I have to deal with my dad on some issues, but that I leave when that time comes.

At the moment, things to look forward too is my trip to port dickson on 070707. (Yes ayahnurin, another gathering of mine with my school friends from the same batch.... another reunion). My parents are coming down next month. Mama is fine at the moment. Cuma kadang-kadang dia letih. Tapi rasa dia dah strong. She need to keep fit for the wedding coming. I hope just one wedding in the family, buat 2-3 kali, letih la. Orang tu jugak yang nak dijemput. Nanti dah confirm and finalise, I will do the announcement and jemput mereka yang patut.

I am normal now. Seriously, normal. I tau ramai sangat concern. Kat office ni hari-hari boss kasi rating aida's mood. Hampeh betul. I banyak quiet kat office, ye lah, duduk atas, tak duduk bawah, mana nak dengar my loud voice. 2nd floor will know how mereng I am as loud music is turned on at my pc daily. No customer kat atas, so boleh la. Yetty is coming back from her long leave on 3rd July, that is a relief! That I am totally out of ticketing. I will also slowly handing over my accounts job to another colleague. Aku kena buat kerja baru, project baru. Tak tau la boleh succeed ka tak. Hopefully boleh la, boleh kaya gilos company ni nanti. Hehehehe.

This weekend mesti kena kemas rumah. Dah 3 weeks I tell myself please clean, but done halfway saja. So semalam masuk rumah, ish-ish-ish. So besok is definately hari kemas rumah!

Take care people, will update later.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I've decided my morello has to end. And I've decided what to do next. I tau nanti semua orang sure bengang punya, tapi korang jugak yang cakap aku strong kan? So let it be as it is. My dad is fine with my decision (at the moment, tak tau la nanti2 dia start his ceramah). And I know I have everyone behind my back no matter what will happen to me in future.

I will start update my blog soon, I know korang semua sure bored tak dapat baca my dramas kan. Hehehehehe. Don't worry, only happy moments I will blog abour.

Hari ni nak balik awal, going OU for movie.

Take care people!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

The End of A Fairytale

Finally my fairytale has come to an end. It is sad, but when it comes to my most important event in my life, family comes first. High time I be a good daughter and listen to my father. Perhaps one fine day, if both parents open their heart and give their blessings, I will have my fairytale.

My life will go on as normal, I will have other dramas to talk about. Malam ni I nak balik SP. Nak mengadap babah.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hari ni busan giler kat office. Banyak kerja. Tak tau mana satu nak buat dulu. Semuanya urgent! Die la......

Hari ni I nak buat perangai. Ada ka bf aku cakap aku drama queen???? Siap la dia malam ni ngan malam besok, I nak dera dia cukup-cukup! Hehehehehe. Now I nak balik. I have drama script to hafal. (kesian la aku ni, kena cop crybaby, queencontrol, now drama queen? I should tukar profession berlakon drama datin diaries!!!!)

ps: p5, why I cannot tag kat your tagboard??????

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Hari ni masuk office after balik dari SP, berlambak-lambak kerja menanti. Collection punya banyak nak kena buat. Die la this week.

Pagi tadi ada morning management meeting. Boss suruh I jaga both Accounts & Ticketing Department. Huh? Kerja accounts pun tak terlarat nak buat, ni bertambah-tambah nak jaga department yang punya seksa nak jaga. Although it is for temporary aja, tapi, still, next 2 months masak la aku kat office tu. Besok nak buat advert cari orang, belum tentu boleh dapat orang cepat, sebab senior level ni memang susah nak cari. Hmm.... sebab department tu memang dah nazak, my supervisor tak dapat balik after her maternity sebab anak dia ada problem, so nak tak nak kena ambik sorang jaga department tu. Yang boss aku pun satu, tau la I senang nak uruskan bebudak tu, they listen to me, tapi kerja aku yang berlambak-lambak tu sape nak buat? Dah la accounts skrang tinggal me & HP aja. :( Ini kalau tak naik gaji kaw-kaw this October siap la aku mengamuk. Although tadi boss dah cakap the incentive I will get if I handle both department until we get someone new to take over. For the time being, kena ada banyak kesabaran and ketekunan. If not aku jadi singa garang kat office tu 24jam. With current health situation, lagi la kena banyak sabar.

Besok pagi kena pergi HKL. Ambik darah. Aiyak! Tu la paling penakut nak buat. Then ada appointment see dietician (????) and also see another doktor. Punya ramai nya doktor nak kena jumpa. This Sunday kena buat 24hour urine test. Aiyak. Can't wait for next week for the result, hopefully okay nanti. Time balik kampung hari tu my dad siap mintak explanation kenapa aku dah makin gemuk? Dia kata kalau hati happy lain cerita, ni asal dia call mesti aku tengah nangis. Damn, I must start do something about this. Semua buat separuh jalan ja, takde motivation langsung!!!!.............................

Hari ni morelo lagi. Babah gave an option to the extend I cannot lawan and say no. My brothers and sisters asked me to listen to dad for once. I hope I can find the courage to decide. Hmm......

Now I nak balik, pening dah otak ni.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Mama dah okay, alhamdulillah. Dah discaj, now at home. But she is still weak. After a long time, for once all her children are back in SP at the same time. With only 2 cucu, but the house chaos gila. Ayong, kaklin and the kids balik dah tadi. Kakteh ikut sekali. Me and adik balik besok. Semalam balik sp jam gila, cuti sekolah, ramai yg balik kampung or cuti-cuti Malaysia. Kuar KL pun lambat. Pegi HKL dulu, jumpa doctor. Sempat jumpa p5 hantar kunci triton paroe since p5 nak pegi kuching. I takut tak balik KL ontime nak fetch dia kat epot besok malam.

I kena lagi buat follow up test and check-up. Hopefully all will be fine, but I have more ubat to eat now. My bp still high, 140/90. And kena marah with doktor sbb malam yg kena attack 170/110 tu my ecg was bad, nape doktor klinik tu tak masukkan I to hospital. Tengok la nanti lepas 13th June whether I am really fine or not. Doktor ni byk nya plak dia nak test. Tak cukup pulak apa yang Epi sends me for blood test and urine test last week.

Hari ni tak besh langsung rasa, was a bit morello for a while. Bf jauh gila nak ngadu, tapi all sorted out now. But at this moment I feel a bit relio ef that my family still back me with my decision, I have a very patient father.

Ayahnurin : you must be wondering what the heck I'm talking about, get the details from ba later when you come back to SP.

Baby : Thanks for wanting to have some faith, come back home safely.

Take care everyone, I am still mereng although I tak ngadap my chairman dah 2 hari kat office. But I will be fine, I have always done that.