Saturday, December 22, 2007

The last episode for 2007

How was everyone's raya haji break? I had a good one. Was at opah's. My grandma is not well, she is in pain. I feel sorry for her, I wish I can do something to ease the pain. But, at the moment, non of the pain killers are helping. Her whole body is aching, some parts of her body system are not functioning well. I just hope, if she has to leave us, she will go in peace, without the pain. But my opah is one strong lady. If she has to fight it, she will fight it.

All of us arrived quite early at opah's house. My aunties cooked delicious yummy food. The kids enjoyed themselves. (kaklong : the chocalate indulgence habis by us at the end. That is why I tak singgah and hantar kek, licin petang tu). I spend the time catching up with aunties, picit kepala & badan opah, and at the same time took advantage while my sister and cousins were there to finish up the doorgifts for adik's wedding. And we managed to complete it, finally. Yeay! I also finished most of the wedding invitations that day. I am afraid if my nenek's house (the other grandma: dad's mother) can accept all the people we have invited. Too many la nak jemput, family ja dah ramai. One of my aunt said that my mom ni nak glamer sangat-sangat buat kenduri besar-besar. But she is not aware that family invitation ja dah dekat 700 people. How??? I remember ayong's wedding 10 years back, we had about 4000 people came to the wedding. But at that time we had a very big house with a very-very-very big compound (my brothers used to play cricket and football with his friends, so you can imagine how big???)

I also visited my other grandma on raya haji. Went quite late in the evening, and am glad to see all my cousins were there. Belah nenek ni, kalau dah jumpa, riuh rumah nenek tu. Nenek kitorang garang, tapi cucu semua dia sayang. Hehehehe. Everyone is excited for Adik's wedding. It has been a while takde kenduri kawin kat rumah nenek. With the exception of my ayong, the rest of us held our kenduri kawin at nenek's house. Memang dah jadi tradisi. (Although my dad always think that another of his child will have the exception again soon)

Later that night, adik and myself went to visit Toksu and Nani. Nani masak best. (asyik makan ja satu hari raya tu). We delivered invitation cards.

This weekend I'm planning to rest a bit. Tonight I will be busy finishing the gifts for the bride's family. Adik???? you better come, or I will kill you!!!! :) So much about helping me out, eh? Nasib baik ada kakteh.

Jap.... rest? hmm.. rasa tidak kut. Lots of things to be done. Cousins coming tonight, going out with cousins and adik to get things tomorrow and deliver the invitation. Mama pesan, to the elders kena bagi by hand, go and visit them, jangan post. Hmm...

One thing to do before the new year, kena stop makan. I have not control my food intake for the past one whole week. Belasah ja masuk perut ikut suka. I think hari rabu malam aja tak makan, tapi siang tu dah masuk macam-macam. Next week diet!!! *hmm.... boleh ka???*

Next week nak pegi membeli belah. I should pamper myself this end of year. And need to get some presents for some people. I have not buy my shoe. Pegi KLCC dah 3 kali this week, tapi beli kasut nya tidak. Asyik tak sempat aja. Tengok wayang la, beli buku la, beli kain la, beli barang rumah la, tapi kasut yang nak sangat tu, tak beli-beli jugak. Benda-benda lain tu tak masuk dalam list pun wajib beli.

2008 is coming. Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Sedar tak sedar, there goes the year. This will be my last post for the year. I don't think I will post anything until 2008. Unless I am so bored, have nothing else to do, then probably I will update the blog. I will be on leave from 26th Dec 2007 until the new year.

This year has been the toughest year in my life. Both good and bad things happened at the same time made me realised, my life is not so bad compared to others. Yes, I've been tested in so many ways, but at the end, I survived. The happy things happened this year somehow helped me to move on to 2008 with a wider perspective of myself. The accomplishment I've achieved made me realised that hardwork, sincerity, patience and forgiveness will always help you in your life.

I hope everyone have had a good life this year. I'll be back after the new year with more dramas ok. Definately more interesting. Believe me, it will.

Take care everyone!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cuti Macam Tak Cuti!

Hari ni banyak kerja. Hari Khamis dah confirm cuti, tapi rasanya macam tak cuti aja. Banyak benda nak buat. And this weekend too.

I'm almost finish doing the doorgift for adik's wedding. Jari dah kebas dah ngadap benda tu every single day. My house dah jadi kedai keraftangan. Hehehe. I have another 100 pieces to do to complete the 1,400 that mom requested me and kakteh to do. Kakteh finished hers!!! Cet. (Kakteh : Friday night please come to bukit and do the gifts for the bride's family, I don't think my hands can handle doing the ribbons, you know me, so tak de creativity)

I just hope to end the trauma soon, and then my house will get back to normal. Hmm.... Come to think again, it will semak again with barang2 for kakteh's wedding pulak. I better start charging them storage fees macam ni. Tu tak masuk lagi service deliver wedding invitation, my service fee for my ideas what to do, what to buy, the dry-cleaning fee, and so on. Nanti bila aku punya kenduri besok, budak 2 orang ni tak help, siap la. To those cousins who came and helped me, and the cousin coming this Sunday to help (jangan nak ngelat ye...I need your magic hands) , thanks a lot.

Okay, house issues :

1) Bila nak buat house warming???? Wei, aku dah pokai la, habis duit. Getting bonus next month, bayar hutang, hehehehe. And need to get that RM800 worth of tilam (like ???? that tilam better be worth it, or somebody will get a sekeh from me for introducing such mattress).

2) The sofa will have to wait. I'm only changing the cushions and covers ja. Since I will be moving again in 3 years time, it is better for me to buy later, to suit the new house I'm buying (yes, am buying a house, dah start looking, but will seriously hunt for it april next year.... valid reason to wait for April 08 :) ......) But again, knowing me, if I can find my dream sofa, and have money at that time, I'll just get it.

3) I have 2 favourite kids loiterring my house every day. :)
And these 2 kids are cool. They are my next door neighbour's children. Every morning they will send me off at the gate, cheerfully. And whenever I return home early, there will be people happily greeting me and says : Mommy at works! (hinting Madame S......... hehehehehe). I think kena buat secret access for these 2 kids. Sometimes while I tengah siap in the morning, from my bedroom upstairs I can hear "Aunty Aida! Aunty Aida!" wanting me to open the door. Or sometimes they will shout beep-beep, signalling that they are outside the house. Hehehehe. But I love having them from time to time. Having kids around can be very tiring, but, if they are their own like I always crave for, it is worth the tiring. Hmm... Ok, stop that topic now before I cry.

4) I need to do some renovating-repairing-repainting work for the new house. Tengah negotiate with owner who is now in Cork, Ireland apa nak buat dulu. I might make use of the whole house while I'm staying there. Tapi nak kemas rumah ni, penat la. 2 and half storey with backyard and front to clean!!. Both next door neighbours's maids are watering the plants for me for time being. :). I belum operate the washing machine yet. (Mr Handyman with tools and gadgets, kindly spare the time la and fix the necessary... my laundry bills is increasing as I am sending everything (langsir, comforter, chair cushion covers) to the laundry) Dapur dah start guna, tapi buat simple food aja. Nak pegi beli groceries this weekend and penuhkan my fridge.

Work issues :
1) Bank guarantee - settle!

2) To pay bonus one month - settle my part, waiting for bos to sign the cheques

3) BSP - huh, that is a weekly issue. I handle it as it comes

4) Taking leave and going to Europe next month - approved!
Yeay! Chairman cakap boleh pergi, tapi kena siapkan semua benda yang dia nak tu, and make sure collect enough money before I go. (Like I tak tau nak kena buat tu semua before I go???) Hmm.. can't wait for next month. I need a break too. It is FOC, everything paid for, tapi duit belanja kena bawak sendiri. This is not our Company's package, we are buying it from another travel agent who is organising it. Bawak la sket pocket money nak beli souvenirs.

Okay, I kena stop now. Nanti jap lagi sambung....

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Feeling Doink!

Seriously doink today. Since Thursday night!

Just got well from vomitting, bodyache, terible headache, fever and so on. So I am so not in the mood. Thanks to all aunts & cousins who took care of my meal while I was sick.

Hari ni doink lain pulak sebab someone decided to become an ass and insult my day!

The new house is fantastic, at least something to look forward to after long tiring day at office. The house is very cozy. Finished unpacked everything. Will start cooking today (took me 2 weeks to kemas... I have lots of things!)

To those who have helped, thanks.
To those who have made time and dropped by, thanks.
To those who have not and expecting my grand house warming party, think again, not very soon eh...
To those coming tonight, please close one eye for all the doorgift thingy for adik's weeding on my dining table. At least I've cleared the front so we can eat, watch tv, and my ears are all yours for whatever to be discussed tonight.

Am going holiday next month, desparately need the break, desparately. Need to go to far far away land.

Nanti la update lagi, bila dah tak feeling doink!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Angkasawan & Me

I don't care whatever stories I heard about his personal life, but having taken the picture above last night during Malam ANSARA dinner at Seri Pacific Hotel made my day after the long tiring moving house process.

Tido lena malam tadi. :)

Will blog about pindah rumah later.