Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy Feet


I had a good sleep last night. And a good dream too. :)

Went to Pavillion last night (with a very kind-hearted gentleman). That place is huge! I've been there few times, it has been a very convenient place to meet up especially when it rains. The road will be jammed, you can spend your time in that big shopping mall and browse the shops. Some shops mampu beli barang, some shops, mampu beli barang tapi lepas tu kopak la sampai hujung bulan, some shops pulak memang tak mampu nak beli barang-barang dalam kedai, some shops, kalau beli gak barang, tu kira mengada la.....

Anyway, tempat makan kat situ kena carefull siket. At the food court, some shops ada tanda halal, some shops, but look ordinary to me tapi tiada tanda halal buat I rasa konpius kejap. Even the restaurant pun ada yang ada tanda halal, ada yang takde, but you think should be okay kut? But to play safe, I took the shops that has tanda halal, and the halal cert was there. Nowadays that logo halal sticker is very easy to do.

Sempat tengok kasut, tapi this time ingat nak rembat Marie Claire, tapi takde pulak design menarik. My eyes dah sangkut kat this one pair of shoe kat this ********. Tapi mahal la sangat pulak. Tapi ada size la, itu banyak susah nak cari size 9! This weekend tengok mood, kalau rasa nak spend, that kasut will definately be mine! Hehehehehe.

I had a good time at clinique boutique. Got lots of free gifts. Hehehehe. (My cousin Amy kalau baca ni sure tak sabar nak balik KL and splurge herself at the cosmetic counters, hehehehe).

By the time I left the big building it was still raining, but smooth driving back home.

To the kind hearted gentleman, thank you for the good time and the good effort. (But I was seriously not joking about the items at benefits). If that one comes true, you will have the deal for one whole year, no kidding. For the time being, the 3 months duration will do! Muahs-muahs-muahs. Looking forward for the item tonight, at least that will keep me sober next 7 days, sigh.......

ps : Happy Feet will be at HBO this February, to those yang tak tengok lagi, please watch and enjoy it!


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Spoke to Nurin on the phone yesterday. She was down with fever, she sound so bad. Kesian my baby sorang tu. She said " Tak boleh cakap banyak-banyak lah makngah, Nurin demam lah. Nanti dah baik baru boleh cakap" Kesian dia. I hope she get well soon. I jarang dengar dia demam and so tak sihat like yesterday.

I am currently adjusting myself with my new work. Now ada banyak kerja extra since Helina is leaving to UK next weekend. Few handovers kena ambil and buat. Bertambah la kerja ini macam. Dah lah current workload pun banyak. Tapi rasa boleh buat, cuma kena adapt mentality her type of clients yang sungguh cerewet.

After the long break I had, now back to normal schedule. BSP is back on track. Next month tengok schedule busy sangat-sangat. This morning dapat info silap-silap CNY kena outstation. Aiyak, kacau I punya planning.

The returned cheque issue dah settle, no signatory. Hehehehe.

Adik punya wedding dah settle dengan jayanya on 13th Jan 2008. Although hujan lebat and kereta adik kena pecah and handbag emma kena curi, but everything went well. To those yang ada datang, terima kasih banyak-banyak. I was very happy and delighted to see many of you turn up with your family, kids and girlfriends, boyfriends yang korang sumpah korang takde. :)

I will post pictures later when I dapat dari Zain. I did not manage to use my camera at all due to the rain, and the very busy-busy-busy entertaining people and running here and there accomodating to mama instruction. At the end of the day, mama was the one smiling knowing that she was satisfied with the kenduri. Many of her old friends came. We told my dad, kenduri kakteh nanti must have 5 vip table. The 3 we prepared are not enough for his friends alone. My arwah atuk's family from Tanjung Malim pun datang ramai-ramai before all of them went to Aunty Yot's house to visit opah. (By the way Kaklong : yes, that aunty mama introduce to us, is actually our mother's cousin. She is the eldest daughter, but was given for adoption. So, yes, mama was right, she was not under stress that kenduri day. Hehehe)

To all my cousins, aunties and uncles, not forgeting nephews and nieces, thanks a lot for the big help!!! Adik was very happy of course, and he was lucky too that our cousins from abroad was here on his big day. To Chalee and Shah, sorry, this time around tak dapat lepak lama as Kakngah was really busy. Thanks Shah for that ice-cream jepun. Next time balik bawak lagi eh? Very yummy! I loved it. One box only for me okay. And to Nadira, you being here at this point of time is really a blessing for your mom, makan puas-puas kat rumah, nanti next week Sabtu datang rumah eh, kakngah masak!!! (errr.... ???? kakngah masak? yeah rite.....)

I also manage to meet up with another cousing from Australia. I was surprised to see him at the kenduri. Sempat had dinner with him and wife at Iza's house the next day and as expected, full of doink jokes. He has always makes us laugh no matter how serious he tried.

Nanti petang sket will update on my Kuala Selangor trip last weekend. I didn't know there are so many things to do and visit in that small town.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Account Balance : RM 1.01

Returned home to KL yesterday after spending 3 days in Kuala Selangor, just to find out that my bank account balance is RM1.01.

Like what??? How did that happened to me? Whua...............

Checked dalam internet, saw the cheque banked-in on Thursday was returned. How could that had happened? Dah la aku yang transfer money, aku prepare cheque untuk semua orang, cheque aku pulak kena returned? Aiyoyo!!!

There goes my plan to singgah IKEA for a while before it close to buy my new matress. Punya takde mood, went for dinner, then home, terus tido.

Now nak pergi bank and check why? My other colleagues got their cheques cleared today. Next 3 days jadi papa kedana jap. I have money in RHB, but now I don't know where I put my ATM. The card is being sorok for purpose of emergency or I will spend every single money. :) But this is emergency, and I forgot where i sorok. Malam nanti kena carik balik. Apa lah. Another account is under mama's supervision, so no way I can touch that money (don't even think of it).

Going to bank now!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Back To Work Today, Back To Off Days Tomorrow.... Again

I just got back to work today. There are so many things to settle today. Finished 3/4 of all the pending things in "for aida's urgent attention". Tu tak tengok lagi "for aida's attention" punya tray.

Need to settle these urgent things today before I go off tonight. Tomorrow & Friday are another off days. I will be away from tomorrow and for the weekend. Should be back to KL on Sunday.

Europe trip is cancelled, so I will be in Malaysia next week, not the place I planned to be. But I have other plans too for next weekend. So, I should be okay. I can always go to Europe some other time ( and my boss is paying for it, :p )

Take care everyone!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

More Tragedy

Yesterday was a sad day for my sister in-law, kaklin, as her eldest brother passed away yesterday at about 4pm. Jenazah telah di kebumikan di kampung Kuala Pilah. I hope kaklin and her family akan banyak-banyak bersabar atas kematian arwah abang long.

I feel sad as arwah made the effort to move from JB to Shah Alam last Aidilfitri and hoping to spend more time with his siblings in KL. However, Allah dah menjemput arwah. Semoga arwah abang long mendapat tempat di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Al-fatihah.

Update on opah :
Dah discharge petang semalam, now ada kat rumah aunty yot. I went to visit her last night. My cousin, Nadira is back from Moscow last week as soon as she got to know about opah's admission at hospital. Bangteh a.k.a. Chalee just arrived yesterday from Ireland. Tak tau la Shah jadi balik ka tak from Japan. Opah memang very close with her grand children, knowing everyone's favourite, everyone's temper, and everyone's childishness. :)

We are all accepting the fact sooner or later, she will go and leave us, but we would like her to go in less pain. She has not spoken that much since Sunday, her body was half paralysed, but she recovered it back on Monday. The cancer has spread to most of her brain and liver and at 84 year old, her body will reject chemotherapy and just hang-in there on pain killers, which is not doing any good at the moment.

I'll be on another long leave. I will be back to work on Wednesday, 16th Jan 2008.

Take care everyone!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Adik's Wedding at Simpang Pulai

Above is picture of my family at adik's wedding in Simpang Pulai. This was during the bersanding ceremony at bride's house on 29th Jan 2007. Here in picture are : Mama, Adik & Emma, Babah, Kakteh, Ayong with Nurin, Kaklin with Sofea, Hariz and myself.
All of us posed tersenyum riang, tapi actually tengah sabar tahan panas. It was a very hot afternoon at Simpang Pulai that day. :)
The akad nikah the day before was held at Masjid Besar Ipoh. Adik had the solemnisation only once, and that was the only time in my life I saw adik's face really serious. Kalau tak, muka Ferhad (the singer) version kartun.
Both bride & groom pun memang macam kartun aja, hehehe. Everything went well despite some disagreements I had with mom. Last minute banyak pulak dia tukar plan buat kitorang pening kepala nak handle. And when we were late that Friday morning due trying to accommodate her orders, kitorang jugak kena marah. Sabar aja la. I know my mom, she wants everything to be perfect and the best for his youngest son. Nasib baik kakteh was cool (which I was surprised, hehehe). I was happy to see some unexpected people who turned up at Simpang Pulai, like our close family friends from came all the way from Sungai Petani, an old and very close friend of my dad from Ipoh, my uncle Nuar & aunty Comel who came during the akad nikah, and my aunty Yot & uncle Wahid. I know aunty Yot was exhausted taking care of opah, but she made it to Simpang Pulai before rushing back to KL
Preparation for the groom's side kenduri this weekend are almost 90% siap. Most of us are just anxious to wait for the day to be over. As I am writing this, mom is smsing me last minute things to get. She said she has sent the plates for main table through ayong, but she would appreciate if I can get the plates that I told her I will buy before Thursday. Apa la, cannot decide! Hmm... But have replied, nope, no more extra cost, guna aja apa aja, pinggan tu okay ja, takde cacat cela.
To those cousins, aunties, uncles, grandaunties, friends that attended the ceromony, thank you very much. To those yang sakit perut (apparently only few of us survived tak dapat sakit perut, the whole entourage sakit perut that Saturday night/Sunday morning including my dad, the groom, and the bride's mother. Ada la tu food yang tak betul at the kenduri) sila claim elaun medical anda direct dengan adik okay.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Death, Sickness, To Live

I woke up at almost 8am this morning. Tidur lena sungguh last night, payah betul nak bangun. I heard few phone calls since 7am, but my mind was still sleeping, did not bother to answer. Then I saw I had 4 missed calls from my maklong. I was worried if anything happened to her or opah (Opah is warded at GH since Sunday). When I called back, maklong said that one of my very close friend's father (who is also a very close family friend) passed away this morning at 4am. It was Pakcik Ibrahim, Saiful's father.

I had known Saiful since 2001, we had remained close although he moved to Miri last 3 years. And we found out that his mom is a good friend to my maklong and my mom. And his family knows opah very well. I always lepak his house, although when Saiful was not around. Arwah pakcik will always call me for dinner at his house. Makcik pulak masak sedap, hehehe, orang bujang macam saya memang best la balik office makan home cook meal. Sometimes I will decline, with excuse that I have dinner function or I have to work late (ye lah, segan la asyik makan free aja), but Makcik will definately tapau and make sure I will get the food. Arwah pakcik has always treated me like a family, and if I lama tak jenguk dia, he will call and ask "Ida ni dah sombong sangat tak nak jenguk pakcik". The past 4 years he has been in-out hospital for quite sometime. And I always make sure I visit him. I went to his house last 3 weeks to deliver adik's invitation, but found out that he was in GH again. Last I saw arwah pakcik was at Saiful's wedding last year and he looked good. This morning, arwah passed away peacefully at 4am at age 72.

I went to pay my last respect for arwah pakcik this morning with maklong. On the way back, maklong update me with Opah's condition. She is really in pain, and none of the pain killers do any good. Opah will have to go for a head scan this monday as her headache is continuous that she couldn't take it anymore. I've spoken with her over the phone yesterday, she reminded me not to fight with mama at least until the kenduri is settled. Hmm...

I'm sleeping at GH tonight, releasing my aunts for one night. As I will be busy from tomorrow onwards with all the last minute things to do for adik's kenduri, I guess not sleeping tonight should not be a problem. Opah needs 100% attention. None of my aunts will leave opah on her own. They are pastering Epi to bring opah home where she will be more comfortable at her own house, but Epi said no, this time must stay a bit longer. Hmm.....

Last night, a friend of mine sent a sms saying that her daughter (5 years old) is having a heart problem and will be admitted to IJN next week. I hope she has the strength to go through it, and I pray her daughter will get well soon. Although she is only 5, but she knows she has illness. Whenever I visit them, I always hear her daughter said "Ain tahu Ain sakit kan aunty Aida, tapi kan Ain kuat, Ain kena kuat untuk mama Ain"

I wish I can have Ain's strength......

Thursday, January 03, 2008

No matter what you say about love
I keep coming back for more
Keep my hand in the fire
Sooner or later, I'll get what I'm asking for

No matter what you say about life
I learn every time I bleed
That truth is a stranger
Soul is in danger, I gotta let my spirit be free

To admit that I'm wrong
And then change my mind
Sorry but I have to move on
And leave you behind

I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realize, nothing's broken
No need to worry 'bout everything I've done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back, got a new direction
I loved you once, needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo

Just like a tattoo, I'll always have you

I'm sick of playing all of these games
It's not about taking ties
When I looked in the mirror, didn't deliver
It hurt enough to think that I could

Stop, admit that I'm wrong
And then change my mind
Sorry but I gotta be strong
And leave you behind

If I live every moment
Won't change any moment
Still a part of me and you
I will never regret you
Still the memory of you
Marks everything i do

Just like a tattoo
I'll always have you

This is not a poem I created, it is the lyrics of Jordin's song : Tattoo.
Nothing to do with new year's resolution or state of my mental. I'm just fine. Hehehehe.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Happy New Year everyone!

I had a good ending, and a good start. A good feeling to start the new year. (But that is before the drama starts. Hehehehe)

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