Thursday, May 31, 2007

Am going back to Sungai Petani. Tengah tunggu adik & kakteh bila diorang boleh time off. Mama masuk hospital this morning. I tengah tunggu babah to call me on her condition. Tapi according to babah dia dah sedar. Mama pengsan this morning, twice. So biar babah settle dengan doctor dulu then baru kitorang decide bila nak gerak. Ayong is there at the hospital now with him. Kaklon, Hariz&Nurin ada kat Taiping. Diorang tengah siap nak pergi SP. So tak jadilah makan2 this weekend nak celebrate birthday babah, ayong, and hariz. Takpe semua orang ada kat SP, we will have a quiet one at home then. I will update later. Please pray for my mom. I worry if she get her stroke again like last year.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hariz Danial is 8 years old today!

Hari ni birthday Hariz yang ke 8. My only nephew, my sayang nephew. Cepatnya masa berlalu, dah besar dah sayang I sorang ni. Bila jumpa Hariz selalu sangat terdetik dalam hati ni, asking myself when am I going to have my own children. I'm not that good with kids, but I love them, and would want to have one of my own. Some day Aida, some day.

Ayahnurin : Please give my hug, my kisses to him. I promise him for a movie outing one of these days, nanti tengok bila schedule free. Hadiah belum beli, probably I think of something and buy it over the weekend. Hariz ni ada most of the things yang affordable. Nak beli mahal-mahal, silap-silap ayah dia yang main. Already he admited publicly that he plays with his son's toys, particularly transformers. Hehehehe.

Okay, I nak balik. Hari ni still mereng satu hari mengadap chairman. Bf going back to his hometown tomorrow, I wish I can follow him. Takpe, I can have his big triton all to myself. Silap-silap aku bawak jenjalan turun Singapore jumpa Minah. Sabtu ni tak kerja. Hmm... idea menarik ni. Hehehehe.

Monday, May 28, 2007

kerja start banyak balik

Huh, dah agak, starting today my workload bertambah. Chairman masuk nak tengok report itu ini, dia tambah lagi soh buat report itu ini. He will be in office next 2 months. Kalau tak sekali-sekala ja dia masuk, I just email him the necessary. Tapi bagus gak dia masuk, biar dia tau apa problems kat office ni. Biar dia pulak layan semua kerenah orang-orang office ni. And sah collection duit lagi laju. Hehehehe. Hari ni bengang kat HR, I dah email gaji should be okay, dia pergi buat cheque dated 30th plak. Buat penat ja cari duit lebih kasi transfer akaun salary make sure gaji clear on time. Tapi nampak gaya 1st June gak la baru dapat. Cheque book dah habis. Dia ada tinggal 2 helai ja, lupa nak mintak. Doink betul la. Dah la hari ni I discovered I terover spend bulan ni. Aiseyman, macam mana boleh lari ni. So, the next 3 days kena la berjimat cermat. Duit ada, tapi kat mama, hari tu berlagak suruh dia ambik ja, I can manage konon, but now gigit jari la sebab mama takde, tak leh mintak balik. Nowadays monthly dapat gaji I will give mom extra RM100-RM150 depending on my budget. Sometime rasa tak lepas RM50 ja. Hehehehe. I ask mom to keep it for me until month end, kalau I tak mintak balik she can either have it, or just put into my savings. Knowing mama, she will spend half, and keep half for me. Selalu dia akan bagitau la dia guna ka tak. Tapi once dah month end I tak boleh mintak balik, merayu la macam mana, sorry. Kalau duit tu dah masuk saving yang I tak ada access, meaning duit tu kena tunggu sampai I kahwin baru la I dapat. Unless it is really needed, emergency case yang dia iktiraf. Beli kereta baru tak masuk dalam kereta tu. My mom pegang duit and collect duit dari anak-anak kalah ceti!

Weekend was a bit tiring. Penat buat apa tak tau la pulak. Tapi best la dapat tengok muka Hariz&Nurin 2 kali. Sabtu petang pergi rumah Adam, ingat nak hantar ticket, tapi ended up makan terus. Dia celebrate birthday anak dia. The wife ada bagitau, but I forgot about it. Met an old friend, John from Canberra. Still the same, muka kartun. After rumah Adam pegi round-round menghabiskan duit minyak keta paroe. Patut la mileage my myvi belum sampai 4000km, triton dia dah lepas 9000km, asyik perabih minyak keta dia ja. Hehehehe. Nasib la, dia driver who provides the car too. We drove until Sg Buluh. Call kaklin, diorang on the way pergi Mc Donald Kota Damansara. So we went there to see the 2 kids. Hariz crybaby malam tu kena marah dengan ayah. Kesian dia. Hariz perangai sama macam makngah dia, manja terlebih and crybaby! ( Ayong : you need to do something about that, he is a boy! ) After that balik, pergi rumah aunty Nita. Lepak kejap with my cousins, Amy & Anny. Borak punya borak I dah mengantuk nak balik, so tido situ ja la. Time ni rasa besh jadi orang bujang, rasa taknak balik rumah, takde orang nak leter. Tapi bila dah balik rumah, ala, tak besh nya jadi orang bujang sorang-sorang kat rumah. Cet.

Hari ahad pagi hantar kereta to service centra kat keramat. Kasi bukak CD player. Asyik rosak ja. Nanti dah siap yang baru, kena hantar balik pasang. Now kat tengah-tengah tu nganga kosong la kejap. So hari ni drive takde radio. Bosan sungguh! Aroung 3pm pergi Kampung Baru, kenduri kahwin one of my close friend, Saiful. Finally, after banyak cinta tak menjadi, yang ini kekal jugak nampaknya. Hopefully they will last long sampai anak cucu. Saiful & I worked together sometime 8 years back. They I left the audit firm, but we remain close as our family pun kenal each other. Sebab we both met, our family pun reunited balik after so long tak jumpa. His mom is a good friend of my maklong, and my mother. His late grandfather knows my grandparents very well. Kat kenduri Saiful jumpa lagi Hariz&Nurin. After kenduri jalan-jalan lagi tiada arah tujuan. Ended up entah kat mana-mana entah kat putrajaya. Me still in baju kurung on Sunday evening. Nasib baik pakai simple, tak pakai baju mak datin style. Singgah cuci triton, then pegi kajang rumah 9w2lrt & 9w2erl. Husband and wife who happens to be another mares fanatics. Hehehehe (marah paroe & p5 aku kutuk society diorang). Perkena kerepok leko baru sampai dari terengganu. Sedap nya. Nasib baik last nite tak batuk-batuk.

Batuk dah kurang. Memang rasa efek makan ubat epi bagi yang sikit punya banyak tu. Although still ada, tapi dah rasa kurangnya. Hari ni siang baru 2 kali batuk. Tadi lepas mandi pagi, and tadi around 6pm. Hopefully malam ni tak batuk. Boleh tido lena. Last night cannot sleep, sakit dada & susah nak breathe, tapi tak batuk. Bp naik sikit. Kes sendiri cari penyakit. Tapi towards morning dah okay. I bangun lewat sket, masuk office lambat. BSP ok, so boss takde hal sangat.

Okay la, I nak balik. Tunggu my colleague kejap. Rasa tak sedap nak pergi carpark sengsorang hari ni, tak tau kenapa.

Message untuk ayahnurin : I found the one that you gave me log-in ID ja la. Yang lagi satu tu tak jumpa lagi, nanti I dapat jumpa, siap la. Merapuman konon. Ayong memang selalu merapu, macam nurin!

Message untuk panglima : wei, kita still dengki ni. Malam ni dating ym, malam sabtu dating makan. Grrrr.......

Message untuk paroe : wei, bila nak on kan tgbd kita ni? Dari awak tido kat couch depan tu, baik awak bukak laptop awak tu and setkan my tgbd la.

Bye everyone. Sorry, hari ni merapu entah apa-apa. Otak tengah mereng satu hari mengadap chairman kat opis.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hari ni cuti, tapi masuk office, bagus kan.

I bersih kan store. Ada 2 cleaner lady, tapi hampeh betul la. Eddy pantang ada barang dia pakai sumbat ja, takde systematic susun. Bila nak cari mesti jawab tak jumpa. So I decided I kemas sendiri. Dah clear semua documents. Tapi ada lagi satu kat basement. Itu I will do either Wednesday or Saturday depan.

Batuk kurang, tapi still batuk. Dapat rasa the effect. Tapi, still batuk. Bila nak stop ni? Tak larat dah. I hope I will have less selera makan sebab batuk. Fahroe last year batuk lama gila since we came back from our Kangar-Sg Petani-Penang trip. For few months he was having this bad cough to extend dia tak ada selera makan sampai dia kurus. Now pergi gym lagi la kurus nanti. Tapi I ni batuk makin selera plak makan? Ish-ish-ish. Malam tadi order lauk bubur kat Kg Baru tu ada la 6 jenis. I rasa I yang bedal semua tu, Fahroe makan suku. Ish-ish-ish. Kena tukar stratergy.

Last nite jam teruk kat KL. I had no choice masuk KLCC, bayar parking RM3, then keluar balik masuk elevated. I tak sanggup sangkut dalam jam lama-lama. It took me 20minutes to reach home. Some of my friends took 2 hours to reach home from office. Even Fahroe took 1 hour to reach bukit from his house which is only 20km away, to fetch me for dinner. On the way to Kg Baru I was listening to his ham radio. Kitorang dengar Smart Tunnel punya channel. Punya la lembab rescue diorang. Sape2 yang design tunnel tu tak fikir macam mana ambulan nak masuk amik orang sakit yang stuck dalam tunnel tu. Kesian ada this kid tengah demam panas, stuck dalam jam. Dengar pulak mak dia macam separuh mental tak betul. I hope the kid is fine. After 45 minutes dalam kereta and reached our dinner stop in Kg Baru, the ambulance still tak sampai lagi.

Mama is in Surabaya today. Balik hari Selasa. Kesian babah tinggal sorang-sorang kat SP. At this point I wish they have moved to KL or to our house in Seremban. Dekat jugak la I nak jenguk babah when mama is not around. Tapi babah still degil nak tinggal sana selagi dia larat kerja. Although now weekdays ayong lepak sana sebab kerja, and kakteh rajin balik bila dia pergi penang twice a week for work. My parents are coming down next week. Nak bawak diorang pergi makan, tengah fikir mana lagi tempat nak celebrate the May birthdays nanti. Takde idea. Anyone has any suggestion? It has to be kids friendly. As Nurin & Hariz will easy to get bored. And their father too. Hehehehe. (Ayong : I have gone thru your other blog. Cool, nanti senang-senang kakngah write-in okay).

Next week I will be busy nya ya amat. Chairman masuk office, gamaknya mengadap dia la 24jam. Sah ada yang kena nak marah ni. Report dia soh buat I tak siap lagi. Takde mood la nak buat report. Sah dia tanya apa cerita collection, BG, bla-bla-bla. So kalau I tak update blog next week, or tak balas email, korang tau la I tengah rajin gila kipas chairman. Hehehehe.

Fahroe off to Kuching this coming Wednesday. (p5, how come you get the deal to see him there, ini tidak adil! kita dengggggkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!! btw, I am really sorry to know about the US trip. Try next time?) 4 hari dia takde, die la!!! Hehehehe. Takpe, ada 4 hari nak tengok muka kasi puas. Which that alerts me, I better off and go home now. Silap-silap dia sampai bukit dulu nak ambil, kita pulak takde. Ttak pasal aku kena bebel sebab lambat.

Have a good weekend people! Take care.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Hari ni birthday ayahnurin. He is 35years old. Dah tua!!!!! Semoga rezeki bertambah, sihat sentiasa dan berbahagia disamping keluarga tercinta. Bila dah kaya lebih sket, jangan lupa kakngah, kakteh, and adik. Lagi satu pesan, dapat baby number 3, jangan lupa kat Hariz&Nurin. You have the tendency to do that! Hehehehehe.

Hari ni letih satu macam tak tau kenapa. Batuk plak makin teruk. Pening la macam ni. Hari Selasa on the way to office I muntah dalam kereta. Batuk kuat sangat sampai muntah. Nasib baik muntah air ja. Patah balik nak salin baju, muntah lagi. Terus pegi klinik aunty Nita. Bagi ubat punya banyak. My ubat bp dari Coversil now tukar Micardis as Coversil boleh sebabkan batuk. Hmm.... Dalam 2pm macam tu I pergi HKL, jumpa Epi, my cousin who is a surgeon kat HKL. Dia soh buat x-tray. Then dia bagi prescription ubat sampai 4 jenis. Sedap ja dia suruh buang semua ubat yang I have paid at the clinic this morning. Derr...???? Klinik tu klinik aunty dia jugak. As I have no appointment, so I practically followed him sampai wad kat 3rd floor. He booked me for an appointment with a specialist for hypertension cases for young people like me. Hari rabu dia suruh ambik darah and urine. 1st June ni siap la kena leter dengan doktor. I think semua box dalam borang bloodtest and urine test tu dia tick. Tapi my xtray was okay. Normal ja.

Kerja macam biasa. Next 2 months makin busy la jawabnya sebab banyak benda nak kena settle before august 2007. Dateline nak siapkan semua yang kitorang plan for this year. Harap-harap business lagi okay, boleh la mintak boss naik gaji & naik bonus.

Last weekend I finally got the chance to watch Wild Hogs on Saturday. Tapi punya nak tengok lama, melangut 4 jam kat KLCC tunggu 1120pm. Nasib baik cerita kelakar, kalau tak sure tido dalam panggung. I attended AGM Anseri petang tu, yeay, am off the hook sebab diorang elect exco baru. Totally new face in the new exco except President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary. Tapi pagi ni masuk office, hampeh punya secretary a.k.a Fahroe hantar email that the new treasurer requested for an assistant, and he wants me to help him. Apa la.... baru nak ngelat, kau hambat aku buat kerja plak. Doink la these people. Dah la Jack and Fahroe (again) pandai-pandai je letak nama I buat kerja promosi for 7th batch Beseri punya gathering on 070707. Aiyak! Lepas ni I nak buat-buat malas buat kerja la.

Ma & Ba just got back from Bangkok on Monday. Besok mama nak pergi Surabaya plak. Jenjalan je orang tua tu. Next weekend they are coming. Planning to have a family outing celebrate birthday babah, ayong and hariz (next week baru his birthday). okay la, nak balik!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Hari ni stressfull gila kat office. Dah la malam tadi tak leh tido feeling upset, bangun pagi still tak happy, masuk office, macam-macam hal la. Bebudak office ni betul la doink. Issue ticket tak nak check, aku soh tukar format, degil cakap dah verified ngan airline. Tapi bila airline debit memo masuk berpuluh ribu kena denda, mula la dolak dalih. Aku jugak yg pening sbb nak kena mintak waival dari airlines. Tapi problemnya diorang dah charge masuk bsp, so, apa-apa pun kena bayar dulu. Last year 60k, 40k, 15k. Hari ni ada dua : 20k & 13k. Diorang ingat kerja aku cop duit ka untuk company? Dah la aku make sure company tak bankrupt, ada duit bayar semua payment, semua bills, semua gaji on time. Geram la.

Hari ni memang hari mengamuk. Dengan suara takde ni, aku tak peduli, dah geram sangat. BP sure naik tadi. Tapi now dah calm dah. Kena calm, sbb lepas ni ada meeting. Nanti tak leh concerntrate. Terasa wasted satu hari ni sebab I didn't even do my work, was trying to solve other people's problems!

These few days asyik jumpa kawan lama ja (Ayahnurin sure perli aku ni, asyik reunion ja minah ni! Hehehehe). Met my classmates kat MRSM Beseri, Shazryll @ Jack. Dah 7 years aku tak tengok muka dia. Still pak lawak macam dulu. I also met Sally, another classmates kat Beseri. We had tea (or rather late lunch/early dinner) kat Cozy House GE Mall yesterday. I kena belanja sebab kalah boling (as expected!) Hari ni Jun(ex-trolak) email me after quite sometime tak jumpa dia, Nina (another old friend) called out of the blue. Menjejak kasih ja. Semalam tak jadi tengok wayang. I thought Wild Hogs, dah sebulan kat cinema, banyak ticket. I reserved 2 for me & Fahroe, but we asked Nazif & Muna to come along as we went boling earlier together. Tapi sampai ticket sold out. Only left the 2 that we reserved, and 4 right on first row. Nak ganti movie lain, Fahroe being himself, will say no! So, mengalah again. Frust nya. Nak bertekak, takde suara, so balik ja la. Adik cakap jangan jadi bodoh nak merajuk pasal movie. Tapi kan, kalau dah asyik mengalah ja, mana boleh tahan! So minggu ni nak merajuk panjang. (I am sure Iza terkekeh ketawa baca statement ni) Fahroe cakap I tak leh tahan punya, nanti angau sape nak layan,will see then! Kesian aku, selalu mengalah pun orang cakap aku queen control, ish-ish-ish. I know, if I angkat kaki ramai yang tepuk tangan, ramai yang waiting in-line. So, minggu ni Aida doink nak have some drama. Will update if I win. (Doink : Kita bukan nak cari pasal ka apa, bukan nak cabar ka apa, tapi nak tengok apa nak jadi, mana kita nak pegi ni)

Gambar russia? Ala, itu nanti-nanti leh? I need help from ayahnurin one of these days. I tau I buta IT. P5 : kena sabar la. You have seen the pictures. Bab-bab touching computers aku memang lembab!

ok-ok, nak pergi meeting! take care everyone. This week, I takde access internet, starting tomorrow I kena duduk atas kejap, banyak menda nak settle. Next week baru turun balik, I will update part 2 pasal russia ok?

Ps: Update selepas 10 minit tulis posting me, fahroe telefon tanya nak balik dia hantar tak? Aiseyman, aku cair terus, macam mana nak drama macam ni? Aida memang doink!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Besok, 13th May is Mother's Day (2nd Sunday in May).

I would like to wish all of you ladies out there Happy Mother's Day!

To mama, thanks for being a great mom! I know I have not been a good daughter, always pick a fight with you lately (the late rebel from kakngah, dah tua baru nak buat perangai, hehehehe), but I thank you for your patience. Wish you well, good health, and happy always through out the future years.

To my kaklin, kaklong, my aunties, my cousins, my friends, I envy korang! Bila aku boleh celebrate mother's day ni? Asyik kena buat/beli kad & bagi orang ja, bila aku nak dapat card ni? Aiyak!!! Boyfriend ooooiiitttttsssssss!!!! Dah 2 kali posting mother's day ni, takde progress ka wei? Hehehehe. Amik kau, aku komplen ni, tak tau! By the way, ayahnurin&ibuhariz : happy 9th anniversary. Lupa la wish last Thursday. Kngah demam, lupa banyak benda.

I hope all of you will have a great weekend. Ingat nak balik, tapi for one night only, tak pulang modal la. Lagipun Mama cakap tunggu ja dia balik KL early next month. Then can do all the belated celebration in KL with family. Besok mungkin main boling jap, tengok crowd macam mana. Tapi malam besok definately nak tengok movie. Nak tengok Wild Hogs. Spiderman 3 perhaps next week la. Bila dah cooldown sket. Now nak tengok sure kena tengok front row.

Below is posting on Russia, nanti part 2 I sambung next week.

Russia -part 1

1st day -The journey
I left KL on Friday night 27th April. As expected jalan jam. Risau jugak driver tak sampai on time sebab dah tau MRR2 bawah bukit tu jam gila. But we arrived on time. Had dinner at KLIA before check-in. The flight to Dubai was overbooked. Minus 19. Tak tau la sape yang kena offload tu. At 12midnight que masih panjang. The flight to Dubai took me 7hours. Dalam flight tengok movie, makan, makan, and makan! EK punyer flight banyak food. I dok minum air sbb terasa dehydrated. Sampai Dubai at 350am. Connecting is at 930am. Lama nak tunggu. I cari surau, then masuk duty free shop. Around 630am lepak kat Safar lounge. For EK pax yang transit more than 4 hours boleh lepak kat sini. Ada buffet food. Que nak masuk punya la panjang. Then my flight to Moscow took me another 5 hours. By the time sampai, punya la letih. Nasib baik tour guide tunggu. Naik tour bus pergi city. 1 hour journey. The road in Moscow ada 3-4 lane. Tapi masih jam. Their traffic is worst than KL. Tempreture was at 1o' only. Sejuk. We stop at The Red Square for an hour. Sempat la posing depan St Basil's Catheral. Church yang ada dome macam-macam colour tu. After that we had dinner at a Russian restaurant. Makan ikan. 8 hari kat sana, makan ikan aja. Check-in kat hotel Cosmo, 4star their standard, tapi macam 3star ja. Tapi not so bad. It is a big & tall hotel. My cousin, Nadira, came to visit me. Pass dia segala rendang, kerepek, cookies yang aunty yot kirim. Punya la dia seronok dapat food. Borak-borak kejap, then dia balik.

2nd day - Moscow
The next day after breakfast I had the Kremlin tour. Kat dalam tu tengok Museum penuh dengan barang-barang zaman pemerintahan raja & pemaisuri sebelum kurun 17. Damn, diorang kaya gila. Imagine, baju bukan penuh beads yang lawa saja, tapi penuh dgn stones, gems. Diamonds, Jades, Ruby, Amber, Topaz, Sapphire, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and banyak lagi. Masih berkilau and cantik. The royal carriage pun penuh diamond. Selama ni kalau tengok classic English movie kat tv ingat dah lawa dah, huh, yang ni segala size semua ada, and lagi beautiful. Tapi sayang, tak leh amik gambar la. Hampeh betul. Even the horse pun ada their own costume full with diamonds. Kat dalam Kremlin ni, ada Alexander Garden. Memang cantik. Pokok baru nak berbunga, dengan weather still sejuk, hmm..... memang la lawa! Kat dalam kremlin ni ada few cathedrals, palaces which now are used as museums and administrative for Russia government. Tak jumpa Mr Putin kat situ, nampak tingkap office dia saja. You can read more about kremlin here : Moscow Kremlin

After lunch I had Metro tour. Ni tour their train station. Why train station? Sbb Moscow punya metro station memang cantik. The design, the paintings, the scupltures, the chandeliers, memang boleh duduk saja kat train station ni. After Metro pergi balik Red Square, masuk St Basil Cathederal. Kat Russia memang dok masuk church ja la. They really decorate the church. Paintings on the walls up to the siling. Each paintings has its own story. Luar St Basil ni I amik gambar segala angle yang boleh. Lepas dah habis kat kremlin area, pergi Arbat Street. Kat sini macam memang tourist spot. I bought some souvenirs here. Russian dolls mostly, and t-shirts for my two darling despatch. Nak beli barang kat Russia kena tengok-tengok sket. Their main thing is cathedrals, so memang lambang salib banyak la on each souvenirs. But they are beautiful. I bought some for my non muslim friends. But I managed to get the one that suits for my muslim friends. Sempat singgah Hardrock cafe. Adik sibuk nak tshirth hardrock original dari moscow. Tapi size dia takde. I bought an XL, if he doesn't want, then ayong it is yours then.

3rd day -Moscow and off to St Petersburg
Today buat city tour in the morning, petang pergi Ismailovo Market. Market ni besar, macam petaling street. Ada macam-macam benda jual kat sini. Kat sini, tengah beli barang, tetiba snow turun. Makin sejuk. By this time I dah rasa tak larat, badan dah start panas. Tapi shopping tetap shopping. After dinner pergi train station. Naik 1st class train pergi St Petersburg. 8 hours in the train. Depart at 12midninght. Dalam train memang kelakar. Kitorang tak jumpa blanket. Ingat kan memang takde kut. Sbb bantal ada, towel ada. Mungkin towel cum blanket. After 30minit train dah jalan, baru discover mana blanket. Nak cakap dgn conducter, they speak russian, tak faham. But the journey was good, tido lena. By the time nak reach SPE, lalu few villages, rumah penuh covered with snow.

okay, stop dulu, nanti sambung part 2 next week ok?

Friday, May 11, 2007


Hari ni birthday my dad. He is 63 today. Wished him this morning, perasan umur masih 36. Dia kata dia ada banyak masa lagi nak hidup panjang. Hehehehe. I know my dad had enjoyed his life all this while. Seorang yang penyabar, muka serious kat office, tapi lembut dengan anak-anak kat rumah. Tapi kitorang still fear him dari mama yang sememangnya garang dengan anak-anak. Bila tanya dia nak birthday present apa? Dia jawab high time dia dapat menantu baru. Alamak! I told him nanti I usahakan gak lah hadiah tu, tapi kena tunggu la.

Hari ni pun ramai orang punya birthday. Busu pun birthday hari ni. My dad is the eldest, he is the youngest. Letak diorang side by side boleh nampak muka yang sama tapi umur berbeza. Letak ayong with them, you will get triplets at different age. Busu is always mistaken as dad. Ramai kawan babah kat KL ingat busu ni babah. They will approach busu and say macam kenal. Ni Ariffin ka? And busu will politely reply, saya ni adik dia. Even ayong pun gets the same question. But usually they will ask ayong ayah keja polis or ayah dulu runner ka? My dad was an olympian. Dia wakil Malaysia dalam 4x100m relay with M Jegathesan during the 60s. He had won many medals. Kalau SEA games, dioarang la yang power. Babah ni the first runner. But sadly, none of his children ikut dia.

My batuk dah okay, as at this morning belum batuk lagi. Tapi malam tadi batuk quite teruk. My mistake jugak. Makan ayam goreng 3 ketul. Fahroe brought back from Teluk Intan. And also the keropok he brought back. Yummy. Tapi padah nya tekak aku yang merana last night. Hari ni banyak kerja. Lunch nak pergi makan with my colleague, Dave. Hari ni pun his birthday. Hopefully boleh settle semua kerja today. Taknak pening paler this weekend. BSP pun dah settle for this Monday. Yeay!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Hari ni baru masuk office. Tu pun masuk pukul 12tengahari. I was really sick. Batuk tak sudah. But now fever gone, nose block gone, but the cough is still bad.

Touchdown hari Sabtu lepas terus pegi klinik aunty Nita. She was on duty. Gave me lots of ubat. Tengok pun takut. Balik rumah, mandi (after 24hours of travelling and no bath!), and sleep. Adik came around 6pm bawak I pegi makan, he actually had to drag me out of the house. I had nasi with soup, punya la lapar. Bertambah nasi. Ingat nak pegi amik keta, but the ubat dah buat mata lalok, balik sambung tido. Fahroe came around 1130pm after his friend's wedding, by this time I couldn't remember what happened, what we talked as I was asleep in the car. Next morning by the time I sedar dah after 1pm. Bangun takde food, makan biskut, then sleep again. Around 6pm Fahroe came again, forced me to have my bath and bawak I kuar makan bubur, baru la rasa alive sket. I finished the whole bubur 1 mangkuk besar myself. After dinner, pegi rumah nenek, ambik my car. Punya la kotor itu kereta. Adik came again around 10pm with Emma. They left after a while as I already had my dinner.

Monday was quite okay. Lepas ni boleh la I cuti panjang selalu as they had cleared the BSP for me. I did some follow-up on my work, reconcile few things. By noon my cough was getting worst. Went back sharp 545pm. Baru nak tido Fahroe datang lagi. (When I was sick, dia sibuk la nak datang, bila kita healthy, tak reti-reti nak datang!) Had dinner kat bukit, balik 10pm dah lena tak sedar apa. My sleep was disrupted with my cough. Imagine, every hour terjaga batuk kuat. Ni kes batuk kering, sampai sakit belakang batuk kuat sangat. Hari Selasa tak larat nak pegi office. I slept until noon, pegi jumpa doktor balik, tukar ubat. Last night still coughing, but lessen.

At this moment, my voice is still sexy, batuk masih ada, tapi dah reda. Am going out with my friend Daniel shortwhile, nak pegi makan sup. Tak tau la mana dia nak bawak. Office is fine, tapi banyak kerja, banyak benda nak follow up. Malam karang nak kena unpack back. Imagine, punya la I tak larat sampai bag pun belum habis unpack. Besok pagi first thing nak hantar laundry, jaket besar-besar tu nak kena dry clean and kena pulangkan balik. My wool clothes pun nak kena hantar dryclean. I am still unable to upload the pix, will do it once I have the free time. Nanti weekend ni bila free sket will update pasal Russia. I have a lot of people to visit. My opah, my opah tam (kak long, that bad ka?) my makcik minah, aunty yam, a good friend and his family who just lost their sister due to cancer on the day I depart for Moscow, my 2 darlings : Hariz&Nurin. I must find time to balik SP. Busu pun tadi dah tepon tanya bila nak datang Shah Alam as he wants me to look at his finance stuff. Aiyak! Apa-apa pun badan ni kena kasi sihat dulu, then baru boleh jumpa orang. This weekend kalau sihat nak pegi main boling and watch movie. Kalau still tak sihat, tido!

Fahroedoink : tagboard kita tu bila nak kasi betul la??? Ramai dah komplen mana pegi tgbd. Awak nye mcm besh ja... make sure you update mine. Jangan nak delete tgbd tu, or I will delete u. I don't care how you do it, but get it done! Buruk la bila bukak blog and see ada section says "this page cannot be found". I'll be less mengada if I get the tgbd (promise!) I have been the pass 2 days kan? kan? kan? kan? Comeback home safely besok.

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Baru touch down dari Moscow. Kena tunggu lagi 3 jam baru dapat naik flight balik KL. Within 24 hours kena naik 3 flights nak balik!!! Penat. Dah la asyik batuk aja. Weather in Russia tersangat la sejuk nya. Sempat la rasa snow and tempreture minus 4!.Will update about Russia bila I balik. Banyak nak story. Jauh, penat, tapi it was an amazing experience for me. Lagi-lagi bila pergi free of charge, dapat duit poket, wei, kalau tak kerja keras gak lepas ni, mau kena katok ngan boss! Hehehehehe.

Nanti akan sampai KL on Saturday at 2pm. Tak sabar nak jejak kaki kat KL. Rindu kat matahari & the hot weather! And nasi!!!! I took lots of pictures, nanti balik kena belajar camne nak upload gambar tu semua. First thing balik KL nak pegi klinik dulu! My voice tengah sexy gila. Then nak kaver sleep! Lucky besok Ahad ada lagi satu hari nak rest!

Waktu pergi bag cuma 13kg, handlugage 5kg. Balik sini, tambah lagi 13kg. All together 33kg, berat bag bawak Vodka balik. Mana tak nya, each souvenir shop dah la I dapat tips, sbb I tour leader kan, I beli barang I dapat discount, pastu diberi satu botol vodka free. Nanti nak bagi my boss satu. Yang lain tu tengok la sape yang dapat. I beli barang byk orang kirim russian dolls. Itu ja dah 15 pieces yang besar. Yang kecik-kecik lagi. Kesian gak, diorang nak pergi sikit punya jauh kan, and they have given me money. I just hope they will like it.

Kat sana totally tak ingat work! rasa aman gila orang tak kacau. My mind clear 9 hari! It was a good break. But asyik teringat kat Hariz Danial la kat sana, tak tau kenapa. 3 malam mimpi dia. First thing sampai nak kena call this darling nephew of mine. Tak call dari sana, mahal la. Nak SMS, macam dia reti nak balas, hehehehe.

Okay, I nak turun, nak pegi minum jap, tekak ni perit. Then nak lepak kat gate. Lagi 2 jam kena wait. Then naik flight lagi 7 jam baru sampai final destination. Jangan driver lupa amik kat klia sudah la.