Friday, October 12, 2007

Besok Raya

Besok Raya!


Babah just sent me sms saying they have left SP at 830am this morning. Tak tau la pukul berapa diorang tu nak sampai. I am sure the traffic will be heavy. Dah pesan kat diorang to be carefull. I know I will get an update every hour about traffic, where they are stopping, if they see any accident, or if they pass by my colleague in Trolak, or they pass by their soon-to-be daughter and son in-law, when they pass by exit to rumah kak lin. Dah sampai Rawang, every single toll, every single traffic lite, every single simpang, mama will definately sms all of us. Showing her excitement balik kampung. Eh, balik kampung ka? Balik KL bukan balik bandar ka? Apa-apa la! Hehehehe.

Apa nak buat, kampung KL. Arwah atuk (both atuk) bought the piece of land and house there, kebetulan back to back since the 60s. Mom and dad met there, romanticlly behind the house, separated by Sungai Gombak. Hehehehe. My mom was a friend of my dad's sister (mak lang), so every day mama lalu depan rumah nenek (my dad's mom's house), babah mesti usha. Bagus jugak babah cari bini, tak yah pening kepala nak balik raya, jalan kaki 5 minit dah sampai rumah each other. Dulu raya kat KL ni best, jalan lengang, tapi sekarang dah ramai orang, and foreigner pun ramai, still meriah, sebab kat masjid ramai orang, tapi pegi shopping mall penuh bangsa asing. Sabar je lah. Bukan tak boleh, tapi rasa macam kat negara diorang pulak, padahal kat Malaysia. Sebab ramai sangat.

Ok, malam ni I will be at Gombak, help out apa patut. Then besok awal pagi kena pegi, pergi kubur arwah atuk kejap, both at the same place, tanah perkuburan Taman IbuKota which is also 5 minit walk from opah's house (Yes, my kampung is in a Taman Perumahan in KL). And also will visit kubur sedara mara yang lain and my friends and family friends too. Tengok mana yang sempat. I am not going for raya prayers besok as I will help aunty Dah and mama at home. Lepas pray, semua will serbu rumah opah. Cousins sekelian, and uncles and aunties too : korang pakai la baju kaler apa pun, yang penting kita semua happy and ceriakan rumah opah. And take a whole family pics kat tangga rumah opah like we did 3 years back.

Okay la, I have some reports to finish. Petang karang baru sibuk pasal raya. Tak worry sangat as rumah opah aunty Yyot & aunty Da sudah siapkan. They will cook the dishes today, I think sure dah start. Mama is bringing all the kuih & cakes baked at SP.

It will be a nice raya no matter what has happened, that is one thing for sure I know.

Take care everyone!


Blogger Mrs O said...

wahhh i am so jealous with the kemeriahan ur family sambut aidilfitri...have fun girl!!!
kim salam ur parents and siblings ya...eid Mubarak and maaf zahir batin!!

Fri Oct 12, 11:34:00 AM GMT+8  

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