Saturday, March 08, 2008


Schadenfreude is a German word a friend of mine asked me to look out what it means.

Meaning : 'pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune'. (This doink friend of mine is enjoying every single second bullying me at this moment)

I googled the word and found the following interesting words (similar word in other language) :
Malay language : padan muka!!!
Arabic: shamaatah شماتة (shamtan, taking pleasure in the misfortune of others)
Bulgarian: злорадство (зло, evil or harm, радост, joy)
Chinese: simplified Chinese: 幸灾乐祸; traditional Chinese: 幸災樂禍 (幸 enjoy[ing]; 災 [other's] calamity; 樂 be happy for/laugh at; 禍 [other's] misfortune/suffering)
Dutch: leedvermaak (leed, suffering or sorrow, and vermaak, entertainment)
Finnish: vahingonilo (vahinko, accident or damage, ilo, joy or happiness)
Greek: χαιρεκακία (χαρά, joy or delight and κακία, spite or ill will)
Hebrew: שמחה) : שמחה לאיד, joy, איד, misfortune, based on Proverbs 17:5) (simcha la'ed), also: " מתכבד בקלון חבירו " (see Mishneh Torah, the laws of Teshuvah chap. 4:4).
Hungarian: káröröm (kár, loss or damage, öröm, joy)
Norwegian: skadefryd (skade, damage, fryd, joy or happiness)
Russian: злорадство (зло, evil or harm, радость, joy)
Scots Gaelic: aighear millteach (aighear, delight or joy, millteach, malicious or destructive)
Serbian and Croatian: злурадост/zluradost (zlo, evil, radost, joy)
Swedish: skadeglädje (skada, damage, glädje, joy or happiness)
Ukrainian: zlovtiha (zlo, evil or harm, vtiha, joy or happiness)

And the best part was, the word do link to a type of food. Someone had indulge themself and created Schadenfreude Pie. Seriously!!!! Read all about it here. I am going to try it soon!!!

Hehehehe, now you can give me another word, and I will link it to food. :P



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