Tuesday, August 29, 2006

daughter, father, and menantu (babah's favourite *at the moment eh!!!*)

Daughter 31 years old, still single. Dad is 62. Menantu???? will turn 32 next month.

Picture taken after kenduri rumah nenek, after makan (of course the daugter la yang paling banyak makan!!!)

Thursday, August 24, 2006


I told my friend Iza last night that I was going to write a nasty & cynical text today. Tapi bangun pagi tadi, fikir balik tak jadilah.... So the normal text will do. Perhaps, later if I have the courage I will write on that matter. At the moment, I just be the good Aida as usual!

By the way, Happy Birthday to Rohaiza Abdullah or well known as Iza among our friends and also at the tagboard. Tinggal Bapak Aina ja belum turn 31. Iza : I hope you will have a good birthday, if not, just hang on, besok I'm sure you will feel much better (you know what I mean).

Okay, turning 31 was a disaster.... why???? feeling very old la!!! Anyway, would like to thank everyone for the wishes and presents. Paling best bila Hariz & Nurin called me on Tuesday to wish. They were so joyful, laughing, felt very happy to hear them. Hadiah paling best? Mesti la bunga ros from Eddy Toh. Cute ja mamat sorang tu. And he got the big piece of my birthday cake. Celebrated at office with my colleagues on Tuesday. Most JLH moment on birthday.... hehehe, I wish I had one la, sorry, nope, tarak, elek. But waking up yesterday morning at 740am did give me a relief feeling knowing things will be back to normal.

I was on leave yesterday. Pegi KLCC, jumpa p5 for lunch. Bought myself a new shoe! Last night I went to gym. At first, both Iza & I was very muka monyok (I yang terlebih actually) until Sarah came and change the mood. Kelakar gila masing-masing last night. Our trainer pun pening kepala layan the 3 of us. After gym we lepak together, had dinner and a good talk on men.

Oh yes, lupa nak bagi tau, I went to Energy Spa kat GE Mall last Sunday. Pegi with Amy. Besh!!!!!!!! Lega rasa kena massage satu badan. The place not bad, whole body massage cost around RM138.00. Bulan ni memang kaw-kaw pamper myself. Takpe, once in a while okay la.

Now looking forward nak puasa & raya pulak la.....

Aiseyman, phone dah ringing..... ada dinner kena pegi, chow dulu, besok sambung!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Last nite we had a farewell dinner for my cousin shah. He is going back to Japan this Friday. Myself, kaklong shila, amy, amily, aizat, my brother azril and his girlfriend ema went Karaoke kat Red Box at Sogo. We had dinner then and continued with melalak. Semua orang nyanyi. Even Amy yang malu-malu pun had few songs on her own. I was surprised to hear adik sang his song last night. I never knew this little brother of mine can sing! I mean usually he sang like half or quarter song saja. Tapi malam tadi nyanyi macam-macam lagu. (Ayah Nurin : Sorry la tak ajak ayong. We figured you tak boleh join due to location and short notice. I know your suara sedap, hehehehe. Adik new gf ok. Nanti tengok la yg ni lama mana pulak!)

Today I will start my 3 session gym. New instructor. Tak tau la mamat ni strict macam mana. Hopefully boleh survive. And boleh kurus lagi by the time raya comes. Lagi 7 days to my birthday, I'm getting older! I know I dah send semua yg sepatut nya my wish list, but the most important wish right now is for me to live long! To be married and have children of my own and grow old happily. Life can be short. So from now onwards I nak cherish my everyday life sebaik mungkin. Tapi to Ayahnurin & Ibuhariz : Kalau korang nak bagi present, beli kan vacuum cleaner boleh tak? Need one for the house. Boleh la..... tong-tong with ma, ba, kteh and adik. Hehehehehe.

Last weekend best! Friday night pegi shopping with Amy kat KLCC. Semua yg nak beli, dapat beli, tinggal kasut tak jumpa. Takpe, can wait!. Saturday afternoon I pampered myself with facial, pedicure, manicure. Penat tahan sakit buat threading kat muka, ada orang tu boleh buat dek ja. Tak complement apa pun, memang la blur! Malam I pegi birthday party my chairman. His 65th birthday. Ada band lagi. Orang tua tu memang happy sangat. The whole office got angpow on Monday! After his party, I went to Port Klang. Layan Hanizah mengidam nak makan seafood. Sunday I spent time at nenek house in Gombak. Nenek jatuh, bengkak & lebam teruk. Dia degil tak nak pegi check doctor. Ramai yang datang. Semua aunties, uncles, cousins and the cicit generation pun ramai. Lepak sampai petang baru I keluar. Malam pegi OneUtama. Carik kasut, takde. Hariz & Nurin ada kat Ikano, tapi tak jumpa diorang.

Aiyak, I have to stop, ada lagi nak story, tapi later. Ada apa hal depan office tu kena turun tengok. Client macam buat bising ja tu. Ta.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


My mother ada new interest sekarang : JUAL KEK. The last 2 weeks she was here in KL, dia belajar buat kek from Mak Lang. My Mak Lang memang jual kek (chocolate cake, kek pisang, puding roti, and mcm-mcm lagi ada) and it has been her passion since she retired last year. And her business is booming now. Sentiasa ada order, termasuk dari orang-orang jauh like putrajaya.

Now mama pulak nak buat business kek for herself. Since now dia dah fit and okay, and I think she is bored at home, so she decided to do it for fun. As usual, babah is the marketing officer, dok promote cake mama la. Hehehe, kesian babah tak dapat commission, lagi kena jadi delivery man ada la, and also help mama beli barang, and buat apa yang patut kalau mama kena duduk dapur bakar kek! But I know babah tak kisah sangat. At least mama is occupied and not bored. She just called me just now and update me on how many kek she had sold! I guess this year she can buy a new table for the house. Last year she sold kuih raya and bought herself a new sofa with the profit she gained from selling kuih raya.

Bila la aku nak entrepreneur macam mama? Hehehe, no time la! Diri sendiri pun tak da masa, nak buat business? hmmm... definately NO!

I pergi kasi my hair straight last Saturday, nampak la kemas sket. Nak potong, as usual, tidak dibenarkan by my hairdresser. Sabar ja la. I tak nak rebonding macam dulu, as it has made my hair very dry, very kasar. Nak tengok the new treatment ni macam mana, it should be better. So far tak kasar sangat, and they gave me a shampoo to try. I hope this time it will work! Baju raya dah siap 6 pasang, tinggal lagi 4 pasang. Pokai la ni macam.

Malam tadi jumpa Shah (my cousin). He is back for 2 weeks dari Jepun. Promised him we go karaoke one of these nights. Okay la, nal balik. Janji with Cik & Aunty Da nak have dinner with them. I hope adik & kakteh can join as well.

Ta!...... ps : birthday tinggal lagi 13 hari! yeay!

Friday, August 04, 2006


Dah 9pm, I'm still kat office. Tapi bukan buat kerja, tapi teman my colleague siapkan whatever back-up and data transfer dia buat. Computer & tech stuff, not my league. But I promised I stayback, so have to keep my word. I thought we would settle by 830pm. I was hoping to go KLCC tonight to buy my things, so tomorrow I can do less things.

It is my Saturday Off tomorrow. Need to go for my appointment with my hairdresser. Nanti pergi next month sure penuh as raya is coming soon. My baju raya dah siap 4 pasang, another 6 pasang to go. To complete my aim of having 10 pasang baju raya. Tahun ni nak raya sakan! And because of my 10 pasang baju raya, I nak buat announcement. To my nephews and nieces, sorry eh, Makngah Aida pokai ini raya, so korang only get standard duit raya, and NO PRESENT RAYA like last year!! And that goes for all my cousins and my aunties too. My adik beradik pun, hmmm.... okay la, korang nanti tengok budget. Tapi Mama & Babah akan dapat la.

While waiting in office now, and internet being very slow, I tried to do my airasia ticket purchase. Dah buat 2. Balik SP (turun Alor Setar) for puasa month. I nak balik 4 hari!!!, and pergi Langkawi. Langkawi am going alone, saja nak adventure, lagipun nak rehatkan minda sekejap, tak nak sape2 kacau saya!!! Am trying to do the Bandung package, tapi susah betul nak buat for next year Jan or Mar. Hotel rates tak keluar lagi la. This year ada, but I only have November. And at that time akan sibuk open house. Am looking also other options like Phuket or Seam Reap. Itu I'm going with my friend. Yeay! I nak berjalan puas-puas. Asyik planning kan cuti orang saja, awak jugak terperap. December I'll be going to China kut, kena ikut jaga tour group. Staff tak cukup sebab banyak groups going out end of the year. I was hoping to get the Europe group, so I can join my friends nanti. Entah la, book ja ticket, by Matta Fair Sept nanti baru decide.

Starting this month I nak adventurous sket. Ingat nak pergi white water rafting with p5, tapi mamat ni pulak kena quarantin from aktiviti lasak. Takde gang ni yang tak syok! I know I tak la adventurous sangat. Pastu kalau tempat tu toilet out, lagi la aku tak suka, tak leh ala kadar, tapi berangan nak adventurous. Tapi kalau dah ada niat, belum cuba belum tau kan? Tu la, muda-muda dulu tak nak buat, dah tua-tua ni baru sibuk nak try macam-macam. Ish-ish.

Talking about tua, I dah buat my wish list, and sending it to mereka yang sepatutnya. So, make sure korang fullfill tau! Ada lagi 18 hari ja ni. Yeay!

Aiyak, mana la ofismate aku tak sudah-sudah ni??? Mahu pulang la. Dah la ngantuk, semalam tido lambat la, celebrate birthday Amy (my cousin) at midnight. Hopefully I will not have to stay until after 10pm.

Okay la, take care everyone! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Pagi ahad lepas I plan nak buat macam-macam, and nak pegi macam-macam tempat. To get things for mama, need to fix my hair, get things for myself, meet my friends, etc. Tapi hancur hati tengok keta kena pecah tingkap bahagian tempat duduk penumpang belah depan. Malang la sape yg berniat jahat nak break-in my car as I don't keep valuable things in it. But they took my shoe, and 80cents from the coin box.

Being me, the cry baby, apa lagi, nangis la tengok keta jadi macam tu. With the help of Paroe, I send the car to the mechanics, RM138.00 kena to replace the cermin. Terus satu hari takde mood! I just stayed in saja. Only later late evening I went to Ikea to get things for mama and ambik murtabak umah Intan, baru rasa okay sket. The next day on Monday baru dapat ambik keta tu. Babah cakap nanti dia bagi duit untuk the window replacement, baru nak sengih sampai telinga. But being a good daughter, I cakap takpe la.

So, I had to kawtim with mama, only half of the things she wanted saja boleh dapat. The balance nanti I pegi later, and will pass to her when she comes down again next week. The ikan masin delivery also kena tunggu malam ni or besok la. Ada lagi 2 rumah tak pergi, the rest dah buat last night.

Mama & Babah dah balik SP semalam. Babah nampak berisi as he has been eating rice the past 2 weeks. We had dinner on Monday night kat rumah Maklang. I kena sound sebab dah lama tak datang situ. Sengeh ja la dah kena leter ngan Maklang, hehehehe.

This Sunday I hope no more surprises la, nak pegi KLCC ni, byk benda nak beli!

Semalam separuh hari meeting tak sudah! Since company is doing quite well (in terms of margins, but not the collection, but it has improved in JULY, syukur, at least rasa berbaloi my hardwork!) we decided to naik gaji semua orang. Yeay! Will have to do bit by bit, and will start with those who are eaning paling sket. I tengok listing, my raise will only take effect end of the year la jawabnya. Ya la, I kena realistic. Kena ikut sape yg due (although i punya dah due!!!) and kalau naik semua orang serentak, I jugak yg mati nak hempas pulas carik duit make sure gaji bulan2 boleh bayar. Weekly bsp pun dah semput, kalau naik kan gaji semua orang serentak, die la!!! Takpe la, janji naik gaji, and kena plan bonus 2 bulan tu menjadi!!! (Bapak Aina mesti sengeh baca statement ni :) hehehehehe) And we are planning to give 3 Saturdays off a month, instead 2 Saturdays current! Tapi tu will decide in September la. I yang paling oppose tutup Saturdays, as we get good cash collection on Saturdays, that had helped our BSP on Monday, or month end bills to pay. But at least our working hours ends at 530pm now on weekdays starting 7th Aug. Kalau tak 6pm baru habis. Yeay!! Semua orang sengih sign memo semalam and everyone is looking forward for the 3 off days!

My fitness test last Saturday lepas!!! Yeay. Although weight stagnant (well, naik sket, by 400g!!!!) tapi at least I have loss some inches here and there and my heart pulse rate is much better now. Need to do something on my eating habit. Ish-ish!

Okay la, nak buat keja balik. Nak siapkan keja cepat. Lepas maghrib nak cabut cepat, malam ni nak dinner rumah Iza. Untung jadi orang bujang banyak kawan ni, MAKAN FREE!!! Home cook meal lagi. Hehehehehehe.

Take care everyone!