Thursday, August 30, 2007


Finally Malaysia menang in a football match. All these while macam apa ja. But still, last night I watched the game, still nampak our players ni macam hampeh. Sikit-sikit jatuh, sikit-sikit angkat stretcher keluar padang. Takde fight langsung. Fight gaduh mulut & tangan ada la. Although kita menang, I noted Myanmar players lagi banyak buat attack at our gol side.

Whatever it is, we won last night. I just hope the team tak leka, but instead will do better next time. Yeah, I tau kritik ja. Main bolanya tak tau. Hehehehe. Congrats team bola!

Err... what happened to my ANSERI team bola? Bila nak ada semangat ni? Hehehehe. I missed cheering for team bola TROLAK college. Time tu memang fun & happening. Those were the days.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My friends tengah paster I follow diorang to go to Jakarta Friday morning. Dengki la aku nak berehat. Entah lah, memang tempted. Bawak duit belanja ja. Hmm... I told them I will think about it and will decide tomorrow. So far flight ticket banyak lagi. Kalau pagi Jumaat bangun terasa nak pergi pun still boleh lagi. Hehehehe. Tengok la nanti.

Hari ni kerja not so bad. But I'm still at office at this hour. Teman my colleague siapkan his work. As return dia kena belanja breakfast besok and teman pergi parking later. My parking lot to dodgy siket. Masuk basement takde reception. If anything happen, no one knows you kat bawah tu. Usually if I takde bodyguard, I will get bf or my brothers on line, and if I don't sms within 10 minutes, it is their responsibility carik I kat parking lot tu. Haha.

Besok malam sure jalan pack gila. Everyone is going to the merdeka eve celebration. Jalan sure banyak tutup. Dah 50 years kita merdeka tapi ada lagi ramai umat kat Malaysia ni yang belum Merdeka. Isu perkauman masih lagi belum solve. Banyak sangat halangan nya. I nak tengok until what year nanti kita semua boleh jadi Malaysian. Tapi itu hanya mimpi ja la kut.

Okay, nak kemas and balik. My colleague dah habis work and I'm not going to Putrajaya. Driver banyak pulak alasan dia malam ni. Cet.

Before I end, nak wish my niece, Nadine Azallea Faisal : Happy 12th Birthday!
Kesian la dia demam pulak. Good luck for your UPSR dear. Make mommy and daddy proud!

Lupa nak bagitau, gambar tak boleh upload, my cd drive ni tak boleh bukak pulak. Dah suruh IT department fix. So I will do it next week la ye.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

the long weekend coming up

Besok kerja, then Thursday goyang kaki, then cuti 3 hari yeay!!!!

Apa plan? Duduk rumah and rehat puas-puas!

Yup, that is what I'm going to do. After 2 months full of activities, kenduris, makan-makan, jalan-jalan, working like hell and last week's birthday celebration, high time I duduk rest diam-diam kat rumah. Seriously. Ma&ba upnorth, most friends either balik kampung or pergi holiday, boyfriend off with his mares guys doing whatever they are doing, nobody is coming to KL to visit me, I am taking this opportunity to rest!

Kerja banyak hari ni, tapi BG dah settle, BSP dah settle, gaji pun dah settle, so this weekend memang la nak relax.

My birthday was okay. Not so bad feeling 32 years old actually. Whatever that I have not achieve, I can try it again next year. Thanks to friends and family for all your wishes and prayers, and presents and belanja makan. I know most of you got frustrated sebab tak dapat tag or post a comment, sorry ye, bukan salah kita la. Perhaps ada system error or you all tak match the codes exactly or did not wait for 2oseconds after the error entry. Anyway, I had a good birthday this year. Knowing people you love are still behind you no matter what, that is a good thing for me. At 32 I thought no more surprise party, ada jugak tukang buat. Hehehehe. It was really a fun wild night, thanks a lot. Tapi next year tak payah lah, chek dah tua la ooiiitttsss. Buat kenduri doa selamat takpe, hehehehehe.

Last Saturday I found this one kedai at Bangsar. Next to the post office, it is called Restoran Berjaya. They have yummy wantan mee there. Cost RM5.00 per plate, tapi very big portion. Kedai tu sempoi aja, tapi ramai orang. They also have nasi padang, tengok ramai yang beli, line orang beratur tapau bawak balik ramai jugak, so I assume sedap la kut. Perhaps next time I will try the nasi padang pulak.

I also found a good place to eat yummy nasi lemak. Where? Mares Club house in PJ. But I'm not sure whether it is open to public or not. Chik's (a club member) wife yang masak. Tapi memang sedap. Harga, tak tau pulak, I makan ja, paroe bayar. I lover the kuah kari ikan, tak lemak sangat, just nice.

Ramadhan is just around the corner. Korang dah habis ganti puasa belum? My baju raya dah siap sepasang, tinggal lagi 2 pasang nak ambik. This year 3 pasang cukup la. Safe budget nak buat baju glamer for weddings next year. And I still have 2 good baju kurung yang baru pakai sekali saja. Next year baru buat 10 pasang balik. Tapi this year not looking forward for raya pun. Ada la reason nya, nanti nearing to raya, if I feel like sharing it, I will blog about it. But it will definately make me feel sad.

Okay la, I nak balik. Hopefully jalan dah tak jam. Lately kuar office awal, tapi stuck in the jam. Busan betul.

Take care everyone.

Tomorrow I will try to upload the pix, kalau succeed, dapat la korang tengok gambar, kalau aku bengap jugak, sori la. Hehehehe.

Monday, August 20, 2007

kakteh's engagement

What can I say about it? Hmm.... macam kenduri kawin!

Kakteh's engagement was held at nenek's house in gombak yesterday. Meriahnya macam kenduri kawin. Siap ada pelamin lagi. Thanks to my cousins Am & Wanie. Nasib baik letak kusyen aja, kalau letak kerusi, memang dah boleh sanding. Hantaran was lovely, 9 dulang my makteh(my father's sister) buat, pihak lelaki pun hantar 9. I love the cakes, both cakes, the carrot cake was decorated beautiful with kakteh's favourite colour, purple and maroon. The icing cake that nani (my father's adopted sister cum our babysitter during our younger days) contributed pun cantek sangat.

The ceremony started late. Pihak lelaki sampai lewat sejam. So kitorang apa lagi, posing la dekat pelamin. My sister looked very beautiful with her red/maroon kebaya dress. Zain, our family photographer, a good friend of mine, who is very familiar and comfortable with my family kenduris telah dikerah oleh my aunties, uncles, cousins and anak2 sedara too for pictures. Dia on duty dari 1030am sampai pukul 4pm baru dia balik. Ada dekat 550 pictures dia ambik. I managed to see them before zain balik, cantek. Banyak gambar kandid yang cute sangat. Penat jugak la my sis kena posing. Sampai dekat buai & garden rumah nenek pun dia posing ambik gambar. Tak sabar nak tengok the results nanti.

The food was great. About 300 family members came. Seriously, semuanya family related. And dalam 10 kakteh's very-very close friends. And tetamu was great too. Sabar tunggu pihak lelaki datang baru makan. Some of my aunties (my mom's cousin) yang I dah tak jumpa past 7 years pun datang jugak. Some relative from Singapore, Jitra, Alor Setar pun turun jugak. Cousins yang balik cuti dari Jepun and Uk pun ada jugak.

Me? Penat. Dengan panas, dok asyik minum air oren yang sejuk tu, hari ni tekak sakit sangat. Dah start batuk kering dah ni. Jangan la aku demam next few days ni sudah la. Nanti depress nak celebrate birthday. Tekak ni memang nak sakit, dari Friday nite ngap ntah apa-apa food aja. Last nite makan krispykreme donut, pagi tadi ngap cadbury, pastu dok minum ais. So tadi lunch makan sup sayur saja. Last duty semalam, basuh pinggan kasi clear dapur nenek. Favourite statement semalam, "aida bila pulak, lepas raya?" hehehehe. I jawab ja, "tanya my mother!"

Thanks to all family members who made it happen semalam. It was a good day for kakteh, I know, she was smiling the whole day.

I can't wait for adik & kakteh's wedding.

I can't wait for my wedding too. Hehehehehe.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hari ni last day nak berpoya-poya di office. Next week kena kerja keras balik sampai la raya. Hmm... Takpe, goyang kaki puas-puas hari ni.

Ngantuk. Lately ni susah sangat nak bangun pagi. Tido nyenyak sangat. Must be the ubat yang I makan. Nasib baik hari ni ubat last. Hopefully next week boleh bangun awal balik. Tak boleh jadi macam ni.

Last night pergi Jalan Duta hantar paroe nak pergi kuala perlis, ramai dah orang yang nak naik bus balik kampung. Ramai family with small children. Cuti sekolah dah nak start. Sure ramai yang skip hari ni and start cuti. I remember when I was young, during primary school, memang look forward cuti sekolah. Sebab time ni babah akan ambik cuti 2-3 hari and spend time with his children. Knowing my dad yang teramat busy nya, sometimes I nak apa-apa, I tulis memo ja and left it on his dressing table, even my report card pun dia sign, and tinggalkan note kenapa yang ni turun, kenapa maths and science teruk. Dia punya note pun kadang-kadang macam guru besar tulis : Sila berusaha lebih lagi. Hehehehe. So, time cuti ni, kitorang adik beradik memaximise kan our time with babah. Usually pergi penang, then up north jumpa toksu kat alor setar. Or go down south to Singapore visit our relatives kat sana. Tak pun pergi Genting ka, Cameron ka, Fraser Hill ka. I love spending time dekat apartment kat Genting tu. 3 big rooms, but ayong my brother a.k.a ayahnurin will always get the best room. Hmm.... those were the days. Now nak cari time pegi holiday sendiri pun susah.

Okay la, I nak start work. This week akan sibuk with kakteh's engagement. I've confirm and sent all the necessary things to opah's house. Tinggal nak amik cake besok and make sure photographer datang on time.

Take care everyone, have a good weekend.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Goodbye Terry

Terry, a happening lady I know since I was 16 yeard old. We were in the same school, same college, same uni, same house in Canberra, and continued our friendship until today. We both see each other go through our lives, the ups and downs, shared the joy, helped each other during our sad time. But now she is leaving. She is going to work in Doha. I feel proud and happy for her, for what she had achieved, for her dreams that she will work hard to accomplish them, and finally for doing something for herself. She deserves the break, the independent of her own life. I hope she will find her happiness there.

We had a farewell dinner last night for her. Me, Sarah, Jue, Ruby, Zetty and Terry herself. Pity Iza couldn't join us as she just had her third child. A small get together at Jake's in Starhill. A yummy place to have steak. But I had chicken of course. And the hagendaz strawberry mocktail. Yummy. Last night dinner was great, we laughed and laughed and laughed. Looking at everyone, I thank God we did well. Although all of us complained we need richer husbands so that we can be tai-tai, but I know everyone is happy where we are. (Sarah sure kalau baca ni cakap no I'm not, hehehehe. Itu resume kasi update la!) So next year holiday trip definately shopping in middle east pulak. Boleh visit Terry nanti.

We paid the bill around 950pm but only left the place at 1030pm. Mana taknya, banyak sangat nak cakap. I jadi driver kejap hantar semua orang balik. Ye lah, angkut bini orang kuar malam, kena make sure semua safely home. Nanti hubby diorang tak trust aku dah ajak their wife keluar malam for ladies night out. By the time I arrived bukit dah 1145pm. Kesian my driver waiting sambil tido dalam kereta. Dapat delivery krispy kreme donut, sedapnya. Donut ni datang dari jauh, from Jakarta. Very crispy and fluffy bila makan. Although donut tu sejuk. Ingat dapat separuh ja, masuk rumah tengok dapat empat. Memang la driver delivery paling besh kat dunia. Nanti next week kita bagi award ok? Hehehe.

Pagi tadi pergi hospital. Semua okay at the moment. Semua stabil, tapi weight kena kasi turun. Nanti kena follow up again next 2 months. Ma&Ba balik kl besok with toksu. It will be a tiring weekend for me. I nak masuk meeting, nanti jap lagi sambung.

Take care everyone!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

gloomy day

Cuaca mendung ja kat luar tu. It is 1042am, should be bright and sunny. A good day to sleep in. I should have ponteng aja today. Hehehehe. Tapi banyak kerja la nak buat hari ni, so I decided to come in. Boss takde, nanti office ni kelam kabut pulak. Tapi still goyang kaki lagi. Nanti lepas lunch baru buat kerja la.

Hari ni gloomy, takde mood. Nasib baik malam ni ada reunion party, that will cheer me up. (Yes ayahnurin, yet another reunion thingy. Hehehehehe) A lot has happened since Sunday buat takde mood nak look forward for this Sunday kenduri. I have such an arrogant sister. I just hope things will sort out before the kenduri. My kenduri work starts on Saturday, kena jaga kek (this time mama makes us order 4 kek from 3 different places!!) Nasib baik yummy cakes. (Amy : ur choc cake if you tak amik by tonite, it is going into my tummy. Kenot tahan the yummy look, and yummy smell everytime bukak fridge!!!!) And I'm also in charge for gifts to be given out to guests and the groom's family on that day. That one semua dah beli, nak cari bakul & tray aja.

Lagi 7 days to my birthday (ni kasi reminder kat semua orang ni, hehehehehe). I have got early birthday presents. Mama yang paling awal kasi, which was a surprise, sebab selalu dia yang paling last kasi. Hehehehe. Had early birthday treats too from my friends. Had dinner with friends last Monday nite at MV. Having lunch with a friend today and another one this Friday. Makan free bulan ni. Going out for a teater nite out next week. Tapi this year birthday kureng sikit rasa feel. Perhaps I'm getting old. No more fun. And at the same time my goals are not achieved yet at age 32. Takpe, there is always next year. At least I know I will be rich by month end, that is something too look forward too.

Okay, nak sambung kerja.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


It is raining out there at the moment. Aircond kat office ni pulak sejuk sangat. Lemak-lemak dalam badan jadi tepu pulak hari ni tak function. Cet. Time-time ni teringat trip Cameron last 28th July.

While we were eating and borak-borak at emma's house in Simpang Pulai during adik's engagement, we being me, paroe, kaklong shila, epi, ibuhariz and the kids menyampuk sekali sekala, paroe out of sudden sibuk tanya pasal Cameron Highland. We saw the big signboard after exit Simpang Pulai's tol, just before entering Emma's house. Rupanya dia tak pernah pergi Cameron Highland. I wasn't prepared for the trip. Sebab takde plan pun. The plan was to balik KL and lepak KL after kenduri, was hoping to watch movie la. But Cameron Highland sounds good too. :)

After getting information from Epi, Paroe & me left emma's house aroung 152pm. Ikut jalan baru. About an hour to reach Brinchang. Naik triton, kereta baru, uish, best ja la naik jalan berbukit bukau and bengkang bengkok. Lagi-lagi kalau ada driver! Hehehehe. We stop first at the strawberry farm. Signboard besar-besar tulis "pick your own strawberry" Apa lagi, kami pun stop situ la. I tukar baju dulu. Ye lah, naik cameron highland takkan nak pakai baju lip-lap kalah datin. Tengok bag, seluar purple, tshirt hard rock hitam, tudung bunga kaler biru. Hmmm.... bantai ja la. Although the baju lip lap looks much more better. Paroe tak tunggu pun, dia terus pergi pick-up strawberries dia. Nasib baik ladang tu tak besar. Sambil petik, sambil ngap. Besh. Besar-besar pulak buah nya. Dah puas ambil gambar and memetik buah, beli kordial, beli fridge magnet, beli jeruk strawberry (kedai tu macam-macam ada), sayur pun segar-segar belaka. I bought chocolate dip. We ate strawberry with coklat (bak kata siti nurhaliza) dalam kereta sambil drive naik atas lagi.

Half way, I nampak signboard besar-besar (really, their signboards are all big, you will not miss it) tulis Scones for afternoon tea. I suruh driver stop. Rupa-rupanya tu tempat ladang teh Cameron Valley. Tapi mahal gila itu scone. RM12.00 dapat 2 scones, butter, jam, and cream. Tu ja. Cet. Order air and karipap tu. Tengah makan, I call mama mintak no telephone anak kawan dia, Dida, who is working at Equatorial Hotel, Cameron. Dia cakap pergi Ladang Boh Sungai Palas near her hotel. We saw we have another 45minutes before its closing time (4.30pm daily tempat tu tutup for public). Driving to this place from the entrance is a nightmare. Jalan kecik satu lane. Tapi that is the only road to go up & down. At one part we saw 2 school busses coming down, nasib baik ada buffer kat tepi jalan. I risau ja triton tu calar. :(

10 minutes drive up jalan sempit tu, then kena jalan kaki daki bukit. Oh, semput sekejap. Tapi cuaca sejuk, tak berpeluh sangat. Kami sempat masuk kilang teh tu. Then beli-belah teh kat souvenir shop. Harga lagi mahal dari belik kat carrefour la. Tourist spot, so mahal siket kut. Hujan lebat tetiba, we had no choice to wait. Dari nganga ja, apa lagi, order scone and order tea la. Hehehehe. We also had cheesecake and pie. Yummy! Sejuk-sejuk, makan la, apa lagi. But the scenery dekat atas bukit tempat makan tu memang la fantastic. Ambik gambar lagi. Hujan reda, kitorang jalan turun bawah, terus pergi hotel ambik Dida. Sampai hotel hujan lebat balik. Paroe nak tengok Tanah Rata, so Dida bawak kami pusing-pusing kat Tanah Rata. We passed by few hotels & resorts, the expensive one, the cheap one. Tanah Rata was packed with people. Paroe sempat QSO with this guy from Alor Setar using Brinchang's repeater. Mamat tu advise kitorang balik jangan ikut Jalan Tapah sebab kalau time hujan-hujan and dah nak malam bahaya banyak lori and busses. We stop at KFC tapau dinner untuk Dida. Paroe saw kelapa laut dekat pasar malam, stop jugak dia nak rasa. Lepas hantar Dida balik, around 7pm kami turun ikut jalan yang sama.

Hujan makin reda tapi kabus tebal sangat. Dah sampai bawah baru lah visibility nampak clear siket. We stop kejap at petronas dekat simpang pulai. Then balik KL. Sampai bukit, driver nak makan kuayteow kungfu pulak. Masuk rumah, I tido nyenyak lena.

It was a good detour trip. I have enjoyed it very much.

Now nak balik. Nak kemas rumah before going out for late dinner. Unless driver is tired, then I will diet ini malam. Hehehehe.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Nampak sangat aku goyang kaki kat opis hari ni. Hehehehe. Takpe, hari ni ja, start besok I will hambakan myself with my work. Hari ni surf web, balas email, sakan email with my brothers and sisters, baca blog, now nak update blog for the second time. Hehehehe.

SPKG this year was great. At first memang taknak pergi sebab takde mood of what happened during that week, tapi lepas kena pujuk with driver I decided to go. Driver pujuk tak boleh tahan, cair terus.

Our journey start off by paroe the driver fetching everyone. Dia amik Ida, amik I, then kitorang amik aniz. Dalam kereta ada GPS, tapi tak boleh pakai punya. Asyik nak recalculate ja. Hampeh betul. Anyway, we left KL at 12midnight on Thursday. Ida & Aniz dah dooze off. I yang jadi co-pilot ni mata tak nak lelap pulak. Singgah Tapah isi minyak, beli roti & air. Lapar! By 3am, driver dah mengantuk, so we stop kejap kat R&R gunung semanggul. Driver cakap nak nap 15 minutes. Kejut dia cakap bagi lagi 15 minutes, at last I let him sleep for 1 hour. Dari planning nak pergi Kangar terus, driver tukar plan singgah my parents' house kat Sungai Petani. Driver terus masuk bilik tak ingat dunia dah, terus absorb kan diri atas katil. And so as Aniz & Ida. After breakfast, we left SP around 1030am.

Sampai Kangar at 12noon, jumpa abang Nazem dulu. Kasi can kat paroe sembang pasal radio dia dengan abang Nazem. Dia staff maktab, dulu keja kat dewan makan, now in pusat sumber. While dia borak, kami sempat say hi to all cikgu-cikgu yang lalu lalang kat situ like Cikgu Salim, Mr Jamil (my english teacher) and cikgu Farijah. By 2pm kitorang gerak pergi Kuala Perlis. Cari laksa, cucur udang and ketam goreng. We went to the same shop that we went last year. Masih sedap macam biasa. Perut dah kenyang, I mengada nak pergi Gua Kelam. Tempat ni on the way to Padang Besar and one of the main attraction dekat bandar Kangar. Apa ada kat sini? Gua semata-mata, and air sungai. It is a limestone cave sepanjang 400m. Ada jambatan dalam gua tu, zaman dulu digunakan sebagai laluan orang ramai nak angkut barang and hasil lombong bijih timah. Nak masuk bayar RM1.00 ja. Takde mood nak mandi, so jalan-jalan ja dalam gua.

Balik maktab, check-in bilik kat sick-bay, mandi and bersiap2 nak pergi Kuala Perlis again. Time dinner ramai yg dah sampai. 11 of us went to this place called Hai Tien makan seafood. Our friend Iesa from batch 6 saja ja buat gempak, bila bill datang cakap kuat kuat SATU TIGA TIGA ENAM. Ternganga mulut paroe kejap dengar. Dia la yang oder paling banyak, while makan kita tanya dia ada duit ka tak selamba ja jawab takde. Nasib baik bill tu RM133.60 ja. Which is very very very murah for 11 orang makan! Balik maktab, I tido puas-puas. Awal pagi dah kena kejut, kena kerah pegi breakfast. Terkejut lagi pepagi kena makan nasi. Kitorang takde choice, kedai roti canai penuh.

Event started at 10am. Ramai newcomers this year especially from the younger batch. My batch ada myself, paroe, zamri, anuardi, aniz and salwa. We break for lunch. Most of us lepak dekat bilik tido, but Aniz and me joined the crowd dekat dewan listening to Marina & Iesa giving tips on interview process. Lepas habis tu we had a fun sukaneka. Ada 3 games, I took part in musical chair and water balloon. Musical chair kalah time semi final. Adik form 4 tu main tipu. Kasi can la diorang menang. Time water balloon paling besh sekali sbb kitorang main passing balloon yang dah di isi air. Habis my baju basah dikerjakan paroe dengan sengaja nya.

Lepas dinner kat dewan makan, we went to Kangar town. Lepak minum teh, order capati. Makan aja kerja. Balik maktab, sambung borak sampai 430 pagi. Itu pun kalau I tak bersuara rasanya diorang sambung sampai subuh. Memang tak boleh stop sebab topic interesting sangat-sangat. Yang buat lawak pun ada. (Wawa : I still cannot get out of my head lawak coco crunch Didi tu). Yang tertido tapi bangun balik sambung cerita and gelak pun ada.

Hari ahad hari last, usually kami buat career talk. Myself, Ida, Nazif & Faiza jaga bilik finance. 1st half I did the talking, 2nd half Ida pulak goreng bebudak tu. By the time nak balik, rasa sad a bit. Ye lah, setahun sekali balik maktab, flashback old memories. We left maktab at 2pm, heading terus Padang Besar. Kitorang mempergunakan terus semaksima mungkin triton paroe. I angkut kukusan paling besar boleh cari kat Padang Besar tu. And also bekas air basuh tangan. Beli kerepek-kerepek tu semestinya la. Nazif sakan borong toto & kusyen. Paroe borong tshirt. Nazif and myself borong bracelet. Nazif of course la beli for his girlfriend, not for himself. Hehehehe. Thew we head to Alor Setar. Memula pergi rumah Hanizah kat Mergong. By this time Ida, Aniz & me dah annoyed with the GPS in the car. Ntah mana-mana jalan dia kasi. Asyik recalculate ja. Nasib baik GPS orang lain, kalau tak dah lama kitorang campak kat bendang yang kitorang lalu. Actually, jalan tu dah betul, tapi driver degil tak nak ikut. Baik tak yah ada GPS kalau macam tu. I yang blur gadget ni pun faham mana arah GPS tu suruh ikut. So kejap-kejap dia bunyi "Please make a U-TURN where possible" If I would get a GPS on my own, I nak yang ada suara sexy husky gila. Suara tukang kejut I in the morning everyday tu boleh tak?

Sampai rumah Hanizah, mak dia hidang mee. Macam mee hailam, tapi kuah dia kaler cerah. Makan rambutan lagi. Tunggu Hanizah hantar Marina pegi epot, she took the flight at 9pm from alor setar airport which is very near to Hanizah's house. Then we went to Ida's house. Ingat nak minum air kosong ja as perut kitorang semua dah full. Tapi mak dia goreng cempedak yang sungguh sedap. Hmm.... licin jugak. Aniz yang konon dah takde space pun tengok sedap aja balun cucur cempedak tu. Rasa macam beraya pulak. Then kitorang balik SP, mandi kasi badan bersih. At 1215am the 5 of us (including Salwa) makan nasi lauk kari ketam, sup ikan, special fried chicken mama and sayur. Mana datang space dalam perut ni tak tau la. Semua makan laju ja tengok. I had to wait until 2am perut dah turun baru I sleep.

The next morning I went to bank kejap with mama, settle a few things. By 11am kitorang gerak. Drop off Aniz kat rumah dia kat seberang perai, then kami pegi Penang. Paroe dah kat Utara tak singgah beli roti benggali dia tu tak sah. Balik rumah Aniz mak dia jamu makan nasi lagi. So, dalam I dok diet the week before that, sia-sia aja sbb naik berkilo-kilo during SPKG trip. Reached KL dah 10pm, letih. Letih makan!

pix boleh tengok kat sini, and sini.
cerita lebih kurang sama boleh tengok kat sini, and sini too.

take care everyone!

Chalee's Engagement

Last Saturday morning I bangun pagi terasa bibir sexy gila macam angelina jolie. Tapi bila check dekat cermin, aiyak, bukan sexy lips, tapi bibir bengkak belah atas and bawah. Ni gara-gara makan sotong goreng tepung on friday night la. Planning nak makan kuayteow terbantut sebab tutup. So Hanizah sibuk nak pergi muara di port kelang. Makan 3 orang, 1 ikan terubuk bakar, 1 ikan siakap masak stim, and 5 ekor sotong buat goreng tepund, ada nasi goreng cina & sayur campur, total harga bayar RM113.53. Makan dekat kuala perlis the week before, 11 orang makan, ikan 3 ekor, tomyam 2 mangkuk besar, sotong, ayam, udang, sayur, air buah 11 orang minum sorang 2 gelas, harga baru RM133.60. Hmmm.....

Hari sabtu kerja minum air satu hari, nasib baik by noon bengkak tu dah surut. Pegi rumah nenek (my dad's mom) tolong ateh buat hantaran untuk my sis engagement next week. Then later petang siket pegi rumah opah (my mother's mom) pulak. Kena kerah gosok baju & sampin semua orang nak pergi kenduri. Sempat jamah nasi & lauk toucu masak minang Aunty Da masak. Delicious. Ada daging, tocu, tempe, tauhu, udang. Perut tengah lapar, apa lagi. Aunty Da yang tak nak makan pun terus makan tengok I makan macam besh ja. Hehehe. Adik beradik my mom sorang-sorang sampai petang tu, sebab after maghrib kitorang nak pergi majlis bertunang bangteh(my cousin) or else known as chalee, adik, kambing gurun, kat taman bukit maluri. Opah was not well, tapi kalau tinggalkan dia, someone mesti stayback jaga dia. Dah la kenduri adik&emma dulu dia mengeluh tak dapat pergi. At last aunty yut cakap jom pergi cari wheelchair. I went with her to farmasi dekat kedai taikim depan rumah tu. Nasib baik ada, RM330 standard wheelchair. Yang RM1k pun ada. Tapi kitorang amik yang standard punya la.

By the time we reached Taman Bukit Maluri, dah pukul 9pm. Kena held back sebab uncle Nuar sesat. Dia bawak barang hantaran. After 15 minutes waiting, with the help of the father of the bride, uncle Nuar managed to arrive with the hantaran. The ceremony went well. Uncle Sabu siap lengkap dengan pantun-pantun lagi. We were giving bang teh live telecast via handphone and webcam. So dia dengar semua benda. Tu la orang suruh balik, tak nak balik. Padan muka tinggal sorang-sorang dekat ireland tu. Dah la pakai baju melayu & sampin sorang-sorang kat sana macam orang tak betul ja. Apa lah. U missed to see ur guys cousins segak berbaju melayu bawak hantaran. Nasib baik tak ada kompang, kalau tak, mmg kira pergi kenduri kahwin la. Bangteh is popular and favourites in our family (kak long : terima ja la fakta kenyataan ini, although you cucu sulung opah, hehehehe). All the uncles and aunties and cousins will do all out when it comes to bangteh. Even uncles yang dah lama tak nampak muka, yang ada krisis dengan family pun balik gombak sebab bangteh punya pasal. Tapi nanti awak balik KL siap la. Kitorang semua dah ready with our claim bills. Habis kat rumah belah perempuan, kami semua pergi rumah maklong, sambung makan and borak, and distributes the hantaran we got from belah perempuan. I left early, around 1am sbb dah letih. The rest tak tau la pukul berapa diorang balik.

On Sunday kejut babah nak pergi jogging, tapi babah cakap cancel. So I sambung la jogging atas katil. Babah tak larat, mom was not feeling well the night before. I hope now she is back in SP she will rest the next 4 days before turun KL balik for majlis kakteh. Nanti dia kena balik dia punya stroke attack tu, parah kitorang nak kenduri next week.

Semalam tak buat apa sangat. Was in gombak, help mama masak, had lunch with my family. By 3pm babah gerak pegi rumah nenek, I went to KLCC to see my friends. Balik rumah by maghrib, then malam keluar dinner and ambil food kat rumah opah.

This week lega sbb bsp dah settle for next 2 weeks. Yeay. Boss pun takde, so I boleh goyang kaki kat ofis. Hehehehe.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Huhuhu. Penat sungguh sekarang ni. Penat kerja, penat travel, penat makan!

This week dah 3 hari balik lewat. Pukul 930pm-10pm baru nak keluar office. Banyak kerja la. Auditing dah start. Nasib baik collection tengah okay sekarang. Dah few weeks lega rasa payment on time. The additional BG pun dapat collect jugak, cuma tunggu bank approval ja sekarang ni. Next week boleh relax sikit sebab boss takde. Kalau tak tu, hari-hari chairman masuk office nak tengok report itu la, report ini la. Aiyak.

Besok ada lagi satu engagement. This time Chalee, my cousin punya turn. Next weekend kakteh, then after raya will be my cousin Anny. Next year berderet kenduri. Shah hero jepun should be landing at KLIA now. Bagus la ramai-ramai cousins balik. Kasi riuh kampung.

My parents are on the way to KL. Tido rumah nurin sebab diorang travel ikut ayahnurin. Besok kena masuk office kejap. Ahad pagi planning nak pergi morning walk dengan ba&ma. Kalau bangun la, hehehehe. Babah komplen kita gemuk sangat. Cet. Ahad tengahari planning nak pergi KLCC while waiting for boyfriend tolong bestfriend dia pindah rumah. Am meeting some new friends I met upnorth last week. (Actually intention utama nak jumpa cute guy sorang ni, hehehehe. Tapi kalau jumpa dia sorang ja macam tak besh pulak, so panggil semua orang datang join. Hehehehe) Malam baru dating.

Hari ni nak balik awal. Driver mengidam makan kuayteow, so jawabnya pegi shah alam la ni. Balik nanti sure mengantuk. I am having back ache. Malam ni kena urut, kalau tak besok pagi sure sakit badan, nanti jadi cranky.

My SPKG trip this year memang la besh. Ramai muka baru yang datang. Nanti la kita story. Cameron highland pun tak story lagi. Takde idea nak goreng. Am looking forward for next Sunday, 19th., looking forward Wednesday 22nd, and the weekend 24-27 August.

Oh, radio/cd player is back in my car. Sekarang tengah gila dengar lagi 4 in the morning by Gwen Stefani. Her concert this 21st. Sesape berhajat nak kasi kita tiket free for my birthday present, sila kan la.

"4 In The Morning"
Waking up to find another day
The moon got lost again last night
But now the sun has finally had its say
I guess I feel alright

But it hurts when I think
When I let it sink in
It's all over me
I'm lying here in the dark
I'm watching you sleep, it hurts a lot
& all I know is
You've got to give me everything
Nothing less cause
You know I give you all of me

I give you everything that I am
I'm handin' over everything that I've got
Cause I wanna have a really true love
Don't ever wanna have to go & give you up
Stay up till Four In The Morning & the tears are pouring
& I want to make it worth the fight
What have we been doing for all this time?
Baby if we're gonna do it, come on do it right

All I wanted was to know I'm safe
Don't want to lose the love I've found
Remember when you said that you would change
Don't let me down
It's not fair how you are
I can't be complete, can you give me more?
& all I know is
You got to give me everything
& nothing less cause
You know I give you all of me

Take care everyone, have a good weekend!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Kena Ragut

Last night after langgar kucing, of course la I call bf dulu. Ada ka dia cakap kalau kita bunuh kucing 44 hari akan suwei/nasib balang. Tu la, mulut takde insurance, menjadi sumpah dia. (Tau la tengah sakit hati, tapi tak payah lah curse kita ni teruk sangat. I told you I'll be angle next 2 weeks w.e.f next week....... this week still boleh naughty what!!!.... hehehehehe)

Anyway the first of that 44 hari tu dah start pagi tadi. Keluar dari bank terus kena ragut. I withdraw RM15k, sebab need to top up my chairman's accounts. While carrying that amount from one bank to the other okay. Of course I went with my colleague (actually, ex-colleague, she was around, so I asked her to teman me) After transfering RM11k in chairman's account (he must have cash, our internet banking is done hari ni!), I passed my handbang which still have the balanceRM3.8k to my colleague nak suruh dia bawak balik opis for petty cash usage. I took RM500 letak dalam envelope sebab nak pegi lagi satu bank nak bank-in. Keluar ja dari bank, time nak lintas jalan terus orang ragut the envelope. RM200 duit office, RM300 duit sendiri.

Trauma lagi pagi ni! I was not hurt, thank God. Terjatuh, tapi okay lagi. Everything was so quick. Nasib baik dia tak amik my handbag yang ada kat tangan abby. Kalau tak lagi la meraung sebab my IC, my bank card, my kunci rumah (which I don't have a duplicate), my kunci kereta, my kamera, my very expensive lipstic that I got for my birthday present over the weekend, the RM3.8k cash, my handphone, and other things not necessary to be disclosed here.

Hmm.... pergi Dang Wangi buat report, tapi macam la boleh dapat balik. Plate motor pun tak cam.

Kenapa la semua kena start at the begining of August? This is supposed to be my happy month, it is my birthday month. Baru look forward for August sebab nice things always happens in August (makan free, lots of gift, cuti panjang, etc, etc.) Hopefully lepas ni jangan la ada yang tak besh nak jadi. Nanti la fahroe balik dari Lumut malam karang, aku nak cili mulut dia.

Oh tidak......

With regard to the cat, huhu, now lagi tak nak fikir. Kalau mamat tu makan pun that cat, I tak boleh buat apa-apa.

Rasa nak balik SP malam ni jugak. Tapi now budget pun lari. Duduk diam-diam kat KL ja la!


I killed a cat!

Malam tadi, nak parking, accidently ter langgar anak kucing. :(

I nak ngelak kucing tu, kucing tu nak ngelak my car, accidently berlaku the unexpected. Cuak/trauma kejap. Langgar tiang, langgar dinding, langgar pintu garaj my dad kat SP (that was a week after getting my license), langgar signboard jalan, langgar divider jalan, tu semua I dah buat. Tapi langgar benda hidup belum lagi. After calming down myself, I tukar parking spot, naik atas amik newspaper. I dah la takut kucing, although cat yang dah mati, pening fikir apa nak buat. Takkan nak biar saja, kesian kucing tu. Dah la kena langgar, lepas tu terbiar. Ni bukan highway, tapi kat parking kereta rumah. Dalam tengah fikir apa nak buat, keluar la sorang mamat bangla dari blok bawah tu tanya apa jadi. I explained to him, dia amik paper tu, amik cat tu cakap biar dia uruskan. I tanya apa dia nak buat? Dia kata : "Kakak jangan risau, sekarang pegi cuci itu kereta". So that was what I did, I went to wash the car kat carwash bukit. Bila I balik, the mamat tu takde, and so was the cat. I tak tau apa dia buat, and tak nak tau apa dia buat. Agaknya dia tengok muka I gabra semacam tengah ngadap kucing tu tak tau apa nak buat. I thank him for that.

Malam tadi tak boleh tido lena. Teringat kat kucing tu. Pastu melalut la fikir benda lain. Around 3am baru nak lena, pastu terjaga balik around 4am, sampai 6am tak leh lelap dah. So pagi ni memang la cranky.

Jumaat ni saya cuti sampai Selasa next week. Yeay! But I'm not going for SPKG. I nak balik SP aja, by myself. This weekend tak sanggup dah nak put on my happy face, tak larat. I rather balik rumah and be on my own. Forget work, forget KL for a while, forget everything. And help mama pegi cari furniture, langsir and so on for the room. Mama dah rearrange the rooms for all of us, sebab lepas ni ada addition menantu balik rumah. I can't have my big room upstairs, have to satisy with the middle room on 1st floor. Kakteh takes ground floor, me and the hariznurin family on first floor, and adik&emma on 2nd floor. The balcony room (everyone's favourite) is going to be mama's wardrobe room! Emma tak tahan aircond, and babah tanak tukar lagi aircond transfer naik atas, so nak tak nak I ambil ja la bilik tengah tu. Dari takde bilik, hehehehe. Katil tu pun best dari katil atas, sape pulak nak mengangkat tukar katil & aircond.

Okay, I need to get back to work. Take care everyone!