Monday, October 31, 2005


Yeyeyeye, lagi 2 hari nak raya. Tapi I tak start cuti lagi. Only during the public holidays. Takpe la, kita raya KL ja, nothing to worry.

Thank God Ramadhan dah nak over. Kalau tak, asyik nak fikir, nak kena balik cepat, pastu nak buka makan apa. Budget buka pun over-over, hehehe. Last Friday buka with gang kat Shrooms. Nampak gaya Felda & Shrooms jadi annual agenda for buka puasa. Tahun depan tukar tempat la, kuih tako kat situ tak sedap la, hehehe. Semalam pun bukak puasa best. Sampai leka tak nak balik.

Finally I found my raya mood. Semalam shopping sakan for raya. Baju raya pun sempat ambik, kasut dapat, ini sudah bagus. Last Friday dapat duit raya from my bos, tak tau mimpi apa dia. Kitorang kat office sengih lebar lah. Besok sure excited terlebih as mama & babah nak sampai dari Sungai Petani. This year they arrive early, selalu mlm raya baru sampai. Mama sure sibuk nak buat kek la, tambah lagi balang kuih yg tak cukup2 tu, hehehe. The last 2 batch dia hantar pun dah habis distribute, and habis dlm perut kitorang :) Tadi mama tepon suruh kuar duit lebih sket for raya, byk benda plak dia nak beli last minit kat KL ni. Rumah kat SP tu, hari tu I balik, dah habis dia tukar. My house no need la -btw, this year no open house! Sape nak datang kena bagi tau, then I will cook. Malas la nak buat open house. I nak pi beraya sakan rumah kawan2 pulak this year.

Apa lagik ha? oohh.... itu MYVI dah kena calar, cet! Jahat betul la sape yg bagi calar. Kak Teh moody la ini raya. Dah la, nak balik. Mlm ni byk benda nak buat, besok pun nak kuar lagi cari barang2 for raya.


Take care everyone!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Rasa macam baru semalam first day puasa, sedar-sedar dah nak raya dah. This year preparation ala kadar ja. Not in the mood for raya as previous years. Dah tua kot.

Buka puasa pun this year tak sehappening previous years -not that i'm saying i didn't enjoy the 'buka puasa' thinggy i had with friends and family this ramadhan - tapi dah tak byk buka kat luar.

Paling best when I went back to Sg Petani 17th-19th October. Sempat went to Pasar Ramadhan with mama. Habis I borong semua food. Damn cheap! Kuih RM1.00 dapat 5 keping- besar2 pulak tu. And I managed to get my favourite kuih tako. Adik takde this year dah takdak orang belikan kuih tako. Buka puasa kat Felda dulu pun ingat ada, sebab every year mesti ada. Tapi this year tak nampak pun. They have excluded it from the menu, ceh! But buka puasa kat Felda pun best gak this year, this special group friends of mine have grown bigger each year. Next year sah tambah lagi sorang. (Well my darlings : I don't think I'll be joining the cycle that soon, so you guys can go ahead passing the baton among each other, hehehe. Unless Terry has her own agenda secretly :)... Looking forward for the next makan-makan!)

This year raya ada banyak rumah mau pigi on 1st day, 2nd day. By 3rd day raya mau pigi tengok wayang! Aween & Intan don't forget aaaa... I nak layan abang beskal tu!!

Ramadhan this time ramai yg sakit. My Kak Lin is still in Op Room while I'm writing this. I hope she will be fine. Probably I will ring Ayong again later at noon. Kesian Hariz & Nurin. But I know they will be alrite. Shasha pun kena denggi, luckyly dah kuar hospital. I met her last night, selalu hiper active, semlm senyap ja. My favourite chef pun demam tak sudah. Opah pun dah 3 days not feeling well. Spoke to her this morning, she request duit raya from me sbb tak sure next year boleh mintak lagi ke tak, sedih la pulak dengar macam tu. I know I have not fulfill lagi 2 very important request from her. Hopefully sempat lah. She is 80plus already, but masih boleh kemas rumah & masak. I know she kecik hati with me that I did not buka puasa at her house this year. But I malas nak cari gaduh with opah as she will start leter on topics that i definately don't want to argue about. Hopefully by raya everyone will be okay la.

To my cousins over the sea, jgn nangis aaa come this raya. I suppose korang dah dapat semua kuih raya, baju raya, rendang yang Amy bawakkan tu. Raya tahun ni I nak buat cheese cake - yg mcm kita selalu makan tu. Tapi korang takde, so jawabnyer our magicians and artist lah will have to finish it - but most of it will masuk perut Sofea :). Duit raya dah siap, present raya pun dah siap for everyone, some dah dapat pun. Can't wait for Babah & Mama to arrive KL from SP. I will get very excited as byk benda boleh explore kat bonet kereta - kuih, kek, ketupat, silap2 langsir baru for my house, hehehehe.

Okay lah. Lagi seminggu nak raya, jangan pulak ponteng2 puasa.

Take care everyone!

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Kena nyanyi version Nurin Arisya

Bangun pagi
Gosok gigi
Cuci muka
Pakai baju
Minum kopi
Pergi Sekolah

Hari ni Bday Nurin Arisya binti Azwan Hadzree yang ke 3 tahun. My darling niece (anak my elder brother). Punya la dia excited! I tepon tadi nak wish her, dia yg cakap Happy Birthday To You Mak Ngah! Apa da... Ibu dia cakap Nurin masih salah konsep. Sebab selalu dia tukang wish, hari ni her bday pun dia still ingat kena wish kat semua orang yang telefon dia, hehehe. She is so excited this morning. Planning a big day out with ayah, ibu n abang long (my darling Hariz Danial), nak beli baju & gelang (ish-ish! : ayah nyer ooii... gelang untuk makngah & makteh takde ka?? :)... and lagi satu ayong, tengkiu bayarkan zakat fitrah for the whole family tahun ni ya.)

Okay la Nurin, have fun today, nanti-nanti datang rumah makngah pulak. If not I see you next week with your presents. Duit raya tahun ni dah ada, kalau tak naughty & tak buli abang, baru boleh dapat. Kurangkan bercakap, nanti jadi becok mcm makngah, and stop eating chocolate, or you grow big like me, hehehehe. Besar dah... ingat dulu first time lahir, punya la gelap sampai semua orang risau. My brother lagi la risau sbb everyone's 1st impression kat hospital was like "ish, mcm muka makngah dia" hehehehe. Freak out takut anak ayong jadi mcm Da ni kan? hehehe, (tu la dulu kecik2 Da lahir jerit lagi satu barrack ckp leceh dpt adik perempuan... tok's favouirte story until now) Don't worry ayong, Nurin Arisya will grow up to be a very beautiful girl, and more damn expensive daughter than what babah has label me (kopak la you!), and she will be blessed through out her life.

Happy Birthday Nurin, love from Mak Ngah & Mak Teh.

Friday, October 14, 2005

WNB 2777

The new car is on the road! Finally!!


Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Smoothies from O'brien. I had this last week, night before fasting.

Banana, orange, yougurt & peanut butter & ice! ( tapi tak sure kenapa dipanggil funky monkey)

The taste - yummy!! masam, masin, lemak, manis, everything la. The waitress was shocked that I managed to finish it as previous people who ordered had never go beyond quarter of the glass. :)

I am not adventurous into tasting new drinks, it is either ice lemon tea, ice chocolate, coke, milo ais, and kikapo. Tu ja lah air yg akan order kat mana2 kedai pun.

But I guess after this it will be alright to try something new. Hidup mesti berani mencuba!

Baru balik bank - kena settle a few things regarding company's account. Silap hari bulan mau kena tarik balik lesen. Ish-ish. After 3 months monday BSP was fine, hari ni kena masuk bank jap. Boleh kena heart attack ini macam, blood pressure memang lah dah tinggi. But I love my job, donno why? - mungkin malas nak fikir nak update apa dalam resume kot. Dah 5 years here, lama tu. Unless I can marry one very rich man then boleh la dok rumah goyang kaki (P5 : dadu or duda fine with me, janji kaya! boleh?). But hi time nanti kalau dah tak tahan, then can join Sarah flip thru adverts very very soon!

Take care everyone!

Monday, October 10, 2005


Hmm... dah almost a week kita berpuasa. Most people will loose weight during Ramadhan. But never works for me. Ramadhan lagi byk mkn.... mcm mana tu? I thought of skip my sahur, but cannot - perut pedih by 11.55am, donno why. Last night tak sahur, lagi2 la sakit perut. Tahan ja la.

So, how's buka puasa menu for everyone? This year nak buka puasa kat luar??? Kena fikir 10times, Very the expensive. My buka puasa menu so far :

Wednesday : After trying to beat the "everyone nak balik buka puasa" jam, me & sis managed to reach hillside just on time for buka. Mkn spegathi, kak teh mkn fish & chip.

Thursday : Over the rajin cook - kari udang, daging kicap, & ayam goreng marinate. Makan kat my friend's place - masak mcm utk 10 orang, tapi mkn nyer 2.5 orang ja.

Friday : Buka at home. Ayam masak merah & nasi tomato -again over rajin cook. Tapi b4 buka, singgah pasar Ramadhan kat depan & belakang Giant, Bukit Antarabangsa. Byk sket choice from last year. Boleh la, standard orang bukit!

Saturday : Malas cook, lagipun satu hari kuar jln-jln carik barang. So, tapau kat pasar ramadhan near desa pandan ( eh ke pandan indah? hmm... never can differentiate the name, to me sama je, kat pandan!) Beli mee goreng RM1.00 ja, tapi byk sgt. Kat BA they sell for RM3.00 for same portion (minyak mahal kut nak panjat bukit), ayam goreng, murtabak - sedap (balik mkn sahur pun rasa yummy lagi), popia basah -pedas!!! And kuih tepung pelita. Before that went to cari kurma kat medan MARA - kira 1st experience la, selalu order ja or ada tukang beli. Tahun ni kena carik sendiri. Spent RM80.00 for kurma & raisins - nak bawak balik for my parents n give opah sket!

Sunday : Semlm buka at my friend's place - nasi ayam, ada udang masak apa entah, tapi sedap. I can't resist seafood (ayam too, chocalate too, ish-ish, anything food memang tak leh resist la, hahaha). My friend siap tapaukan lagi - rezeki orang bujang!! :) But the best part is dia bikin jus air kedondong with asam boi. Fuh..... sedap!

Today???? Huh, still at office, working late! I had 5 piece of McVities Milk Chocalate Digestives Biscuits (with 25% reduced fat!!!) Hmmm... by looking at its cover now : it recommends daily intake of fat = 70g for women. I ate 5 piece dah -per serving is 2.9g = 14.5g. Hmm... dah 20% dah tu.

I hope tonite is the one & only time I buka @ ofc. Sedih la buka alone mkn biskut :(.

Okayla, nak finish kan work sket, then nak balik. Mlm ni nak masak best2 for sahur (ganti buka, hehe) tapi nak masak apa la? Got ikan, ketam & ayam. Hmm... balik nanti la fikir!

Take care everyone!

Saturday, October 08, 2005


I got this from a friend, thought it is really cute to put in the blog.... (99.9% of it happened to me!)

You grew up watching He-man, Transformers, Thundercats, Silver Hawk, Space Cop Gaban, Ultraman, and Mighty Mouse. Not to forget, Ninja Turtles, Mask and Smurfs, Kapten Semut, Carebears, and Jam too.

You grew up brushing your teeth with a mug in primary school after recess time.
You squatted by a drain with all your classmates beside you, and brushed your teeth with a colourful mug. Remember the days when the school nurse comes with a list for the dentist appointments, the sound of the drilling when your friend has a fill in his tooth.

You remember the packets of milk (Projeck Susu Segar) and milo we get in primary school to encourage us to drink more milk. And when we had to line up just to get one cup, and some of us would line up again for another cup of cold milo. And remember we use to buy susu
sekolah and get stomach-ache the next day.

During primary (some KBSR & 3M) school days, the teacher will punish you using a long
ruler to hit your palm. A bowl of noodle soup cost only 40c in primary school days. When you were in primary school, girls like to go to the bookshop to buy cute stuff such as animal erasers, sharpeners, notebook etc. Play with these paper doll... with all the paper clothes.. etc etc

In secondary (some KBSM) school, girls go to the library to borrow their favourite romance storybook. In secondary school, girls altered their school skirt to shorten it and guys will go to the school appointed school uniform tailor shop to tailor make their school trousers to the then fashionable "baggy pants" , or the GQ one with all the 'batik' or buckle at the edge of the pocket! the straight cut jeans.. or codroy... In secondary school days, you buy the Bata BM Turbo school shoes. Some guys like to wear those china made ankle high shoes. Some even like to wear those very thick socks with their school shoes. remember the panda, carefree or warrior shoes.. :)

Internet? E-mail? What the hell is that? So you thought a decade or more ago. Your friends don't have pagers or handphones in school. CDs? What's that? Cassette tapes were the norm. Movie tickets used to cost less than $5 last time. there is no KLCC..

Pertama or Bukit Bintang the only place we have.. The goodies from Mamak shop used to be Mamee, Ka ka, Kum Kum, Ding Dang choco balls (with toys in the box) + the mat sentul voices as a jingle, colourful hard "egg", "cigerette" chocolate, pink bottle of bubbles, and small tubes with yellow sticks to blow "more lasting" bubbles that you can pop more air in or slam it on. You never forget 'Ti Kam'. When exams are over, the board games (eg: UNO, Monopoly, CLUEDO) & hand held video games will be all over the class room. Girls will start playing 'batu seremban'. guys with 'tudung botol oren' Your favourite sound is the bell! For it's the homemade ice cream man. The cream that tops Haagan Dazs! The pink colour ice-cream with eyes plus a wide smile. Another bell is the recess bell, a time to get away from school work and to eat. Another time
when there is no bell but all guys will anxiously wait for it...

The PJ, PE time (time for football!!) Your favourite childhood games were playing "guli"(marbles), five stones, zero-point, catching, and/or "Pepsi-Cola one two three"! The best thirst quencher of all times is the yummy colourful ice tubes you can buy from provision shops. To eat them, break the tab and suck while holding the freezing tube!

All gals had barbie dolls, My Little Pony, pound puppy, Polly Pocket and etc, while all boys had star wars figurines or a rubber band catapult that shoots folded paper or eraser bits. Once was the era whereby ice-cream sticks were valueable items, than came the paper aircrafts, chalk fights. Everyone envied the class monitor and his assitant, cos they were
the ones who came up with the daily duty roster, giving names to teacher on who makes the most noise and who's running around the class.

The elite group are the prefects, the one with license to move around, they consider themselves above the law when not many students actually listened to them, and that's when the PK Hem comes in. Some boys made their own guns from wood,and used 'Bacali' as the bullets. Some even used matches to shoot and burn kids'lanterns during Latern Festival.. and you also rather to 'ponteng sekolah' juz to watch final episod of Moero Attack .. miss that much.. summersault berkembar... hehehe.. still remember this one..

Cheers to the 70's..80's babies... WE RULE THIS WORLD!

Friday, October 07, 2005


Recently I went to Victoria Station for late night makan-makan. Makan Uncle Sam Brownie A'la Mode. Brownie tu keras, tapi the chocolate sause & vanila ice-cream made it taste better. So far, TGI has the best brownie in KL. I've tried many places, but TGI is still the best, although with its price you can get 2 plate of nasi goreng somewhere else. Next will be Secret Recipe and I've also tried at this one place in Melaka- can't remember the restaurant name, but it taste good.

We always send brownie cakes to airlines office & our corporate clients either during raya or christmas. And I will definately get one box. This year dapat time christmas, so kena tunggu lah. I've ordered for raya - but not for serving, for mkn2 sambil tgk tv with my brother. Sambil minum ahmad tea. Hmm....

Ish-ish, dah lah sejuk (it is raining heavily outside now) and I'm fasting. Today rasa ting-tong sket, probably overloaded with last night food! I hope everyone is fine this Ramadhan. My kak teh is going back to SP tonight to take the new Myvi. Kancil will masuk workshop nanti. I duduk rumah la, patah kaki takde car, hehehe.

By the way, anyone knows nice brownie to try, let me know. Craving la.....

Take care everyone!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Ni bukan nak jiwang aaa... My sis tengah sedih as she just lost a good friend of hers yesterday. Died of luekimia. Just to cheer you up kakteh.....

For kak teh & ahem-ahem (kak teh : bila boleh CNN ni? ish-ish!!!)
For Amily & Badut too....

dikeheningan malam,
termenungku berseorang
tak lena mata dipejam
terdengar suara terngiang
suara merdu yg di sayang
bagai kau didepan mata
ku capai tapi tak kenal
sukarnya memendam rasa
ingin ku luahkan kata

bila rindu,terkenang mu siang terasa sayu
syahdunya jiwaku bila malam, makin kelam
jauh terbang diriku melayang
aku rindu,sentuhan mu ku rasa sayu
inginkan jiwamu selubungi, jiwa ini, bawa ku dlm pelangi
melepasi segala hati ini

jauh angan ku lena,ku rasa kita bersama,kau bawaku ke sana
ke alam kisah yg lama,kenangan di dlm jiwa..
bila tersedar semula, disisiku kau tiada
sukarnya ku pendam rasa,ingin ku luahkan semua ooooouuu

bila rindu,terkenang mu siang terasa sayu
syahdunya jiwaku bila malam,makin kelam
jauh terbang diriku melayang
aku rindu, sentuhan mu ku terasa sayu
inginkan jiwamu selubungi,jiwa ini,bawa ku dlm pelangi
melepasi segala hati ini

sesunguhnya kita mestilah
wujudkan sefahaman dan hormatmu
makin tak ada,bertemu semula

awan yg mencas semesta
menyampaikan pesan kesunyian kanda sendiri
kesepian yg menyelubungi hari hari ku
disajikan doa2 ku kerana rindu
yg menanti kau dtg dan pergi seperti mimpi2 ku, fantasiku,
bukan dongeng lagi sayup kedengaran
disisi cuping, disetiap corong, lorong, yg lohong
benar!ku tak bohong,bila hati menyanyi..

bila rindu,terkenang mu siang terasa sayu
syahdunya jiwaku bila malam,makin kelam
aku merindu,sentuhan mu ku rasa sayu
inginkan jiwa selubungi,jiwa ini,bawa ku dlm pelangi
melepasi batas

oh bila rindu, terkenang mu sayang, ku terasa sayu
syahdunya jiwaku bila malam,makin kelam
jauh terbang diriku melayang
aku rindu, sentuhan mu ku rasa sayu(ku rindukan sentuhanmu)
inginkan jiwamu selubungi, jiwa ini,
bawa ku dlm pelangimelepasi batas diri ini

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I went to Iza's place late sunday night after a longday in Sungai Buloh. Borak sakan on so many things regarding pregnancy sampai kecut perut dibuatnya. After all the trauma hearing (i dengar ja, tak participate as that "thing" is a long way to go for me) they had a make-over for me. Now how did that happened?

I was going thru the new lipstick of SK-II and MAC Izahad for me (this year I'm not giving duit raya, will give my nieces n girl cousins raya gift instead). But ended up my face being coloured by my dear friends. Complete plak tu!! At 11pm at night, while we were having late night coffee & ice cream. Yes, it does make a difference and I enjoyed the attention, hehehe.Thank you darlings for all the tips and advice on the"Dos & Don'ts". Lagipun big ocassion is coming, so I guess I better prepare myself for it. Still not sure on the base colour and the inner colour. And definately need to get whatever you call it for my eyes!!

Yes, you're reading it right.... Aida Yurani MohdAriffin is changing!!! hehehe. But first, I must fullfil my promise to Kak Lin & Kak Teh, to tidy up myroom, kemas bilik adik yang half bersepah because of my things are chucked there, lipat my own kain, and start back my cooking for ramadhan. (Kakteh : at least now I dah start ironing my own baju to work & we are going to office early!!!, hehehe) My friend told melast night, he's not sure whoever gets me is either lucky or very malang.... hehehe... but based on my experience, damn very lucky guy - whoever that person is- why? hmm... nanti tengok la.... :) (that part nanti I story time posting lain)

Besok dah start Ramadhan. Malam karang kena cook forsahur. I will miss adik during Ramadhan, as he will be the one to wake me & kak teh for sahur and prepares everything(dia yg lapar!!!), and also phone calls at530pm from adik asking what we want to eat for buka(he will take the effort going to pasar ramadhan & beli macam2). At night before going to bed adik will remind me to prepare something for him to heat-up for sahur, gosh, I rindu kat adik. Since he's not aroundthis year, I guess tomorrow's sahur will be asam laksa maggie mee (charlie : same menu lah!!) and buka aloneat home besok malam makan sardine & nasik (aaa.... mama &babah too far la!!! ish-ish)

Last week, yesterday & today : Keja rasa mcm nak mati dah, really menguji kesabaran. Nasib baik tak coo-coo lagi kepala otak ni. Tapi makan tetap macam biasa, hehehe (Minah must be grinning reading this makan2 topic, hehehe, okay-okay, I will take your advice with effect from 1st Ramadhan. Dah gazetted dalam my head dah!!)Mlm tadi makan kat mamak macha kat Desa Pandan.2 orang makan cost RM12.00. Gila mahal tu!! Makan ayam goreng, tahu goreng, telur goreng and kari kambing, & teh o. RM6.00 each. Kalau balik SP dapat breakfast &lunch for 2 person. But cannot complaint too much as I was the one who wanted to eat there (so blur dah nak makan mana sekarang -that I opt for mamak tepi jalan)

Okay lah. Selamat berpuasa everyone, jangan nak ponteng2 okay.

Take care everyone!