Friday, October 26, 2007

raya at opah's house

my siblings, soon, the number will increase. ....... soon!

opah, her daughters, and her cucu.

opah Dah helping Nurin keeping her collections of duit raya in her handbag. I wonder how much the kids made this year. hmm.... I missed my duit raya collection!

mojo buat tak tau aja bila opah Dah asked for a kiss, he is concentrating on the duit raya!

opah with my uncles, my dad (in pink with songkok), my cousin epi, and my 2 brothers.

kak lin (the lady in green) is glowing during her last 4 weeks of preganancy. the adults are kakteh & me, the kids are kak long shila's adorable kids, nadine, sarah, and my favourite, sophia. the kids look lovely with their white kebaya and batik sarong, good job epi!

opah, her daughters, her great grand daughters. HER 3 GRAND DAUGTHERS are busy eating, that is why we are not in the pix!

from left : maklong, opah, mama.

atok ariffin, hariz danial, and nurin arisya. hariz senyum happy sebab baru lepas collect duit raya from all the opahs, uncles & aunties. : )

aunty yot and opah di pagi raya.

masak rendang malam raya at opah's house.

opah tengah inspection kitorang kemas rumah on malam raya.



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