Wednesday, August 15, 2007

gloomy day

Cuaca mendung ja kat luar tu. It is 1042am, should be bright and sunny. A good day to sleep in. I should have ponteng aja today. Hehehehe. Tapi banyak kerja la nak buat hari ni, so I decided to come in. Boss takde, nanti office ni kelam kabut pulak. Tapi still goyang kaki lagi. Nanti lepas lunch baru buat kerja la.

Hari ni gloomy, takde mood. Nasib baik malam ni ada reunion party, that will cheer me up. (Yes ayahnurin, yet another reunion thingy. Hehehehehe) A lot has happened since Sunday buat takde mood nak look forward for this Sunday kenduri. I have such an arrogant sister. I just hope things will sort out before the kenduri. My kenduri work starts on Saturday, kena jaga kek (this time mama makes us order 4 kek from 3 different places!!) Nasib baik yummy cakes. (Amy : ur choc cake if you tak amik by tonite, it is going into my tummy. Kenot tahan the yummy look, and yummy smell everytime bukak fridge!!!!) And I'm also in charge for gifts to be given out to guests and the groom's family on that day. That one semua dah beli, nak cari bakul & tray aja.

Lagi 7 days to my birthday (ni kasi reminder kat semua orang ni, hehehehehe). I have got early birthday presents. Mama yang paling awal kasi, which was a surprise, sebab selalu dia yang paling last kasi. Hehehehe. Had early birthday treats too from my friends. Had dinner with friends last Monday nite at MV. Having lunch with a friend today and another one this Friday. Makan free bulan ni. Going out for a teater nite out next week. Tapi this year birthday kureng sikit rasa feel. Perhaps I'm getting old. No more fun. And at the same time my goals are not achieved yet at age 32. Takpe, there is always next year. At least I know I will be rich by month end, that is something too look forward too.

Okay, nak sambung kerja.


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