Friday, August 17, 2007

Hari ni last day nak berpoya-poya di office. Next week kena kerja keras balik sampai la raya. Hmm... Takpe, goyang kaki puas-puas hari ni.

Ngantuk. Lately ni susah sangat nak bangun pagi. Tido nyenyak sangat. Must be the ubat yang I makan. Nasib baik hari ni ubat last. Hopefully next week boleh bangun awal balik. Tak boleh jadi macam ni.

Last night pergi Jalan Duta hantar paroe nak pergi kuala perlis, ramai dah orang yang nak naik bus balik kampung. Ramai family with small children. Cuti sekolah dah nak start. Sure ramai yang skip hari ni and start cuti. I remember when I was young, during primary school, memang look forward cuti sekolah. Sebab time ni babah akan ambik cuti 2-3 hari and spend time with his children. Knowing my dad yang teramat busy nya, sometimes I nak apa-apa, I tulis memo ja and left it on his dressing table, even my report card pun dia sign, and tinggalkan note kenapa yang ni turun, kenapa maths and science teruk. Dia punya note pun kadang-kadang macam guru besar tulis : Sila berusaha lebih lagi. Hehehehe. So, time cuti ni, kitorang adik beradik memaximise kan our time with babah. Usually pergi penang, then up north jumpa toksu kat alor setar. Or go down south to Singapore visit our relatives kat sana. Tak pun pergi Genting ka, Cameron ka, Fraser Hill ka. I love spending time dekat apartment kat Genting tu. 3 big rooms, but ayong my brother a.k.a ayahnurin will always get the best room. Hmm.... those were the days. Now nak cari time pegi holiday sendiri pun susah.

Okay la, I nak start work. This week akan sibuk with kakteh's engagement. I've confirm and sent all the necessary things to opah's house. Tinggal nak amik cake besok and make sure photographer datang on time.

Take care everyone, have a good weekend.


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