Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Kena Ragut

Last night after langgar kucing, of course la I call bf dulu. Ada ka dia cakap kalau kita bunuh kucing 44 hari akan suwei/nasib balang. Tu la, mulut takde insurance, menjadi sumpah dia. (Tau la tengah sakit hati, tapi tak payah lah curse kita ni teruk sangat. I told you I'll be angle next 2 weeks w.e.f next week....... this week still boleh naughty what!!!.... hehehehehe)

Anyway the first of that 44 hari tu dah start pagi tadi. Keluar dari bank terus kena ragut. I withdraw RM15k, sebab need to top up my chairman's accounts. While carrying that amount from one bank to the other okay. Of course I went with my colleague (actually, ex-colleague, she was around, so I asked her to teman me) After transfering RM11k in chairman's account (he must have cash, our internet banking is done hari ni!), I passed my handbang which still have the balanceRM3.8k to my colleague nak suruh dia bawak balik opis for petty cash usage. I took RM500 letak dalam envelope sebab nak pegi lagi satu bank nak bank-in. Keluar ja dari bank, time nak lintas jalan terus orang ragut the envelope. RM200 duit office, RM300 duit sendiri.

Trauma lagi pagi ni! I was not hurt, thank God. Terjatuh, tapi okay lagi. Everything was so quick. Nasib baik dia tak amik my handbag yang ada kat tangan abby. Kalau tak lagi la meraung sebab my IC, my bank card, my kunci rumah (which I don't have a duplicate), my kunci kereta, my kamera, my very expensive lipstic that I got for my birthday present over the weekend, the RM3.8k cash, my handphone, and other things not necessary to be disclosed here.

Hmm.... pergi Dang Wangi buat report, tapi macam la boleh dapat balik. Plate motor pun tak cam.

Kenapa la semua kena start at the begining of August? This is supposed to be my happy month, it is my birthday month. Baru look forward for August sebab nice things always happens in August (makan free, lots of gift, cuti panjang, etc, etc.) Hopefully lepas ni jangan la ada yang tak besh nak jadi. Nanti la fahroe balik dari Lumut malam karang, aku nak cili mulut dia.

Oh tidak......

With regard to the cat, huhu, now lagi tak nak fikir. Kalau mamat tu makan pun that cat, I tak boleh buat apa-apa.

Rasa nak balik SP malam ni jugak. Tapi now budget pun lari. Duduk diam-diam kat KL ja la!



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