Tuesday, August 14, 2007


It is raining out there at the moment. Aircond kat office ni pulak sejuk sangat. Lemak-lemak dalam badan jadi tepu pulak hari ni tak function. Cet. Time-time ni teringat trip Cameron last 28th July.

While we were eating and borak-borak at emma's house in Simpang Pulai during adik's engagement, we being me, paroe, kaklong shila, epi, ibuhariz and the kids menyampuk sekali sekala, paroe out of sudden sibuk tanya pasal Cameron Highland. We saw the big signboard after exit Simpang Pulai's tol, just before entering Emma's house. Rupanya dia tak pernah pergi Cameron Highland. I wasn't prepared for the trip. Sebab takde plan pun. The plan was to balik KL and lepak KL after kenduri, was hoping to watch movie la. But Cameron Highland sounds good too. :)

After getting information from Epi, Paroe & me left emma's house aroung 152pm. Ikut jalan baru. About an hour to reach Brinchang. Naik triton, kereta baru, uish, best ja la naik jalan berbukit bukau and bengkang bengkok. Lagi-lagi kalau ada driver! Hehehehe. We stop first at the strawberry farm. Signboard besar-besar tulis "pick your own strawberry" Apa lagi, kami pun stop situ la. I tukar baju dulu. Ye lah, naik cameron highland takkan nak pakai baju lip-lap kalah datin. Tengok bag, seluar purple, tshirt hard rock hitam, tudung bunga kaler biru. Hmmm.... bantai ja la. Although the baju lip lap looks much more better. Paroe tak tunggu pun, dia terus pergi pick-up strawberries dia. Nasib baik ladang tu tak besar. Sambil petik, sambil ngap. Besh. Besar-besar pulak buah nya. Dah puas ambil gambar and memetik buah, beli kordial, beli fridge magnet, beli jeruk strawberry (kedai tu macam-macam ada), sayur pun segar-segar belaka. I bought chocolate dip. We ate strawberry with coklat (bak kata siti nurhaliza) dalam kereta sambil drive naik atas lagi.

Half way, I nampak signboard besar-besar (really, their signboards are all big, you will not miss it) tulis Scones for afternoon tea. I suruh driver stop. Rupa-rupanya tu tempat ladang teh Cameron Valley. Tapi mahal gila itu scone. RM12.00 dapat 2 scones, butter, jam, and cream. Tu ja. Cet. Order air and karipap tu. Tengah makan, I call mama mintak no telephone anak kawan dia, Dida, who is working at Equatorial Hotel, Cameron. Dia cakap pergi Ladang Boh Sungai Palas near her hotel. We saw we have another 45minutes before its closing time (4.30pm daily tempat tu tutup for public). Driving to this place from the entrance is a nightmare. Jalan kecik satu lane. Tapi that is the only road to go up & down. At one part we saw 2 school busses coming down, nasib baik ada buffer kat tepi jalan. I risau ja triton tu calar. :(

10 minutes drive up jalan sempit tu, then kena jalan kaki daki bukit. Oh, semput sekejap. Tapi cuaca sejuk, tak berpeluh sangat. Kami sempat masuk kilang teh tu. Then beli-belah teh kat souvenir shop. Harga lagi mahal dari belik kat carrefour la. Tourist spot, so mahal siket kut. Hujan lebat tetiba, we had no choice to wait. Dari nganga ja, apa lagi, order scone and order tea la. Hehehehe. We also had cheesecake and pie. Yummy! Sejuk-sejuk, makan la, apa lagi. But the scenery dekat atas bukit tempat makan tu memang la fantastic. Ambik gambar lagi. Hujan reda, kitorang jalan turun bawah, terus pergi hotel ambik Dida. Sampai hotel hujan lebat balik. Paroe nak tengok Tanah Rata, so Dida bawak kami pusing-pusing kat Tanah Rata. We passed by few hotels & resorts, the expensive one, the cheap one. Tanah Rata was packed with people. Paroe sempat QSO with this guy from Alor Setar using Brinchang's repeater. Mamat tu advise kitorang balik jangan ikut Jalan Tapah sebab kalau time hujan-hujan and dah nak malam bahaya banyak lori and busses. We stop at KFC tapau dinner untuk Dida. Paroe saw kelapa laut dekat pasar malam, stop jugak dia nak rasa. Lepas hantar Dida balik, around 7pm kami turun ikut jalan yang sama.

Hujan makin reda tapi kabus tebal sangat. Dah sampai bawah baru lah visibility nampak clear siket. We stop kejap at petronas dekat simpang pulai. Then balik KL. Sampai bukit, driver nak makan kuayteow kungfu pulak. Masuk rumah, I tido nyenyak lena.

It was a good detour trip. I have enjoyed it very much.

Now nak balik. Nak kemas rumah before going out for late dinner. Unless driver is tired, then I will diet ini malam. Hehehehe.


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