Tuesday, August 28, 2007

the long weekend coming up

Besok kerja, then Thursday goyang kaki, then cuti 3 hari yeay!!!!

Apa plan? Duduk rumah and rehat puas-puas!

Yup, that is what I'm going to do. After 2 months full of activities, kenduris, makan-makan, jalan-jalan, working like hell and last week's birthday celebration, high time I duduk rest diam-diam kat rumah. Seriously. Ma&ba upnorth, most friends either balik kampung or pergi holiday, boyfriend off with his mares guys doing whatever they are doing, nobody is coming to KL to visit me, I am taking this opportunity to rest!

Kerja banyak hari ni, tapi BG dah settle, BSP dah settle, gaji pun dah settle, so this weekend memang la nak relax.

My birthday was okay. Not so bad feeling 32 years old actually. Whatever that I have not achieve, I can try it again next year. Thanks to friends and family for all your wishes and prayers, and presents and belanja makan. I know most of you got frustrated sebab tak dapat tag or post a comment, sorry ye, bukan salah kita la. Perhaps ada system error or you all tak match the codes exactly or did not wait for 2oseconds after the error entry. Anyway, I had a good birthday this year. Knowing people you love are still behind you no matter what, that is a good thing for me. At 32 I thought no more surprise party, ada jugak tukang buat. Hehehehe. It was really a fun wild night, thanks a lot. Tapi next year tak payah lah, chek dah tua la ooiiitttsss. Buat kenduri doa selamat takpe, hehehehehe.

Last Saturday I found this one kedai at Bangsar. Next to the post office, it is called Restoran Berjaya. They have yummy wantan mee there. Cost RM5.00 per plate, tapi very big portion. Kedai tu sempoi aja, tapi ramai orang. They also have nasi padang, tengok ramai yang beli, line orang beratur tapau bawak balik ramai jugak, so I assume sedap la kut. Perhaps next time I will try the nasi padang pulak.

I also found a good place to eat yummy nasi lemak. Where? Mares Club house in PJ. But I'm not sure whether it is open to public or not. Chik's (a club member) wife yang masak. Tapi memang sedap. Harga, tak tau pulak, I makan ja, paroe bayar. I lover the kuah kari ikan, tak lemak sangat, just nice.

Ramadhan is just around the corner. Korang dah habis ganti puasa belum? My baju raya dah siap sepasang, tinggal lagi 2 pasang nak ambik. This year 3 pasang cukup la. Safe budget nak buat baju glamer for weddings next year. And I still have 2 good baju kurung yang baru pakai sekali saja. Next year baru buat 10 pasang balik. Tapi this year not looking forward for raya pun. Ada la reason nya, nanti nearing to raya, if I feel like sharing it, I will blog about it. But it will definately make me feel sad.

Okay la, I nak balik. Hopefully jalan dah tak jam. Lately kuar office awal, tapi stuck in the jam. Busan betul.

Take care everyone.

Tomorrow I will try to upload the pix, kalau succeed, dapat la korang tengok gambar, kalau aku bengap jugak, sori la. Hehehehe.


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