Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Adik's Engagement

It was a simple and sweet ceremony we had at Simpang Pulai last Saturday. Semua orang bangun awal, especially makngah. At 4am dia dah bangun masak nasi lemak for breakfast. By 7am family start datang rumah nenek. I arrived around 815am (bagus punya cucu, hehehehe). Around 9am we had a baca doa, then 7 cars gerak from Gombak, joined by 5 more kat simpang pulai. I kira about 42 of us yang pergi.

The meminang was very short and straight to the point. Lagi ringkas dari nak pinang my kaklin dulu. Semua dah agreed, dates ja nanti nak reconfirm sebab nak kena agree dengan kakteh and azrin later. But should be somewhere early part of next year. Emma family pun very simple, tak demand banyak, very down to earth people. So far besan my parents and bakal besan my parents ni tengok semua okay ja. Even parents kaklin pun join sekali pergi Simpang Pulai. One of the cool old couples I've met. Time makan rasa macam buat kenduri sendiri kat rumah. Both sides family belah babah & mama were there, kitorang buat macam rumah sendiri ja, hehehe. Sembang itu-ini. Best part bila kaklong shila arrived with her kids, and all of them, Nadine, Sara, Sophia, Dahlia and Johan were "Hi, aunty Aida" hug here and there, updated me with their school activities. Suddenly, out of blue, ada orang tarik my baju and shouted loudly "HELLO!!!!" It was Nurin, my darling niece, trying to highlight that she was there too in the crowd. Jealous pulak dia. Hehehehe. Tapi Nurin naughty sangat that day. Habis baju makngah and makteh kena tarik la, kena pijak la. Then dia cubit and gigit kitorang. Ayahnurin : bila nak bayar damage claim? Habis rosak my baju glamer. Nasib baik baju tu dah 5 years pakai, so bila benang hijau kitat tu dah tercabut, sengih ja la. Nurin, nurin!

After makan, amik gambar, we left Simpang Pulai around 150pm after azan zohor. I had a good time with my family that day.

Fahroe & me tak balik KL terus, kitorang detour pegi Cameron Highland. Simpang nak naik tu dekat bebenar dari rumah Emma. Itu, nanti later I story. Now I nak start buat kerja.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Menopause : The Musical

Went to watch Menopause : The Musical performance yesterday afternoon at Putrajaya. My friend pegi with his other 6 friends, so I tumpang sekaki. Ticket RM35 ja, lagi murah dari tengok kat KL PAC or the Actor's Studio in Bangsar. The show was good, funny, so alive, good storyline to deliver its message, sexy and very good music. Ketawa tak sudah sampai terasa pedih pipi. The crowd was really great. The 8 of us really enjoyed the one and half hour show.

After that I singgah Alamanda sekejap, tapau food kat kedai my friend, Nelly's cafe. Met my cousin, Kak Zana, and her family. Balik KL jalan jam, dari putrajaya/kajang exit sampai la toll sungai besi. Dah maghrib baru sampai. Rest and lepak baca FHM ( I find guys magazine are more interesting, hehehehe. Got both KL version and UK version for July ni pun dah lewat sgt baca. I don't buy, just get it from the guys, then buat-buat macam harta sendiri, hehehehe) Had dinner yg I tapau tu at 9pm. Pagi ni seksa nak bangun, sejuk la, hujan lebat. Had to drag myself to office. Ikut hati nak sambung tido until the rain stops. The bed and my bantal peluk looks very yummy this morning time hujan-hujan macam ni.


Friday, July 27, 2007

Tadi kaklong shila tepon. Dia cuti hari ni. How nice. She asked me a question that I sendiri pun tak tau nak jawab. Telling you the truth kaklong, I kan minah drama, so semua I am acting at the moment. Only myself tahu apa I rasa deep down inside. Putting a happy face at the time you are at the lowest point of your life is an expert of Aida Yurani. But tomorrow will be adik's day, so let it be. I wish good luck in searching Epi. Men, they are all the same. (My guy friends, jgn marah aa... aku punyer blog suka hati la aku nak buat statement! Hehehehe). Please alert me once you dah locate dia. I will call and give him extra leter! Hehehehe. And I hope korang boleh join kitorang besok. The on-line HP tak payah hantar. Nanti sakit mata baca la. I'll just read the book aunty Nita bawak balik. Kita baca, tapi tak fanatik la. Amily and Aizat are back, so you can harrass them to babysit the kids nanti. Hehehe.

Pagi ni perut memulas, I think that ice-blended coffee kat Kemaman Kopitiam I had dinner at last night. Kopi tu memang tasted semacam. I sip quarter of the glass only. Rasa weird. Had dinner with Daniel, and later adik and Emma(the soon to be my sister-in-law) joined us. While adik & daniel borak sakan catching up, Emma updated me with her preparation for tomorrow. Memang semua dah ready, tinggal tunggu kitorang sampai aja besok. Tinggal map and duit toll/petrol for all cars nak kena prepare and distribute pagi besok before leaving. Okay, now nak masuk meeting.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ingat hari ni nak puasa. Sebab semalam lunch kaw-kaw kat KLCC, then malam makan lagi kat Kinrara. Tapi balik last night dah lewat, borak sakan with my friends kat Kinrara tu, sampai rumah lupa niat. Pagi ni bangun awal, pergi Shah Alam. Sampai McDonald Seksyen 20 tu, while waiting for my colleague, sedap-sedap ja breakfast. Dah drive pergi Putrajaya baru sedar sepatutnya nak puasa hari ni. Takpe, nanti besok start la.

Tadi half day kat Putrajaya. Pergi Jabatan Akauntan Negara, ada seminar. Nasib baik tak sesat cari tempat tu. Tapi parking jauh la. Kena cross the road. Yang best nya the guards at the parking kena berdiri/duduk bawah shades, bawah pokok yang tak semena tinggi kat luar bangunan tu. Tapi autopay machine for carpark ada pondok kecik, siap ada aircond tu. Hmm....

This week rasa low gila. Tapi boleh tahan lagi. Belum mereng lagi. Trigger nyer dah ada, tinggal nak explode ja. Lagi tambah tadi at 5.29pm received fax from IATA suruh increase BG lagi. Doink la diorang tu. Baru ja last month I top up my BG RM85k due to increase in sales from Mar06-Mar07, now the letter stated that nak kena tambah lagi RM40k due to increase in sales from July06-June07. Ape hal dia elapse the period time. Dah la tiap-tiap minggu semput make sure duit cukup nak bayar BSP. Geram betul. The last 2 weeks I managed to settle weekly 1million BSP, bayar lagi hutang chairman, bini chairman, anak chairman to make sure company runs macam biasa, collect sakan semua outstanding. Gaji pun I dah prepare seminggu awal bulan ni. Hmm.... I dah draft letter, biar chairman check, mintak jugak waive. Sebab nanti come NOV/DEC memang kena renew jugak. Lagi mau mintak. Kitorang print ticket kat office, bukan print duit. Tapi rasanya letter tu sah kena reject, so for the next 4 weeks kena set aside RM10k weekly. The new BG kena submit 28th August. Cet!

Besides that, now I have 24 hours to prepare mentally and emotionally for the weekend. My little brother's engagement. I am happy, I feel glad. Tapi jauh sudut hati ada sad nyer. Hopefully everything will go smooth kat Ipoh this Saturday. Tadi confirm 39pax going. Semua convoy naik
kereta. Tak tau la last minute ada yang nak ikut lagi ka tak. Sebab kereta semua dah full with things and orang. Am going with my driver, jangan la ada aunty-aunty yang laser nanti. But knowing them, I know they will not. My dad is cool about it, so I guess okay la kut. Mama still last minute hari ni tanya itu ini, update guest list for kakteh's next month. Dari 150, to 200, now confirm 250. And that is only family, no friends. Tu pun ada lagi family tak jemput. Kenduri next year tak dapat bayang kan. Ayahnurin kawin dulu pun ada dekat 4000 datang, nasib baik laman rumah quarters tu besar padang bola. And mama managed to get her carrot cake yang susah nak dapat tu nak bawak hari Sabtu ni. (Emma : u better potong and give me and kakteh siket so that we can eat on the way balik KL. Mama really dera us for that carrot cake punya pasal!)

Apa lagi, oh, Sunday pun ada agenda nak buat. Excited jugak tu tunggu Sunday ni. Lama dah tunggu. Kalau ada masa in between nak start baca Harry Porter this weekend. I tak yah susah-susah beratur kat kedai or mintak bestfriend teman beli buku. My book datang jauh, bought at UK itself, paid in pound. Arrived KLIA on Monday morning. Tapi tak baca lagi. Takpe, kita bukan fanatic Harry Porter. Nak baca buku, kena ada mood. Sekali dah bukak, tak lepas. Sometimes pegi Kunikuniya tu sakan beli buku, tapi baca nyer 2 months after that. I still have the shopaholic series yang dah lama beli, tapi still in plastic. Sebab baca buku lain yang beli lepas tu dulu. Tengok time, tengok mood. But so far semua beli buku tu worth buying. Although some tu cekik darah.

Okay lah, stop bebel. Will update adik's engagement next week. Take care people. Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, July 20, 2007


Last night had dinner kat restoren kunang-kunang. Tempat ni pricey sikit. Nasi goreng seafood RM8.90. Dapat nasi banyak, keropok, telur, chicken wing, 3 ketul udang, lavish crabmeat & squid, and also oyster, The kueyteow kungfu pun RM8.00, tapi very big portion, boleh makan 2 orang. Western food ada, tapi price range RM21.90. Tempat dia open air, ala-ala bali resort punya decoration. Ada in-door jugak, tapi macam sejuk ja sbb ada aircond. Tapi nak tunggu food ada macam lama siket. Location is around MRR2. After exit taman melati/terminal putra lrt, ada stesen minyak shell and projet. Masuk at that exit, after projet you can see Kunang-kunang before kedai jual fruits. Dari luar hi-way memang tak nampak sangat sebab tempat tu banyak pokok la.

I dah pergi tempat tu ada la 4 kali. Discovered during Xmas weekend last year. Dah tak tau mana nak makan so paroe cakap try la tempat baru ni. We went again in Jan, in april (the night before I left for Russia) and last night. Sekali sekala boleh la bila dah busan makan kat bukit tu. Hari-hari kopak la. Tapi kalau hujan then places limited, sebab most meja kat open air. To those yang duduk near gombak/ampang/melawati area yang selalu sangat sesuka hati tepon saya tanya mana tempat best nak makan (ingat kita ni food directory ka?), please go try this place during gaji time ok? Good place to celebrate birthdays, family dinner-out day, anniversary, lepak with old friends, meeting blind date, first date, or pujuk girlfriend tengah merajuk yang suka makan ayam. The chicken meals here confirm delicious! Now they give you car sticker and key-chain for free too. Free advertising for them.

Besok I'm off, ingat nak rearrange things at home, busan tengok tempat sama semua benda. Tapi baru dapat tau kena pergi lawyer office pulak. Nak discuss our court case in September and nak serah few documents. So need to do that first thing in the morning. Petang siket la baru nak kemas rumah. OR kalau malas gak,duduk ja diam-diam tengok tv and sleep. My back is aching and my eyes rasa pedih. Too long ngadap computer these few days. Ahad petang nak tengok harry porter. Kalau dapat ticket la. Kalau takda, tengok ja muka boyfriend tu puas-puas jadi lah. I will not see him for the next 48hours (that is consider very long dah) He'll be busy at mares club and attending to bestfriends and wedding. Off course I don't let him off the hook as simple as that la. Tapi takpe, only for 48hours, then I can have him back all to myself. I'm becoming more emo nowadays then last time. Nasib la. Tapi kita emo, kita fair. Tak buat perangai mengada nak jadi queen control. Let him have his 48hour break. He has his own life too. Ok, enough said. Dah merapu banyak dah ni. Nak pray, then sambung kerja. :(

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mood Sedih

Bukan mood sedih apa, sedih dengar semua penumpang pesawat Nuri yang terhempas last Friday tiada seorang pun selamat. Semoga roh mereka ditempatkan dengan golongan orang-orang yang beriman. Alfathihah.

Hari ni akan busy sket. Big boss masuk, so banyak kerja, banyak meeting. And kena cari lagi RM600k short for BSP. Hmm... I had a bad dream last night, pagi tadi tersedar sambil meracau, tapi tak ingat la mimpi apa. Pagi tadi bangun rasa penat semacam. Just nak pesan, selagi kita tengah hidup ni, appreciate semua yang ada sekitar kita, especially your family. You never know when you will go back to your creator.

Take care everyone.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hari ni masuk ofis 8am. Ada morning meeting. Tapi hari ni masuk ofis rasa lega sbb last nite I stayed back until 930pm to balance my account. After 3 days searching through whole year journal entries, I found the problem yang buat account tak balance. Yeay. Pening to tak balance RM34k. Naik juling go through the transaction one by one. Buat month to month ledger aku balance, tapi bila print for whole year tak balance. Software ni mereng dah. Satu hari punya banyak transaction. Now need to wait for the software people to explain why such things happened.

Ansara meeting on Saturday went well although for the first time in 14 years the president post is being challenged. I voted for Mukhriz against my chapter's resolution. But I feel that this guy deserve a second chance to wake up and do something for ansara. But the post for vice president was tough. The winner won by majority 1 vote. 73 v 72. Now that one of my chapter's representative is in the exco, I hope they will do something to unite the whole organisation. Good luck to them.

Ba&ma went back to SP on Sunday. I had morning breakfast with them at opah's house, then went to nenek's house around 9am to continue further discussion on the engagement. Now from 200 invitation has become 250 invitation. Hmm.... But the good point came out of this whole issue is that mama allowed me to withdraw my saving money. Yeay. I kecek kat mama kesian nak tolong adik & kakteh especially for their coming wedding. As the elder sister I can help them financially which they really need for the kenduri. Ye lah, tak la sponsor semua, sikit pun jadi la. Nanti I save lain for my wedding. Tak luak duit tu pun. Although my parents are well prepared, but I want to contribute too. So finally, after all this while tak dapat, now I can withdraw it. Yeay!

After sending ba&ma balik, I went to Genting Highland. Visited the site where the army troops are on standby for the search rescue of the Nuri helicopter yang jatuh last week. Punya la ramai yang standby. I went with guys from MARES. 3 cars, masing-masing antena punya la tinggi at their vehicle. Antena tu lagi tinggi dari myself, kalau tak dengar clear jugak time QSO tak tau la. I lepak ja la, borak with anak Hamid while the guys turun bawah do things they need to do. Sejuk & nyaman kat atas tu. We went half way ja, kat Institut Aminudin Baki, tak naik sampai atas, tapi kabus kat situ boleh tahan. We were up there around one hour saja. After that on the way turun, hujan lebat. Ada accident. As it was raining heavily, fahroe decided tak stop, so i tried to call the emergency line. Ada ka aku tepon the operator tanya I balik so nak sambung kat hospital selayang ka hospital gombak. Dia yang kerja emergency centre dia tanya kita balik. Then bila sambung hospital selayang, operator tu tanya I ada kat tempat kejadian ka tak. I said I nak report ja, mintak dia hubungi hospital terdekat pergi tengok tempat kejadian. Sebab ada 3 kereta remuk, ada kids ramai, dah la hujan lebat. Tapi sebab I takde kat tempat kejadian, dia tak nak entertain. Doink betul la diorang tu. At the end I give up.

Balik KL, perut lapar, carik kueh. Pergi OU carik tiket transformers. Kat GSC habis, tinggal row depan. Pergi TGV ada ticket 4 row dari depan. Belasah ja lah. Dengki ni sebab ramai yang dah tengok and cakap best. Memang best pun. Memang nanti akan tengok 2 kali ni nanti. After dinner, by the time sampai rumah terus sleep.

Tadi mama tepon, banyak pulak dia suruh I buat. She still insist nak carrot kek tu. Kedai tu dah la seksa nak parking. Tapi kena buat jugak. Request mak ni payah la. Then dia nak I cari itu-ini. Malam ni kena pergi kedai la carik.

Hari ni bf pergi lumut (Fathil : bf stands for boyfriend, not best friend or best of best friend. hehehehe. I don't go hushi-mushi with best friends, only with boyfriends. I love my best friends and will do all my best to care, protect and make them happy, which you are one of them, so you know how I treat my best friend la, so jauh beza from boyfriend. Jgn gaduh lagi pasal the term dgn Sarah, apa la korang ni.) He'll be travelling a lot after this. So my schedule sure kena cut off lepas ni. Takpe, so far boleh handle. He needs time off dari mengada kerenah saya yang extreme drama mengada ni.

Alamak, boss intercom panggil pulak. Stop jap, nanti sambung. Ada lagi benda nak story ni.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Nurin, Chik, Kenduri Kawen

Tadi I tepon opah house to speak to my niece.

Me : Nurin buat apa?

Nurin : Nak tengok sungai.

Me : Best ka tengok sungai.

Nurin : Nanti nurin tengok nurin tau la. Makngah tak datang sini rumah opah nyang ke?

Me : Makngah kerja la hari ni. Makngah tak datang.

Nurin : Ala makngah ni. Tu la asyik keluar ngan uncle faro je, tak datang sini pun.

Me : Makngah kerja la. Kat ofis ni.

Nurin : Ye lah, nurin nak tengok sungai ni.

After one hour, I called again to speak to her.

Me : Best tak tengok sungai belakang rumah opah nyang?

Nurin : Tak best, ada air ja. Kaler coklat. Bila makngah nak datang sini?

Me : Makngah tak datang, makngah kerja.

Nurin : Hmm.... ye lah.

I know dia nak I datang, tapi makngah kerja la. Nanti jumpa this month end during our ipoh trip ok?
Hari ni birthday Chik Halim, hubby aunty Dah, my mom's brother in-law, my uncle. I hope I will cherish you more in the years to come. Chik & Aunty Dah takde anak, takde rezeki, tapi kitorang anak sedara kalah macam anak dia sendiri. Being the youngest in the family belah opah, so Chik is one of my cool uncles. Dengan dia semua okay aja. Dulu, when I first came to KL to work, I stayed at opah's house, Chik la pepagi hantar I pegi office kat Jalan Ipoh. Then baru dia pegi his office in Brickfield. Happy Birthday Chik! Semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki.

Last nite meeting at nenek's house went well. Babah, being eldest in the family, and being ex-ocpd conducted the meeting ikut cara polis. Siap ada kata-kata aluan, siap ada tukang amik minutes (that was me), siap ada kata penutup. Arahan kerja semua dah diberi. Nanti adik beradik dia (being my uncles & aunties) will send him the bill. Hehehe.

Adik's engagement is this coming 28th July in Ipoh. Then kakteh's in on the 19th August kat rumah nenek. The wedding is somewhere end of January or February next year. Kalau buat kenduri rumah nenek memang senang. Sebab tukang buat hantaran ada (my makteh is very good!), tukang buat kek ada (itu semestinya maklang), tukang in-charge katering and pelamin (mak anjang ada kedai kecik depan rumah dia), tukang sambut tetamu (busu and mak usu), tukang kemas, pasang khemah (or rather make sure the job is done : that will be my pakngah, paklang and achik), headchef (usually makngah) and supervisor aka mandor making sure all work is done : of course la nenek! Theme colour adik will be hijau, kakteh amik kaler maroon for the engagement ceromony.

Babah said tunang is only for family terdekat. Nanti kenduri kahwin baru jemput ramai-ramai. Tapi family terdekat pun dah 200 orang. Nanti nak menghantar adik bertunang pun dalam 10 kereta, tu dah kira 40 orang. My adik 2 orang pandai buat kenduri sekali, save budget diorang. I was helping them doing calculation. Hmm.... banyak lagi tak cukup belanja. But ayong said he will help (ayong : if you do the same for them, can you chip-in for mine too nanti? hehehehe) and of course I will help financially too. Tapi barang-barang diorang dah beli. Saw the ring adik bought for emma, very beautiful. Cost adik a bomb for that. Hmm... my 2 adiks are getting married, they are moving on. They used to be dependent on me, but now they will start their own family. I wish the very best for both of them.

Babah of course did not let me off the hook yesterday. Dia siap buat announcement lagi semalam, as for kakngah, her wedding is either dalam masa terdekat ni, or by end of next year. Berhenti sekejap my jantung dengar, tapi I buat-buat bodoh la. Hehehe. Whatever he meant by that, I don't want to know about it. After meeting I had a chat with babah privately. I know he is worried and concern, he gave me a very wise advice last night. But being babah, he leaves it to me. He was not angry at all, which was a good sign. He was last month, to the extend I nak cakap ngan dia, wish Happy Father's Day pun I kecut perut.

This morning ada lagi satu meeting kat rumah opah (mom's side) to discuss pasal adik and kakteh, and also to discuss pasal Chalee's engagement. Bangteh pun nak bertunang next month. Wedding sometime next year too. Huh, busy la macam ni kat gombak. Kenduri sepanjang masa.

What about me? Hmm.... itu nanti I will announce when the right time comes. Now is adik, kakteh and bangteh's time. Cukup la 3 orang nak pening kepala for right? Don't worry, time aidayurani is coming, soon.

Okay, I better do my work now. After this nak pergi Ansara, then dating sampai malam besok. Yeay!

Friday, July 13, 2007


Malam semalam pegi bangsar village. Dinner kat DELICIOUS with iza, sarah, terry and jue (my friends from same uni in Canberra). Punya la banyak makan. Paling delicious chococalate cake with vanila ice-cream. Mmmmm..... Food kat sini sedap, tapi harga boleh tahan. Cheeseburger around RM21.00 but it is a big portion. I had lamb massala with nasi pilaf. That is RM18.00 per plate. Tapi kena tempat la, bangsar! Once a while pergi okay la, hari-hari pergi, kopak!!!

We had girls only night out. Hubby and boyfriend not allowed to join, to the extend keirul who is eventually part of the group is not allowed to join. (Kitorang tak bagitau dia pun, hahahaha). So, we had yummy food, yummy gossips, and catching up. (Iza & Sarah : Sorry for the unsangkarable news, I've been holding it for so long to find the right moment to tell you girls, jangan marah ok?) I haven't met Jue for 3 years. Last jumpa buka puasa 2004. Now that she is working in KL, very near my office, one of these days, I nak have lunch dengan dia. Jue is married to a Singaporean so dia tinggal sana. Working in KL is a temporary thing until dia habis her papers. Good luck Jue.

Borak sakan, gelak sakan, sampai nak pecah perut. Looking back, lebih kurang sama ja perangai kat Canberra, cuma ada matured sket sbb 3 orang dah jadi mak budak. Iza yang perut sarat pun masih lagi happening. Terry is going to Doha soon (provided dia lepas health check-up today), sob-sob, lepas ni takde kawan nak gossip best-best. Hopefully she will find her
happiness & freedom there. We are planning to go Dubai pulak next year (this year dah pegi Bangkok)

By the time balik rumah semalam dah 1230midnight. Now kat office, but about to go home. My parents are here. Malam ni ada meeting at rumah nenek. Everyone dah sampai except for me & ayong (ayong : mana aci guna kuasa veto. Make sure besok korang nyer turn escot ma&ba). My kakteh dah sms, mama dah tepon ada lah dalam 5 kali since 6pm asking what time I balik. My aunty pun dah dok sms ni soh cepat balik. Hehehehe, saja ja buat2 lambat balik, kalau pergi awal nanti kena leter. Lagipun meeting hari ni pasal adik & kakteh, nothing concern me. Actually my mom and my aunties tu I boleh handle. Takut nak balik ngadap babah. I tau dia tunggu masa ja nak cakap face to face. Banyak benda dia tanya I belum jawab. Aiyak...... nasib baik malam ni dia sleep rumah opah, and tomorrow I kerja, then I ada AGM Ansara, and malam babah ada dinner with his old friends. Selamat......... Tapi ini perut dah lapar la, balik lewat nanti food habis. Bukan leh percaya diorang tu. Hmm.... okayla, balik now!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I don't love you like I did yesterday

Dari malam semalam sampai now lagu ni ja dalam head. I am hooked to My Chemical Romance. Having all the CDs collection now. Tapi yang dok main dalam CD player is this one only now. Ada CD tu nanti rosak asyik repeat aja.

The song :

Well, when you go
Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way

And after all this time that you still owe
You're still the good-for-nothing I don't know
So take your gloves and get out
Better get out While you can

When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you, Like I didYesterday"

Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
But baby when they knock you
Down and out
It's where you oughta stay

And after all the blood that you still owe
Another dollar's just another blow
So fix your eyes and get up
Better get up
While you can

When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you, Like I didYesterday"

Monday, July 09, 2007

Penat la hari ni. Penat apa tak tau. I had a very happening weekend. Balik semalam bantai tido dari 630pm sampai 730am. Kalau takde tukang kejut, silap-silap tido sampai 12noon hari ni. Malam Sabtu tido 3 jam aja. Malam Jumaat pun tido kejap 3 jam aja. Tu yang bantai tido sakan semalam. Memang tak sedar.

Ni penangan 777 punya hal. Best giler. Sesape yang tak pegi tu memang la rugi besar. (Wahir : seriously kau rugi. Read the emails dear. The guys ramai yang sebak. After 15 years memang la happening. Kau rugi tak dengar minah gossip aka Iza classmate kau jadi penglipurlara kat PD. And kita tak sempat honeymoon la, sibuk jumpa kengkawan lama, hehehehe, takpe weekend ni boleh honeymoon!)

Nanti I update pix. Tunggu paroe buat. For time being boleh tengok some pix from Joe's camera here : http://www.fahroe.com/gallery/my-777

I was vomitting and having slight fever since Friday night tapi saya gagahkan diri jugak (actually tak la susah sangat, kita ada drebar and tukang angkat barang, hehehehe). Malam dinner tu pun muntah sket, naik atas, tukar t-shirt, boleh sambung happening join kengkawan kat bawah. Some guys stayed back until 6am, then terus balik KL and north. Yang balik dari Dubai semata-mata untuk gathering ni pun ada.

My ex-classmates, the 6 of us had our private reunion tepi pool while the rest lepak kat lobby after the dinner. We had a long chat, catching up with our lives for the past 15 years. After 4 months tunggu kisah benar dari Jack, Sally, Ma'in, Mawaddah, Nita and myself, finally malam tu semua reveal. Semua persoalan dalam email/sms selama ni terjawab. Selama ni dok cakap nanti jumpa kita cerita lah, ha amik kau, semua tak boleh lari. Semua orang interrogate semua orang. And the 6 of us are still the same. Otak separuh tak betul macam kat kelas dulu, masih sama.

I met Noni, my debate partner. Last I met her was at Maktab, the day before my last SPM paper. She is still the same. There were few guys whom I never spoke to at maktab, like Mamat, the head organiser, Daffi Ranjau, Fendi. Tapi pasal 777 ni punya la banyak kali I berurusan dengan diorang settle kan pasal gathering. Aween yang sakit-sakit tu pun datang and enjoyed herself (tak ingat laki tu, hehehehe), Ma'in tinggal terus laki and bala tentera dia kat rumah. I hope pagi ni dia dah boleh adjust balik after 1 and 1/2 day merdeka jadi ibu mithali. Lepas ni aku nak tengok cinta sape yang berputik lepas reunion. Dah nampak dah malam tu, hehehehe. Ada lagi yang single and ramai yang dah kembali single. It happened to me, it can happen to these people tu. Ma'in sure kau agree statement ni. Hahahaha.

Boleh kata everyone turned-out well. Ramai yang datang dengan family, besh nyer tengok anak diorang kiut-miut. Kita tahan sabar ja la. Takpe, think positive, my day will come. Not giving up on that babycrave thingy. Just not yet!

Okay la, nak balik dah. Nak rest. Hari ni penat kerja, juling mata tengok computer, and bahu pun rasa stiff semacam. Nak kena mengadap tukang picit jap.

Take care everyone!

p/s : my boroi dah tak boroi dah! Makin hensem, tak caya, pi tengok gambar dia sekarang. Kenapa la aku tak ngorat dia kat maktab dulu? hehehehe. gossip royda punya la sakan kat maktab tu sampai jadi agenda kelas seni lukis topic creative writting. Ada ke cikgu rozaini cakap : "kita ada boroi, kita ada aida, they are so cute together, nickname royda. That will be our creative writting for this week!" Takpelah, takde jodoh. I am happy with my current boroi boyfriend now. His perut is just nice, and his botak head too! Hahahahaha.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Baru sudah lunch kat cm. Selama ni suruh orang tapau food ja and makan dalam office, tapi lately asyik kuar lunch time. Muka pun dah hitam sebab kena jalan keluar bawah panas terik. My area makan choice tak banyak, dah bosan dah. Next week kena cook and tapau bawak lunch to office. (Err.... ye ke nak buat tu?)

Last night for the first time I independently drive myself to Bandar Kinrara. Tak la susah sangat pergi sana. Tak payah susah-susah naik bus no ??? yang p5 selalu usik dulu. Thanks p5 for your assistance, told you I can be independent. Now you can sakat me all you want. :p

Besok nak pergi Port Dickson. Yeay. I'm sure it will be a havoc weekend. Finally 07/07/07 is happening tomorrow. Will update about it next week.

At this moment I really missed my darling nephew & niece. I have to thank my kak lin (my sister in-law) for teaching my darlings to be thoughtful. Bila I demam hariz&nurin mesti telefon tanya "Makngah demam ka? Cian Makngah!" and last tuesday they called again to ask I dah baik sakit mata ka belum. Sometime nurin just love calling me to ask whether I dah balik dari office ka, or have I had my dinner. If I answer I haven't eaten, mesti dia bising suruh I makan. If I ask her to cook for my dinner, her standard reply : "Nurin kecik lagi la, nanti umur Nurin 18 tahun Nurin masak la" hmm....... And when she calls dia dengar suara orang lain like suara radio ka while I'm driving, suara tv or suara other people if I'm at the mall or something, mesti dia akan tanya sape. And bila dia good mood she will end the call saying "I love you makngah, makngah cantik, nurin pun cantik" dia tak nak kalah. Tapi kalau dia takde mood, or being naughty, she will follow what her father thought her "bye makngah, makngah gemuk!" Then I will laugh out loud! They are going to watch transformers besok. (Hariz : without me? spiderman3 pun tak ajak makngah. Nanti makngah merajuk????. Ayahnurin : make sure the kids have good seats. I know you have pontential to neglect them as you love transformers so much. My brother does play with his son's transformers games & toys mengalahkan anak dia!)

I'm busy at the moment but my mood is back to normal. So to the person yang I ngamuk and hated so much in previous post, I would like to apologise. (Ye lah, marah in public, mintak maaf in public la jugak. I bukan jenis arrogant marah-marah tak sejuk hati or tak mintak maaf or tak reti nak pujuk balik like some people). Tapi when you messed with me, you'll get it. Don't play-play with the new aida. And thank you for the effort you did last night, tu I appreciate.

Okay, now nak sambung buat kerja yang bertimbun tu. Take care everyone, have a great weekend, I know I will.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Now I rasa really annoyed. I hate it when people memperlekehkan myself. I tau la I selalu mengalah, tau la I let people buli me, but jangan lah take advantage lebih-lebih. Kalau rasa diri tu bagus sangat, buat la perangai dengan aidayurani. Memang silap besar. Ingat I tak leh hidup berdikari? Selama ni pun memang hidup sendiri and tak ganggu orang. Now I'm really pissed off!
Lately ni badan rasa tak sihat, tak tau kenapa. For the past 2 days rasa sakit gila. Nak kata buat kerja kuat takde pulak. Last night muntah, perut masuk angin, tahan lapar until 11pm baru nak makan. Tu kena perangai degil diri sendiri, so malam tadi muntah, awal pagi tadi sakit perut. Pagi ni lemah gila rasa badan. I balik lewat dah 2 hari. Seminggu tak kerja, punya bertimbun atas meja tu nak kasi clear.

Cepat la weekend, nak rest!

Monday, July 02, 2007


Kakteh is 30years old today. Happy Birthday!

Nak wish sama macam ayong : Semoga apa yang di impikan untuk tahun ini akan menjadi kenyataan. We are praying for you. Good Luck!!!
(ps : I nak one set barang kemas, one pasang kain paling mahal kat biwanis, and a very expensive shoe! Hehehehe.)

Weekend was great. I cooked! yes, aidayurani masak! I made my favourite pie on Sunday. At the same time nak test oven dapat free. Hehehehe. Ramai orang komplen lama tak jumpa so I met friends on Friday night at Bangsar, Saturday noon at GE Mall (yang ni I komplen!), Saturday night at Subang Jaya, and later met Jawahir at Sunway. Wei wahir, nasib baik aku sampai dengan selamatnya ke rumah, terhoyong-hayang bawak keta balik Bukit Antarabangsa.

My eyes ada sikit merah lagi, but it is clearing. And dah tak gatal. So should be okay. Looking forward for this weekend, and next weekend too.