Monday, July 30, 2007

Menopause : The Musical

Went to watch Menopause : The Musical performance yesterday afternoon at Putrajaya. My friend pegi with his other 6 friends, so I tumpang sekaki. Ticket RM35 ja, lagi murah dari tengok kat KL PAC or the Actor's Studio in Bangsar. The show was good, funny, so alive, good storyline to deliver its message, sexy and very good music. Ketawa tak sudah sampai terasa pedih pipi. The crowd was really great. The 8 of us really enjoyed the one and half hour show.

After that I singgah Alamanda sekejap, tapau food kat kedai my friend, Nelly's cafe. Met my cousin, Kak Zana, and her family. Balik KL jalan jam, dari putrajaya/kajang exit sampai la toll sungai besi. Dah maghrib baru sampai. Rest and lepak baca FHM ( I find guys magazine are more interesting, hehehehe. Got both KL version and UK version for July ni pun dah lewat sgt baca. I don't buy, just get it from the guys, then buat-buat macam harta sendiri, hehehehe) Had dinner yg I tapau tu at 9pm. Pagi ni seksa nak bangun, sejuk la, hujan lebat. Had to drag myself to office. Ikut hati nak sambung tido until the rain stops. The bed and my bantal peluk looks very yummy this morning time hujan-hujan macam ni.



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