Saturday, July 29, 2006


Finally demam dah baik. Lega sikit rasa. Cuma sometimes batuk kering ni nak jadi, or hidung tersumbat siket kalau aircond office ni sejuk sangat. But I should be okay. Petang karang ada gym session, I have to do my fitness assessment. Macam fail saja ni sebab coughing since morning. Hopefully lepas la.

Mama & Babah are in Singapore now. They arrived KL late night on Thursday and tido rumah opah. Yesterday early morning they left with my other aunties & cousins to Singapore. Ada wedding sedara belah babah. I opt not to follow for many reasons : malas nak waste my cuti, malas nak belanja habiskan duit, malas nak kena jawab kenapa tak kawin lagi, malas nak jadi driver ma & ba. But Ma did not let me off the hook. Dia tinggal kan list for me to buy and deliver to her friends & sisters. So petang ni and besok I kena jadi minah delivery la. As usual mama bawak segala ikan masin, ikan kering, ikan bilis favourite semua orang. Aiyak, byk plak tu. Dia dah order kat opah & aunty dah to buat sambal ikan bilis favourite dia tu, nak bawak balik SP. I have to go to ikea, and KLCC perhaps to get some things that she has ordered. Kena la redah ribuan umat yang tengah gila shopping tu. Ish - ish. They will arrive tomorrow night, tak tahu la pukul berapa as dia nak singgah Muar katanya. (hmm... sape ada kat Muar yang dia nak jumpa plak tu????) Then Monday morning will balik SP. So chances of me meeting my parents : 0%!!! Hehehehe, lepas lagi leter dari mama. Kalau dia nak balik my house tengah malam besok, siap la kena leter rumah tak kemas. (Well, rumah kemas actually, but not up to her standard la! Hmmm....) Tengok la macam mana nanti.

July is ending, my favourite month is coming : AUGUST. To those yang tak tau, or dah lupa, August is my favourite month sebab my birthday coming soon. Am going to be 31 (aiyak!!! very tua la) on 22nd August 2006. So should be no reason korang yang selalu baca blog ni lupakan my birthday la!

Okay la, nak balik. Hari ni masuk office. Banyak benda kena settle.

To ayahnurin : jangan la trauma ibuhariz takde!!! Hehehehehehe.

Take care everyone, and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I'm back in office today after sleeping the whole day yesterday. Rasa macam ada yang telefon semalam, tapi I tak ingat I cakap apa. Ubat doktor bagi kau-kau punya dose, tak sedar. I saw lots of missed calls, and sms need to reply. Will do that later today. Need to settle lots today. Satu hari tak masuk, bertimbun benda atas meja kena clear. But nampak ada souvenirs atas meja dari bos and colleagues yang balik dari holiday last week, sedap sket rasa, hehehehe. I got shoes, kain and bracelet. Colourful atas meja! Yeay yeay.

Tak tau pesal boleh demam ni. Mungkin jerebu kut. I was okay last week, tetiba Sunday start sakit tekak, malam start selsema, monday terus demam. I still datang office on Monday, but went home early. Semalam MC. Hari ni susah nak bangun, lambat masuk office. Hopefully petang nanti makin lega. Tak pegi gym la hari ni, postpone. Sebab ada assessment, sure fail fitness sebab demam.

Mom coming down besok, tapi singgah saja as she is on her way to Singapore. I wish I boleh ikut, tapi tak boleh. Lain kali la pergi.

Last Sunday tengok pirates of caribean 2. Kelakar gila movie ni. Paroe made me wait until the end of movie, sampai habis ending trail tu sebab dia nak tengok something. Punyala lama tunggu dekat 5 minit, last-last tengok, hampeh betul ending scene tu. Kalau korang nak tau apa dia, hahaha, nanti tengok sendiri la.

After that we went to Hulu Langat, tengok kolam air panas sungai sering, batu 10 hulu langat. Out of nowhere, tengah-tengah kawasan kampung, tepi jalan ada kolam air panas. It is free to pulic. Ramai jugak orang datang. Tapi takde tempat nak salin baju la ( hassle for ladies, guys tak kisah la) I tak try, just datang tengok. Paroe & p5 went there the night before and the enjoyed it very much.

OKay la, coughing start balik dah ni, and I have a lot of work to complete. Lagi few days, then dah august. Cepat nya dah nak year end. Next month ada banyak benda nak buat and nak pergi, hopefully boleh accoplish semua.

Take care everyone.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Dari pagi masuk opis, dah 2 jam tak buat apa, menggoogle cari stuff, tapi tak dapat apa pun. Cet!

Ada orang tu sibuk suruh I cintaiLAH Google kalau nak cari apa-apa, tapi apesal yang I nak tu takdelah? Kalau Hariz & Nurin nyer blog boleh jumpa, dia punya blog pun boleh jumpa, kenapa yang I nak ni tak dak?

Ah, leter plak pagi-pagi ni. Huh, ada orang komplen I kuat leter. Tak cerewet, tapi kuat bebel. Apa nak buat, tu dah perangai, warisan nenek moyang, nasib la! Tapi orang yang komplen tu tak sedar kita bebel pun sebab dia jugak carik pasal. Bukan suka-suka leter. Aiyak, ini orang banyak keji la!

Dah, time to do some serious office work. Am not going to google dah! Have a good weekend everyone!

p/s - ayahnurin : tengok betul tak link I try buat tu?

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Nurin Arisya binti Azwan Hadzree. My niece, the family clown, suka buli abang Hariz, my darling!

I hope one day, I can have my own, just like her. :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


This morning I left home very early. I tumpang kakteh to work as my kancil was left at the parking due to unforseen circumstances last night.

We singgah at kakak van to buy breakfast. I saw the price tag : KUIH 40sen satu. Food price has increased. Even my makcik nasi lemak near my office sells at RM1 = 3 piece. I missed beli kuih up north in SP, or any Kedah/Perlis area. They sell RM1 = 5. Banyak murah. But with harga barang naik, harga petrol naik, I guess it is ok harga kuih pun naik. Nanti fasting month nak balik SP nak check harga kuih kat utara naik ka tak.

I had a quiet weekend last week. Still on duty, but this time jadi housesitter pulak. I stayed in whole-day on Sunday, habiskan baca buku. Tapi tak tido la satu hari, dah puas tido time cuti dulu. Only Saturday malam pegi rumah Busu. Hantar ticket & hotel voucher. Busu is in Kuching now with Mak Usu and Along Nadia. Along dapat Uitm Sarawak, doing Office Management & ..... ala, tak ingat la apa nama course tu. I know she is hesitate to go, but anak yang baik, dia dengar cakap ayah dia. I hope she will fit well there. Along is one of my cousins belah babah yang tak pernah berenggang with her family (well, actually none of them, except me & kakteh yang kena study jauh-jauh. Even after they work, and get married, most of them still see their parents daily!!!). Sekali nak pegi belajar jauh la pulak, kalau somewhere semenanjung, boleh tahan lagi. I had to comfort her that everything will be allright. Nanti bulan September I plan to see her as I'm going to Kuching again. Good luck along, and don't forget to email us once you dah settle down.

Today will be a very busy day. I hope I can finish all my work on time!

Take care everyone!

ps - ayah nurin :nanti la I change the links, and add on new links, and do the technical stuff that I should have done long time ago. kalau succeed, I bagitau ok.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Dah lama tak cakap pasal food kat blog ni.

This restaurant is located on the ground floor of City Square (the same building as Crown Princess Hotel, next to Plaza Ampang). I went here last Sunday night with my cousins. Bagus punya babysitter, bawak makan tempat mahal.

This place is expensive, well, food price okay, but drinks - hmm, ni too too expensive. Ada ka ayaq oren dia jual RM6.95 satu gelas? Tak masuk 10% + 5% tax lagi tu. Ish-ish. Ok, apa sedap makan kat sini? Chicken chop with mushroom sauce, sedap gila! And the sambal prawns pun sedap, served with white rice. About RM15 per plate, but big servings. Nasi lemak, also with the same price, you get chicken curry, fried fish, vege, ege, and sambal (ni pedas gila punyer sambal). They do have set lunch, set dinner during weekdays. Tapi yang kelakar tu, ada ka dia jual goreng pisang 1=RM1. Ish-ish, itu kira cekik darah tu. The kids enjoyed their meal, semua makan licin except for Fiqri, he ate half chicken chop. The kids loved the milk shake, both vanila & strawberry, until I had to pujuk Faiq to drink only half glass (I know he wanted to finish it, but he cannot take cold drinks).

Will talk more on food later, hehehehe. Lagi 2 weeks ada assessment. Ish-ish. Kalau tak turun, habis la. Tapi seluar lama dah boleh pakai.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Banyak gila keja minggu ni. Penat! Semuanya nak urgent! Letih la. I have only 2 hands and one brain to do all those things. Hmm. 2nd floor asyik wire trip saja, now my back office pun effect, server plak buat hal. Hopefully boleh settle by today, kalau data hilang, die la!

Apa buat cuti? hmm, tido 3 hari. Cover semua tido yang tertunggak selama ni (mcm kena jaga malam bagi anak susu, hahahahaha) Entah, tido tak nyenyak la last month, tak tau kenapa. I did go out on Friday afternoon, itu pun setelah separuh hari jadi kambing tak mandi. I went to collect my MYKAD (finally I got mine!!!) Nasib baik gambar dlm tu ok, eh, eh, lawa!!! Hehehe. Then went to see my aunt at her clinic, pegi tailor - tempah baju for raja, I already order 3, need another 7. Tak kira, this year baju raya nak 10 pasang!!!. Then went to nenek's house. She was surprised to see me. Ya la, lama betul tak jenguk dia. But I didn't stay long, makan and left. Nanti duduk lama-lama kena interrogate plak. Then after maghrib I went to visit my cousin Anny at her home. Dia baru lepas operate. Stayed there until late (as more cousins, my sis, my aunties & uncles semua datang) then baru balik. Sabtu sleep, ahad pun sleep! Muka sembab gila. On Sunday evening I went to Crown Princess, babysit my young cousins, as Busu & Mak Usu going for wedding. The kids asked me so many question sampai tak larat nak jawab. But I had a great time with them, and now diorang dah besar sket, they are more disiplin, tak yah jerit suruh tido, tau-tau diorang dah tido. All of them woke up around midnight, we had room service late supper, and waited for the final world cup game.

Hari ni rasa malas sket! Cepat la habis waktu kerja. Hmmm.... (sah boring & malas mood!!)

Thursday, July 06, 2006


I'm on leave besok! Yeay yeay.

Tapi banyak benda nak buat, am not sure if I will manage to do all or not.

Tapi apa-apa pun best la dapat cuti!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I am not going to give a review on the movie which I baru ja tengok malam tadi!!!
Tengok kat cinemaleisure, yg baru bukak next to the Curve. Went the 10pm show with Abby, Lina, Sham, & Paroe. The place is still new, only cinema is opened, the shops are still under renovation. The ticket counter has individual screen for the buyer to see the choice of seat, and also movie schedule - no need to peep over the counter like we normally do. The also have 3 general pc for internet use by the public - FOC!!! Yang tak best nyer about this place, banyak la tangga nak panjat. Although ada escalator, still, banyak tingkat mau naik. Kesian Lina last night, dia dgn tongkat, gagahkan diri jugak nak tengok wayang punyer pasal. Anybody pergi this place, do park at the parking space below, as THE CURVE will close after 11pm, and you have to walk very far to reach the parking exit, which kat basement, you kena make another tour.

Okay, enough about that. The X-men that I want to talk about is Eddy Toh! He is a general clerk at my office. Kenapa I panggil dia X-men? He is different and special from us the normal people. He just turned 30 last Thursday, but he looks like 20 years old saja, sometimes nampak macam budak sekolah! Eddy Toh is one of the 3 disabled people working at my office. My boss selected him from Day Training Centre organised for disable people at PJ.

The first 6 months he messed up everything. We had to be patient with him. He was working directly under my supervision. When we decided to send him out to do despatch work like banking, sending documents, collect cheques, everyone was very skeptical about it. But he turned out to be okay. Now he can handle visa submission, and issue tickets at the airlines office.

He gets VVIP treatment at most of the airlines office, if they give bad service, sure kena complaint dari Eddy. Even I pun kena marah if I gave him wrong instruction. Angpow, duit raya, Xmas present, he will get the most, from banks, clients, airlines and from us. Sometimes I had to call the bank to check if he is there - dia suka lepak with the officers and talk about football, F1, national issues, and other international news highlighted in the media.

He went to Port Dickson last week for anual camp with DTC. The office paid for him as a birthday gift. He was so happy, and enjoyed himself, especially with the actors and babes from bollywood who had a film shooting near their campsite. Dia ambik gambar sket punyer sengeh with them.

To me, Eddy will always be special. One day without him rasa susah gak nak buat kerja. And my kawan gaduh everyweek F1 is on, now gaduh about bola. He is now at KFC buying me lunch as brazil kalah last week to france, hehehehe. So this week I'm having free lunch by Eddy sebab dia kalah bet! Okay la, nak sambung work!

Monday, July 03, 2006


Pergi melaka lagi! This time with Anserians, ada la dalam 80pax including kids. My friend, Hasniza came all the way from Kota Baru with her husband and kids.

Pagi Sabtu kena bangun awal, left KL at 7am, konvoi 3 keta. I slept on the way dalam keta (tapi P5 : U exergerate aah I dengkur, QRM mana entah ptt paroe pick-up tu), breakfast kat R&R Seremban. We arrived Melaka around 9am.

I tak buat full tour this time as I was waiting for those people who came late, tak terasa sangat sbb last December dah pusing habis. After lunch masuk office Wahir kejap, tengok binatang2 kecil. Ada binturong, leopard cat, baby beruang madu, anak musang. I yang sememangnya penakut binatang terus naik atas meja! Baby beruang madu tu punya la jinak, asyik nak meleser saja. Nizah, Paroe & Dimas were busy kasi anak binturong minum susu with the help of Wahir. After that we continued to muzium zoo, then nak pegi tengok Rimau!!!

I thought nak tengok Wahir panggil Nikki saja, alih-alih, dia bawak kitorang masuk kandang rimau to see DIDO. Dido, harimau jantan yang 3 kali ganda besar Nikki. I dah cuak habis. My friends had fun usap-usap badan Dido, Dimas siap kasi dodoi lagi. Me? hmm.. no way la. Kucing pun aku takut, ni nak pegang rimau? Although dia dalam cage, no way. I was telling myself cepat la bebudak ni, sudah-sudah la jakun tengok Dido tu up close. Then I thought we will come out from kandang, but wahir brought us to another kandang rimau.

This other kandang ni lain sket, got 6 man eater tigers. Bapak besar & tinggi. I memang dah kecut, tak boleh kata apa. I almost wet my pants, but I tahan, tapi airmata memang keluar la. To see their big eyes, their big teeth, their big & tall body build, tu tak dengar their big roar lagi. Whatever korang dengar dalam tv, or kat cinema tu, takde benda la. The real sound of a very wild tiger in a cage next to you (diff by 2 feet) is really frightening.

Wahir : next time aku tak nak masuk dah tempat tu!!!! But it was an amazing experience. Thank you very much.


Tak aci la kalau tak wish Kak Teh kan? Hehehehe

Yesterday Kak Teh turned 29!! Tua dah (kakak dia lagi-lagi la tua)

Sorry la kak teh, I was not around to celebrate. But I did left her birthday present before I went away for the weekend.

Bila nak kawin la? Hehehe.

Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, eerrr.... eeerrrr..... bila mau bayar itu astro la??????????

please read below for other posting!

MY OOOOHHsss & AAAAHHsss....

The complaint

This coming weekend patut pegi Haadyai. Tapi sebab bombing di sekitar kawasan tersebut, we decided to cancell the trip. So I thought I ada duit extra this month, tapi my kancil went dead last 2 weeks. Bateri kong. Bought a new bateri, ended discover ada oil leaking. Sent the car to workshop. I had to pay 1k to repair the whole thing. Break oil, fan belt, petrol hose yang leak, break oil hose yang leak, absorber dah kong, timing belt, aircond pump and banyak la benda lain. Hmm... kopak duit!!! I have to sell the kancil very soon, before it gives me no value. Tapi nak beli keta apa la? And as if I drive that much nowadays. But still, I must have a car untuk kegunaan hari rabu - my gym day, and di kala kecemasan. Hmm.... must start hunting for new cars la ni macam.

My weight is stagnant la. Apa ni, dah 2 weeks tak gerak-gerak pun? Aiyak!!!!!

Nak pergi Kuantan this weekend, cannot go, as someone is very-very-very busy!!! Cet!

Everyday ada meeting kat office with the different sales people ended up cold war with one of them now. Why can't he separate work and personal la? I told him I was following instructions, but buat muka sulky kat office. No one to teman me breakfast dah!!! hmmm...

The rewards

Mama and babah are coming month end. They are going to Singapore. Am not going, but will take off days to bring them around KL.

Adik bayar hutang, so now ada duit lebih sket(sket ja!!!)

Jumaat ni cuti!!! Yeay yeay yeay

Next month bulan august *wink-wink*