Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Banyak gila keja minggu ni. Penat! Semuanya nak urgent! Letih la. I have only 2 hands and one brain to do all those things. Hmm. 2nd floor asyik wire trip saja, now my back office pun effect, server plak buat hal. Hopefully boleh settle by today, kalau data hilang, die la!

Apa buat cuti? hmm, tido 3 hari. Cover semua tido yang tertunggak selama ni (mcm kena jaga malam bagi anak susu, hahahahaha) Entah, tido tak nyenyak la last month, tak tau kenapa. I did go out on Friday afternoon, itu pun setelah separuh hari jadi kambing tak mandi. I went to collect my MYKAD (finally I got mine!!!) Nasib baik gambar dlm tu ok, eh, eh, lawa!!! Hehehe. Then went to see my aunt at her clinic, pegi tailor - tempah baju for raja, I already order 3, need another 7. Tak kira, this year baju raya nak 10 pasang!!!. Then went to nenek's house. She was surprised to see me. Ya la, lama betul tak jenguk dia. But I didn't stay long, makan and left. Nanti duduk lama-lama kena interrogate plak. Then after maghrib I went to visit my cousin Anny at her home. Dia baru lepas operate. Stayed there until late (as more cousins, my sis, my aunties & uncles semua datang) then baru balik. Sabtu sleep, ahad pun sleep! Muka sembab gila. On Sunday evening I went to Crown Princess, babysit my young cousins, as Busu & Mak Usu going for wedding. The kids asked me so many question sampai tak larat nak jawab. But I had a great time with them, and now diorang dah besar sket, they are more disiplin, tak yah jerit suruh tido, tau-tau diorang dah tido. All of them woke up around midnight, we had room service late supper, and waited for the final world cup game.

Hari ni rasa malas sket! Cepat la habis waktu kerja. Hmmm.... (sah boring & malas mood!!)


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