Monday, July 03, 2006


Pergi melaka lagi! This time with Anserians, ada la dalam 80pax including kids. My friend, Hasniza came all the way from Kota Baru with her husband and kids.

Pagi Sabtu kena bangun awal, left KL at 7am, konvoi 3 keta. I slept on the way dalam keta (tapi P5 : U exergerate aah I dengkur, QRM mana entah ptt paroe pick-up tu), breakfast kat R&R Seremban. We arrived Melaka around 9am.

I tak buat full tour this time as I was waiting for those people who came late, tak terasa sangat sbb last December dah pusing habis. After lunch masuk office Wahir kejap, tengok binatang2 kecil. Ada binturong, leopard cat, baby beruang madu, anak musang. I yang sememangnya penakut binatang terus naik atas meja! Baby beruang madu tu punya la jinak, asyik nak meleser saja. Nizah, Paroe & Dimas were busy kasi anak binturong minum susu with the help of Wahir. After that we continued to muzium zoo, then nak pegi tengok Rimau!!!

I thought nak tengok Wahir panggil Nikki saja, alih-alih, dia bawak kitorang masuk kandang rimau to see DIDO. Dido, harimau jantan yang 3 kali ganda besar Nikki. I dah cuak habis. My friends had fun usap-usap badan Dido, Dimas siap kasi dodoi lagi. Me? hmm.. no way la. Kucing pun aku takut, ni nak pegang rimau? Although dia dalam cage, no way. I was telling myself cepat la bebudak ni, sudah-sudah la jakun tengok Dido tu up close. Then I thought we will come out from kandang, but wahir brought us to another kandang rimau.

This other kandang ni lain sket, got 6 man eater tigers. Bapak besar & tinggi. I memang dah kecut, tak boleh kata apa. I almost wet my pants, but I tahan, tapi airmata memang keluar la. To see their big eyes, their big teeth, their big & tall body build, tu tak dengar their big roar lagi. Whatever korang dengar dalam tv, or kat cinema tu, takde benda la. The real sound of a very wild tiger in a cage next to you (diff by 2 feet) is really frightening.

Wahir : next time aku tak nak masuk dah tempat tu!!!! But it was an amazing experience. Thank you very much.


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