Friday, February 29, 2008

Lunch at pavillion

Had Nando's at Pavillion tadi. Will not go there ever again. This was 2nd time I went, but service is very slow and very bad. Kalau penuh and ramai orang tu lain lah cerita, tapi not even half of the restaurant yang occupied. Tau tadi pegi food court aja, at least kalau kena wait pun, pueh hati sbb ramai orang.

I met Mr Skema on the way back. Aiseyman, kantoi dah aku tak puasa hari ni, hahahahaha. Sorry lah, will do it this Monday, 4 days straight. Janji!!!!!

note to my lunch date : tengkiu daun keladi, lain kali belanja lah lagi.
note to myself : aida yurani, sila stop makan ayam!!!!!
note to mr skema : merokok membahayakan kesihatan, nanti tak sempat umur 40tahun.


Mana nak cari duit?

Most of my regular readers would know that one of my main task is to collect duit.

This morning, I checked the weekly bill, and my eyes go blink-blink after looking at the figure : RM 927,979.79!

It has to be paid (ie : cleared in our BSP Standard Chartered Account on Monday, 10th March
2008) or that's it. If we default twice in a year, consider kena tutup kedai. Aiyak......

This Monday punya pun I masih short RM 230k, which RM100k I just confirm I will get rentas to our account today. Tu tak masuk lagi whatever other bills to pay, and tour money going out on Monday about RM 300k to Amman, gaji nak tak nak I kena release today or kejap lagi ada lah yang datang bertanya (that part I bersyukur I managed not to witheld my staff salaries every month. There have been cases where I and Lina will hold ours first to make sure that the rest lepas dulu, now I missed Lina so much, kalau dia ada ni, dia lah tukang motivate, but now it is only an empty table next to mine).

Next week, sure I cranky gila kat office. Hahahahahahaha. Well, now, nak kena buat muka manis, mulut manis, nak naik 1st floor, see all my associates. Must be nice to them today to make sure money is collected on time!


Wednesday, February 27, 2008


No. 26-28, Jalan 4/76C, Desa Pandan,
55100 Kuala Lumpur
tel : 03-92858811

All kind of nasi padang food - very yummy

Oh.... so the very expensive lor!!!!

What I had?
Nasi putih @1.20 x 2 = RM 3.00
Dengdeng daging = RM 5.80
Gulai kikil (urat lembu) = RM 7.00
Bergedel @3.00 x 2 = RM 6.00
Sayur buncis = RM 3.50
Sambal kentang = RM 9.00
Ayam rendang = RM 6.00
Ikan asam pedas = RM 6.00
Ayam panggang = RM 6.00
Nasi tambah x 2 = RM 3.00
Air suam x 2 = RM 1.00
Ice teller = RM 6.50
Water melon = RM 5.00
Cendol = RM 5.00

Service&Govt Tax = RM 7.28


Ambik kau... ni makan 2 orang aja. Buruk lantak betul. The price above is serving for one person in a very small plate. Actually mmg kebuluran last Sunday. Ye lah, planning pegi breakfast, tapi drag sampai lunch. Dah lah the night before tak dinner. But the food was good, really good. The most expensive, the ice teller is actually ice kosong + kelapa + sagu + sirap bandung + nangka + jelly + ada satu lagi benda tak ingat. Nanti next time pegi I will update.

Now I am feeling hungry.... mmmm.... mmmm.... mmmmm.....


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who Moved My Cheese?

Tadi lunch bercita-cita nak makan roti bakar with my soft cheese yang mahal tu. Alih-alih bukak fridge tengok kotak cheese dah hilang!!!!!


Sape lah yang jahat amik my cheese tu? Nak rasa ke, mintak la, bukan I tak bagi. Selalu pun my food I makan, pas tu balance korang gak yang habis kan, I always share, siap offer lagi kat semua orang. Every month aku masak sedap2 bagi korang makan, jgn la ambik kesempatan makan my very expensive cheese!!!

Tensen! Tensen! Tensen!


So, I had roti bakar with kaya only for lunch.

Note to SG : I am serious about putting CCTV in the office fridge!!! Hari tu my yummy expensive jam & milk pun ada orang kebas!!!!


Monday, February 25, 2008

Kereta Baru

Semalam, ikut orang pegi tengok kereta baru, aku pulak yang sibuk-sibuk tanya macam nak beli kereta baru. Tried the Lancer, rasa macam besh pulak. Hmm...

Myvi is still new. This Thursday (28th feb) baru genap setahun. If I buy new car, where to campak the myvi? Planning to let Ma&Ba to use Myvi, then I can drive the new Lancer. But must spare additional RM300 monthly.

Can I afford it? Yes....

But do I want to afford it? Hmm......
ps : happy anniversary kepada 2 orang yang kuat menyakat dan bergaduh tak sudah-sudah!


Friday, February 22, 2008


Ku mengerti perpisahan ini
Bukan kerana kau membenci
Tapi kasih yang pernah ku beri
Tiada lagi bersama

Sering, kala aku terlihatkan mu
Impian nan indah bersulam bahagia

Ku harungi hari demi hari
Bersama wajah tak mungkin akan kembali
Tapi hati masih tak terima
Ditinggalkan sengsara

Keraguan ini bukanlah padamu
Perasaan hati masih rindu
Kekalutan ini hanyalah untukku
Tercari-cari bayanganmu
Tak sanggup aku kehilangan
Masih tercari-cari

Keraguan ini bukanlah padamu
Masih tercari-cari bayanganmu
Tak sanggup aku kehilanganmu

To Kak Lin & Hariz Danial : The song above is dedicated to both of you, with love. Hariz kena praktis lagi lah sayang, pitching dah lari la darling. Makngah will be around next week should you need to mengada and bermanja while ayah & ibu are away, or when Nurin buli you.

To AAJ : In time I will heal? Like when you are 40? :D


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


To the ladies who always bertenggek at my office desk at Ground Floor while I am either at 1st or 2nd Floor, kindly stop browsing to blogs and other websites using my computer!!!

Ini aku nampak korang sedap-sedap click sana sini, read all the blogs/websites that I read daily, and banyak-banyak kali satu hari. Nanti ada pula orang-orang yang ingat/perasan I yang takde kerja surfing internet/their websites/blogs seharian!!!

I give access to use my pc so that you can use the printer to expedite your work. Not blog hopping!!! If you want to read, boleh, tapi buat kat PC sendiri ah.

It seems like you ladies are too free during office hours every single day... I may seem to be buta IT, I admit that, but I am not blind to notice what you ladies are doing. No wonder kerja asyik tak siap aja. I pun sometimes takde masa nak read all my daily blogs/websites info.

Ni kira warning ah, lagi sekali buat, I suruh SG stop your internet access, and I will ask NC to potong your gaji. Don't make me angry, nanti I tukar jadi monster!!!!!..... baru korang tau. (I am sure you don't want that kan? kan? kan? kan?)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


My dear Opah passed away peacefully on Saturday, 16th February 2008 at 3.25am at age 83. After almost a year battling with her pain, she finally left us. She was detected with a growth in her intestine in year 2001. Had an operation, but it came back 3 years later. Ever since then, opah always had this stomach ache. She had 3 operation within the last 7 years. But sometime early part of last year, she always had this constant stomach pain. Being opah, tak nak susahkan orang, she will tell us : "Ala, biasa lah opah, dah tua, macam ni lah." (I'm sure most of my blog readers are familiar with my opah as I have been constantly talking about here in this blog.)

But, despite the pain, she lived her last year full of memories and fought herself strongly. The growth had somehow turned into cancer, and had spread to her lungs and brain. And opah started to have headaches all the time. Last Ramadan was the starting of her last battle. She couldn't fast at all, and that upsets her. After raya, the pain worsen, and my aunties start to take turns to take care of her. She couldn't stand on her own, but still insist of going to the toilet herself (degil betul!) After raya puasa, she was bed-ridden. By this time, my aunty yot had decided that opah should stay at her house since she is not working, with other aunties taking turns on weekends. We had our last raya haji at her place. The following week, Opah went for some medical check-ups after constantly being pujuk by my aunties and cousin, Epi, and that is when they discovered the cancer has spread. The doctors couldn't perform any further operation or give her chemo due to her age factor. She was on drugs since then. But none of the drugs eased her pain.

Last Thursday night, I went to aunty yot's house. I cried when I saw opah. She was really thin, no flesh, and she look very-very sick. Macam tinggal rangka yang berkulit saja. I had to calm myself outside, and was comfort by my aunts. She was not like that when I saw her the Sunday before. She was still talking at that time, although just whispering, but she was alright. On Thursday, she didn't respond when I called her, when I sat next to her, she just.... there, lying so weak on the bed. After calming myself, I called dad and informed him about opah's condition. Told her to talk to mom and ask mom to come to KL a.s.a.p. After prayers, I sat next to Opah, reciting surah Yassin. Then I called mom and she was crying too. She planned to come back to KL on Monday (yesterday) and spend the whole week here, at least she can release my aunts for a while. But I told her to come immediately. At this point, opah was already on morphine patch, but again, it did not ease her pain. Babah spoke to me again later that night and informed that they have decided to come home the next day with my ayong as ayong was working at Prai.

I slept at aunty yot's house that night. Opah did not say a word, and she did not want to eat since Monday apparently. She was all awake that night, painfull, but did not say anything. But her expression shows. In the morning, I told her I was going to work, she asked for air sejuk, I gave her plain water, but she said tak manis. She said she wants air sirap. 2 teaspoon, that is all.

I came back on Friday, by that time, I saw her face was shrinking. Sayu hari tengok opah macam tu. I left about 830pm to take my car, and to fetch mama & babah from ayong's house. By the time we were back at Aunty yot's house, it was midnight. Mama, babah, paklong, maklong, aunty yot, uncle wahid, apit and myself started to mengaji and baca yassin. Uncle nuar (her only son) arrived at 1.10am and joined us. By 230am, we finished and I was talking with my uncles. As the hour approach, we were tired. Uncles naik tido, I slept downstairs depan tv with aunty yot. Mama came to give me selimut and tilam, asked us to sleep properly so that we can replace her and maklong in the morning.

As I was about to tarik my selimut, I heard maklong cried out loud " mak.........." I terus bangun, and saw opah inhale a very deep breath. By the 2nd time she did that, I went up to wake all my uncles and my cousin, Apit. My mom, uncle Nuar and maklong were teaching her to follow kalimah syahadah. She did. And her last breath, she held my maklong very firm, and then she left all of us. I thanked Allah that she was not in pain at that point. I saw the clock, it was exactly at 3.25am. My dad checked his pulse, but we decided to wait for Epi to confirm it. Epi confirmed it 20minutes after that.

My aunty yot couldn't take it at that point, but soon after that, she accepted the fact that opah has gone. I called aunty dah, aunty namah (her other 2 daughters who were not there, but was at aunty yot's 3 hours before that, they will come every night, and go home at midnight). And then I called my cousin, chalee, who was about to leave Washington for Ireland.

After helping sorting out the house, at 4am, most of our close relatives were there, I went home to change. A lot of people came to pay their last respect to Opah. We brought her to the Surau in front aunty yot's house. I helped performed the process mandikan mayat. It was done very professionally by these 2 ladies, with help by 2 of my mom's cousin, my aunty nita, kaklong, and myself. Muka opah nampak bersih sungguh. As I was doing it, terngiang-ngiang suara ustazah kat sekolah dulu. After that, we kapankan opah, and ready for sembahyang Zohor and followed by sembahyang Jenazah.

It was a very hot day. But as soon as we arrived at Tanah Perkuburan Taman Ibu Kota (3 minutes walk from opah's house in Gombak), the weather turned cool and it was very windy. Uncle nuar, my 2 cousins, Apit and Hakim yang sambut opah dalam liang lahad. My brother ayong was there to help with the process kebumi after that. After talkin was read, mom wanted to stay for a while and recited the Quran. Babah, me, kakteh and hariz waited for her before we went back home.

I would like to thank to all friends who had came and visit opah that day, especially to Zain who was there first thing. Also to Sarah, Fathil, Fahroe, Iza & Ray. And thanks to Ray, Adam, Nain who had also sembahyang jenazah for my opah kat surau. Also to my cousins from my dad's side, abang rafi and abang yazid, and pak lang, who helped during process kebumi. And also to those who had called and smsed and email salam takziah.

I was really tired that weekend, but rasa lega as semua berjalan lancar. The tahlil we had 2 nights was attended by many people who had known opah.

I will really missed her leteran, her advice, her old stories, her cooking. I will really missed her.

She had touched a lot of people's heart, not just her family, her neighbours, her friends, her cucu's friends.

To my cousin Shah who is now in Japan, we are truly sorry that we couldn't reach you in time, and you had to receive such news from my brother at your dinner date. But, believe me, we tried to call you but couldn't reach. To my cousins, Chalee and Nadira, do not feel sad. At least you guys did come back and spent some time with her last month. And so does my adik, you sempat jumpa and borak with her last Sunday kan? Come back safely from Japan tomorrow.

I will post again about Opah. All the good things about her is something nice to talk about and as a rememberance. Alfatihah.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Rumah Masuk Pencuri?

This morning at 730am Fahroe made his usual morning call, but this morning dia dera I turun bawah and bukak tv immediately. Wei, I don't turun bawah until 8am lah, although I dah mandi, I usually go down at 8am only. But this morning ada surprise kat TV3. Ada abang faisal @ epi @ prof. faisal kat MHI. He was giving talk about buasir, intestine and some cancer issues too.

So I apa lagi, mula lah telefon mama, aunty yot jadi CNN kejap suruh diorang tengok tv. (Hmm... ada potential nak jadi aunty Dah ni who is always updated with every single news). But I did not inform aunty Dah, I am sure she is already at office, nanti tak pasal I kena bebel kenapa TV3 interview Epi time dia tak boleh tengok Tv. Hehehehe.

Okay, back to the original story.... rumah tak masuk pencuri, tapi suspect masuk pencuri....

Last Sunday night, I nak keluar pegi Mc Donald makan ice cream, time nak tutup gate, I realised that my neighbour's house, Madam Sarah punya tingkap atas sekali macam kena bukak. It looked like it was open, and whoever opened it, did not put the curtain inside, and it was hanging out. I dah rasa spooky sbb takde angin kuat during that CNY long break kat Bukit, and takde hujan lebat. Both neighbours kiri-kanan memang takde, semua went out of KL. But I left for Kuantan satu malam saja, and that Sunday evening balik dari hantar kakteh, the tingkap was okay aja, takde apa-apa pun.

Khairul was holding Madam S hse key and my hse spare key (Gave him the key before I left for Kuantan so dia boleh tolong switch on lampu porch for both house while we were away...... I am gonna miss you mamat after you pindah out of Bukit..... :( .......) And he was out for dinner and nak pergi klinik, so Fahroe and me decided pegi makan ice cream dulu lah. I dah alert Sarah at that point. When we came back an hour later, I wanted to go in and check but F said biar ja tuan rumah balik, nanti banyak fingerprints detected susah pulak. I was like ????? But once Khairul arrived with the keys, and I called Sarah back (by this time Fahroe being macho pegi belakang rumah nak check pakai torch light. Dia terajah ja belakang tu gelap-gelap, I dah ngeri takut ada snake.............), Madam S said masuk aja and check. So, I, being bossy cakap nak masuk jugak.

Bukak pintu, swicth on semua lampu, first thing I check, toilet belakang. Semua looks fine. Then F started nak naik atas, Khairul said to me : "Awak perempuan, awak naik last" Eleh, nak tunjuk macho jugak lah tu :p

Dua mamat ni pun satu, nak naik pakai naik ja. At least I took the payung with me so boleh la defend diri kalau ada orang tetiba muncul. (hmm??? but knowing me, I campak the payung and lari dulu, kekekeke). I thought F macho kat depan tu berani lah, tengok aku bawak payung, dia pun nak payung jugak, apa lah. We checked all rooms, I bukak semua almari, bilik air, mana nak tau ada org menyorok kat dalam ka. Sampai the 3rd floor, semua ok, no sign of break-in, tapi the tingkap mmg tak rapat. I heran as tingkap tu memang ketat sket kalau nak bukak.

We switched on all lights, rapat kan tingkap tu balik, lock the door and got out of the house. At that point I realised that I left home for one night, and the whole 5 days I tak naik atas sekali pun kat my house tu. So, after that we checked my house pulak. Naik tengok atas, semua okay, bukak belakang, toilet belakang, bukak semua almari, my walk-in wardrobe, everything looks fine. Cuak jugak la kejap. So malam tu I tido with semua lampu on, and I dah masuk rumah kunci pintu baru lah the mamat macho tu balik.

Conclusion : Rumah tak masuk pencuri, as semua jewelery masih ada, and Sarah verified the next day semua barang2 dia ada. Tapi....

macam mana tingkap tu terbukak??????


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Makan Tips at Pavillion

Yesterday I balik awal from work. Was supposed to go Ampang Point but ended at Pavillion. Thanks to Kaklong Shila yang sungguh pandai kecek tukar my plans.

Anyway, our mission to cari present for paklong was delayed by food. Hehehe.

I had yummy tarts at John King. Ada milk tart, egg tart and durian tart. I don't ear durian, tapi durian tart semalam tu very yummy. We also bought butter kaya toast and peanut butter thick toast at Toast Box with 2 Milo Dinosaur. The very the fattening, tapi sedap. Cancel plan nak skip dinner. Kitorang buat tempat tu macam dapur kitorang, sesuka hati tambah air sendiri sambil duduk bergossip pasal ahem-ahem. (nasib la kalau kau baca blog aku ni, kekekekeke)

After perut dah penuh, baru kitorang naik atas sampai lah 6th floor, beli baju for my paklong, before we were joined by Epi (kaklong's hubby). Saw that new hubby of Ning Baizura, hmm.. real life mat salleh tu nampak hensem jugak. :)

By the time balik, I keletihan sakit kaki panjat pavillion yang banyak tingkat tu. Saw new hp, tp rasa tunggu ja la sampai I dapat present hp baru dr orang yang patut belikan hp baru for me tu.

Hari ni mereng kat office, banyak la kerja seperti biasa. Now nak balik, mlm ni nak tido awal, otak dah tepu.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Things

Wonderful things happened during the long CNY weekend :

2) Victoria Station
3) Happy Feet
4) Kuantan
5) Pantai Sepat
6) Pantai Batu Hitam
7) P5, Kak Intan & kids @ Kuantan
8) Amansari Beach Resort
9) Hai Peng Kopitiam
10) Kemaman
11) Chearting
12) Maran
13) Ana Seafood @ Tanjung Lumpur
14) Kopibin
15) Kaklong Shila's kids
16) Lunch at aunty yot's
17) Mama, babah, kakteh (kakteh, toche eh? muahs banyak2)
18) Nurin the Drama Princess
19) AAJ
20) Mc Donalds yummy connetto chocalates sundae

Will really miss during this week :
1) My car...........
2) Adik................ of to Jepun again... my hugs and kisses to shah ok.
3) Mama & Babah
4) ...... .. .....

Monday, February 04, 2008


I am still at office. Hmm....

Banyak sungguh kerja hari ni, sampai morello kejap sbb tensen giler. Banyak betul nak kena settle. The 2 days public holiday straight sampai sunday buat I tak menang tangan nak settle semua payment and collection by tomorrow to make sure bsp will settle come next monday.

The previous long weekend was a tiring one. It started on Thursday night, had dinner at The Mill. Lepak with colleagues to say our farewell to Helina. Pagi tadi masuk office, tengok meja next to me dah kosong dah. :(. Nasib baik si Abby ada, tapi dia pun temporary before she goes off again. Susah nak cari orang yang betul2 boleh buat kerja.

Macam hari ni, mana I buat my work sangat, banyak settlekan problem orang lain, sampai dah kena chop problem solver kat office, tapi problem sendiri tak lepas-lepas gak. Ish-ish-ish.

Friday busy shopping sana sini. By 4pm I was at home, cooking. Masak pie. Yummy. Saturday keletihan entertain mereka-mereka yang datang rumah. Ramai tanya apa occasion. Semua ingat aku nak bertunang diam-diam, ape-ape lah. Hehehe. Thanks to those yang datang, yang bawak food, I got cake, limau (kaklong : epi beli kat mana? sedap lah, habis satu kotak tu), the yummy sandwich by my dearest Ija (minah ni mmg expert buat sandwich, mmg kalau ada makan-makan, sandwich dia mmg book!), yang bawah agar-agar, yang bawak hadiah, thanks a lot. I must also thank my neighbour, Madam Sarah for helping with the baking, frying and boiling, my sis in-law for helping out setting up the food, and the most important is my darling adik & emma. This 2 really help me, tak payah kena suruh pun. Adik is knowing with the "nanti kejap lagi adik buat" and that will take him next 2 days (if you are lucky). But last Saturday, I was really impressed. Thanks a lot dear brother. I really appreciate it. In fact semalam dia singgah and I kasi reward extra pie. To those yang I dah janji and tak datang amik semalam, the pie dah licin masuk dalam my perut. :)

Semalam buat apa? Oh, kemas, and mom, and vacum semua kasi bersih. Rumah I kena serang by about 100ish people, and hasilnya, plugpoints kat dapur ada 5, semuanya kaput tak leh function. So semalam I tarik extension cord to switch on the fridge, and my over, microwave, rice cooker, kettle, and deep fryer I angkut letak on my dinning table.

Now I need to concerntrate back to work, at least another hour to go.