Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hari ni cuti, tapi masuk office, bagus kan.

I bersih kan store. Ada 2 cleaner lady, tapi hampeh betul la. Eddy pantang ada barang dia pakai sumbat ja, takde systematic susun. Bila nak cari mesti jawab tak jumpa. So I decided I kemas sendiri. Dah clear semua documents. Tapi ada lagi satu kat basement. Itu I will do either Wednesday or Saturday depan.

Batuk kurang, tapi still batuk. Dapat rasa the effect. Tapi, still batuk. Bila nak stop ni? Tak larat dah. I hope I will have less selera makan sebab batuk. Fahroe last year batuk lama gila since we came back from our Kangar-Sg Petani-Penang trip. For few months he was having this bad cough to extend dia tak ada selera makan sampai dia kurus. Now pergi gym lagi la kurus nanti. Tapi I ni batuk makin selera plak makan? Ish-ish-ish. Malam tadi order lauk bubur kat Kg Baru tu ada la 6 jenis. I rasa I yang bedal semua tu, Fahroe makan suku. Ish-ish-ish. Kena tukar stratergy.

Last nite jam teruk kat KL. I had no choice masuk KLCC, bayar parking RM3, then keluar balik masuk elevated. I tak sanggup sangkut dalam jam lama-lama. It took me 20minutes to reach home. Some of my friends took 2 hours to reach home from office. Even Fahroe took 1 hour to reach bukit from his house which is only 20km away, to fetch me for dinner. On the way to Kg Baru I was listening to his ham radio. Kitorang dengar Smart Tunnel punya channel. Punya la lembab rescue diorang. Sape2 yang design tunnel tu tak fikir macam mana ambulan nak masuk amik orang sakit yang stuck dalam tunnel tu. Kesian ada this kid tengah demam panas, stuck dalam jam. Dengar pulak mak dia macam separuh mental tak betul. I hope the kid is fine. After 45 minutes dalam kereta and reached our dinner stop in Kg Baru, the ambulance still tak sampai lagi.

Mama is in Surabaya today. Balik hari Selasa. Kesian babah tinggal sorang-sorang kat SP. At this point I wish they have moved to KL or to our house in Seremban. Dekat jugak la I nak jenguk babah when mama is not around. Tapi babah still degil nak tinggal sana selagi dia larat kerja. Although now weekdays ayong lepak sana sebab kerja, and kakteh rajin balik bila dia pergi penang twice a week for work. My parents are coming down next week. Nak bawak diorang pergi makan, tengah fikir mana lagi tempat nak celebrate the May birthdays nanti. Takde idea. Anyone has any suggestion? It has to be kids friendly. As Nurin & Hariz will easy to get bored. And their father too. Hehehehe. (Ayong : I have gone thru your other blog. Cool, nanti senang-senang kakngah write-in okay).

Next week I will be busy nya ya amat. Chairman masuk office, gamaknya mengadap dia la 24jam. Sah ada yang kena nak marah ni. Report dia soh buat I tak siap lagi. Takde mood la nak buat report. Sah dia tanya apa cerita collection, BG, bla-bla-bla. So kalau I tak update blog next week, or tak balas email, korang tau la I tengah rajin gila kipas chairman. Hehehehe.

Fahroe off to Kuching this coming Wednesday. (p5, how come you get the deal to see him there, ini tidak adil! kita dengggggkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!! btw, I am really sorry to know about the US trip. Try next time?) 4 hari dia takde, die la!!! Hehehehe. Takpe, ada 4 hari nak tengok muka kasi puas. Which that alerts me, I better off and go home now. Silap-silap dia sampai bukit dulu nak ambil, kita pulak takde. Ttak pasal aku kena bebel sebab lambat.

Have a good weekend people! Take care.


Blogger merapuman said...

which other blog? I hv 3 active blogs and this is one of it .. oh forgot .. your brother is known as merapuman in :)

Sat May 26, 08:00:00 PM GMT+8  

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