Saturday, June 02, 2007

Mama dah okay, alhamdulillah. Dah discaj, now at home. But she is still weak. After a long time, for once all her children are back in SP at the same time. With only 2 cucu, but the house chaos gila. Ayong, kaklin and the kids balik dah tadi. Kakteh ikut sekali. Me and adik balik besok. Semalam balik sp jam gila, cuti sekolah, ramai yg balik kampung or cuti-cuti Malaysia. Kuar KL pun lambat. Pegi HKL dulu, jumpa doctor. Sempat jumpa p5 hantar kunci triton paroe since p5 nak pegi kuching. I takut tak balik KL ontime nak fetch dia kat epot besok malam.

I kena lagi buat follow up test and check-up. Hopefully all will be fine, but I have more ubat to eat now. My bp still high, 140/90. And kena marah with doktor sbb malam yg kena attack 170/110 tu my ecg was bad, nape doktor klinik tu tak masukkan I to hospital. Tengok la nanti lepas 13th June whether I am really fine or not. Doktor ni byk nya plak dia nak test. Tak cukup pulak apa yang Epi sends me for blood test and urine test last week.

Hari ni tak besh langsung rasa, was a bit morello for a while. Bf jauh gila nak ngadu, tapi all sorted out now. But at this moment I feel a bit relio ef that my family still back me with my decision, I have a very patient father.

Ayahnurin : you must be wondering what the heck I'm talking about, get the details from ba later when you come back to SP.

Baby : Thanks for wanting to have some faith, come back home safely.

Take care everyone, I am still mereng although I tak ngadap my chairman dah 2 hari kat office. But I will be fine, I have always done that.


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