Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Today is a better day. Office is more calm today, everybody felt better, happier. I, myself is a bit more relax today. Gave out extra Matta allowance to all staff today sebab we made extra this year. Boss happy sangat, so reward staff la. Dapat added annual leave lagi. Mana tak semua orang happy kat office ni.

I had a good sleep last night, which is good. Felt better this morning, smiling when I woke up, donno why. I left home early for work. Had healthy home cooked meal for lunch. Nak balik awal hari ni.

Besok boyfriend's birthday. So, to those who know him please wish him besok, 11th April 2007. He will be 32 tomorrow. Ikut suka korang la nak email ka, nak wish kat blog ka, nak tepon ka, nak ym ka. He doesn't like to be reminded how old he is, and don't like if people make a big deal for his birthday (the very opposite of me, birthday = big thing!), tapi nasib dia la I nak buat announcement ni. Hehehehehehe. I have no plans for him tomorrow, no surprise like last year. Tapi tengok la besok, if I change my plan, hehehe, tengok mood esok macam mana. ;)

Hari ni birthday MakUsu & Nadia. So sedara mara yang baca ni, please wish them!


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