Monday, November 27, 2006


Ramai orang tanya, doink tu apa? Hehehehe.

Tapi semalam rasa bengang sekejap. Mana tak nya, hari Sabtu dah penat event makan-makan, balik lambat, baru nak tido, tengah malam Mama panggil mengadap kat rumah Maklong. Then kena attend to their domestic family issues yang tak tau la bila nak settle! Dekat dah nak subuh baru la lelap mata sekejap. Then bangun, mandi, pegi Rumah Aunty Yot. Breakfast. Ramai orang datang sbb nak hantar Aunty Yot & Uncle Wahid pergi Haji. Imagine, 4 aunties plus my mother in kitchen, mak ooii.... loud gila! I duduk depan, melarikan diri, melepak with uncle-uncle sekelian. Hehehehe. Then kaklong sampai with the kids, so havoc la kejap. Kaklong : are you sure you nak bagi Epi hantar the kids to Kluang by train?

It was my duty to send Aunty Yot & Uncle Wahid to Kelana Jaya. Opah nak ikut, tapi kitorang tak bagi sebab ngan panas & ramai orang tu, takkan dia nak ikut. Pengsan plak nanti. But uncle Mad ikut la. My aunties tak ikut, mama pun. Bagus gak, nanti semua orang emo. Kat rumah pun time nak pergi semua orang emo tak pasal. Nasib baik sampai awal, so we managed to get a wheelchair for uncle Mad, tak payah dia berdiri lama-lama pakai tongkat (Uncle Mad accident 20 years back, sampai sekarang tak boleh berdiri lama-lama, and kena jalan pakai tongkat). Pastu hujan lebat kat sana the minute kitorang nak balik. Dah balik, tukar keta, nak la pegi jumpa Ma & Ba before diorang balik SP. On the way to Gombak, hujan lebat, nak elak motor kat simpang, my car yang langgar tembok! Lampu signal pecah, plate no keta berkecai. Dah la tengah penat. Takpe lagi, mama balik, sempat plak dia bagi tazkirah pasal kahwin, pening!!!!

Ma & Ba dah balik, I pun balik bukit la. Sampai rumah, takdak letrik. Cet. Try test tgk semua, baru perasan, itu main switch dah kena tendang. So I kasi on, tak sampai 5 minit, padam balik. Lepas 3 kali try, dapat detect tak boleh pasang tv. Pasang tv sure black-out balik. So malam tadi memang nganga la kat rumah. Takde buku nak baca, tengah tensen, tengok tv pun besh, dah la malam tadi ada charlie & choc factory, mau tengok my darling bradpitt in action, ada merlin. Nak beli tv baru will cost me like ???? $$$$$$?????. Mana tak rasa doink!

I need to do TV shopping!!!!

So for the next one week, or until I can afford to buy a tv, I will have boring nights at home. There goes my favourite series kat hallmark channel. Hari ni patut nak pegi betulkan keta, tak sempat, nak keluar, dah hujan! Kalau sape2 yang akan terkena tempias grumpy aida the next 2 weeks, or until I can afford to buy a tv, nasib la. Otherwise, buy me a tv, then I'll be happy and not grumpy!

This weekend nak pergi upnorth 3 hari.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Ma & ba arrived Kl last night. Diorang lepak rumah ayong semalam visit Kak lin. My sis in-law miscarriage last week. Tapi dia dah okay. Baby tak grow, stop growing at 7 weeks. We were all excited when we got to know she was pregnant, more anak sedara for us. Hariz & Nurin pun excited. Nurin siap cakap lagi that adik dia lelaki, namanya Nasri. When I asked kenapa lelaki? kenapa tak boleh perempuan? Dia boleh jawab : Nurin kan dah perempuan, cukup la! Dominant sungguh si Nurin tu. Now dah tak jadi nak ada adik, nampak gaya, abang Hariz akan terus dibuli oleh Nurin. To ayahnurin & ibuhariz, harap dapat tabah hadapi semua ni. Belum rezeki nak dapat baby baru. Nanti-nanti cuba lagi la.

I will only see Ma & ba besok pagi for breakfast before diorang balik. Hari ni whole day mama nak jumpa her sisters. Besok tengahari diorang dah nak balik. Everytime balik KL, kalau nak jumpa diorang, my own parents, macam kena buat appointment. I need to slot in myself sekejap besok pagi. Nak kena sitdown with Ma. Need to use up my savings for new car. Duit I side aside monthly, dia simpan, buku & atm card semua kat dia. Kalau nak keluarkan duit sendiri pun kena mintak permission mama. Macam mana tu? Tapi bagus gak, knowing me yang boros sangat, time kalau emergency, duit tu la mama bagi balik. Bukan tak boleh activekan internet banking zaman sekarang ni, tapi untuk yang ini, biarlah dia yang pegang. I will need it someday.

Babah ada bagitau that he will continue stay in SP for a while. Tak jadi comeback to KL for good next year. Entah apa lagi project dia dapat, dia nak buat. I malas dah nak cakap. Bila fikir balik, biarlah. Diorang kat sini pun nanti apa diorang nak buat? Need to start all over again. Sementara dia larat kerja, let him enjoy his life upnorth.

Petang ni ada 2 tempat nak pergi, ada makan-makan. Tonight plan nak pergi rumah Sarah, ada makan-makan gak. Hish, makin gemuk la. Dah la sah tersedia gemuk sekarang ni! Now kena kurang makan ayam! Aida without daily ayam intake? Hmm...... I kena cabut gigi last Tuesday, sakit!!!! Gigi tu dah rosak teruk. Doctor tunjuk gigi tu lepas kena cabut, aiyak!!! Habis dia inject sana sini kena bius before cabut. It took few hours after cabut gigi baru dapat rasa balik my pipi. Dr dah warning, belah kanan nyer gigi pun dah out! Will need to fix that next week. On wednesday I brought all chocalates, whatever raya cookies leftover, semua yg manis, bawak pegi office. Letak kat rumah, nanti lagi teruk la gigi ni.

Future plans for December? Hmm... keja banyak as usual. BG dah separuh siap. Baru submit RM520k to IATA yesterday. Lagi RM445k to go. BSP payment these few weeks dah okay, collection pun dah okay. Yeay! At the moment group departures for December semua dah ada tour leader, so I tak payak pegi. Yeay! Baru semalam finalise. Tapi diorang takde, so all functions I kena pegi la. Tu ada malas sket. Mingle with the same people in the industry, makan 7 course dinner, cakap pasal travel industry yang sungguh tak membantu travel agents. Lagi mau press us ada la. The airfares are very expensive now, and we get low margin. Believe me, some ticket worth RM3000 inclusive tax to London la katakan, that is the lowest fare you can get now. But how much we make? Don't be surprise if it is only RM49.00 per ticket. Kalau jual through sub agent, I will only get RM10.00 per ticket. Hampeh betul!

Next year January 07 am going to Bangkok with my friends. 4 days! Nak shopping kat sana. Then February nak pegi Langkawi plak. Yeay! Ada orang tu nak pergi Perhentian again! Without me again! Cet.

Nanti nak kena tgk calendar next year bila boleh bawak mama jalan-jalan. Boss dah cakap next year ada FOC travel. Memang la I selalu dapat FOC travel for my own holidays. Either they pay my ticket, or they reimburse me, or they just classify it as office travel expenses in the accounts ( tu aku buat sendiri la dalam software lepas dapat authorisation, aku yang jaga itu software). Tapi hari tu boss dah cakap for my long service, dia cakap next year boleh pegi mana-mana foc for 2 pax. Yeay! So ingat nak bawak mama la pegi holiday mana-mana kejap. Ticket & accomodation I settle dah, duit shopping, paw mama la! Hehehehehe.

Okay, have a great weekend everyone.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Finally, that moment is here.

Work is still busy as usual. Still need to follow up with debt collections. I think I can work with an ALONG COMPANY. Hehehehe. But so far so good. BSP went through this week. Thank God as big boss is not in Malaysia. And after few months, finally, the ticketing department is running smoothly on their own. The new supervisor is in, we have new good staff, another one coming mid december to do solely on our cash based corporate. Yeay, I tak yah handle that department anymore!!! We had few meetings last week, and did a lot of brainstorming on job segregation, introduced new working system. So far so good, tak 100% perfect, but I'm no more singa garang kat office, so that should be okay. And I hope it will stay that way for a very long time. And I'm glad to see that they can work as a team. The next few days I will be going out of office, attending meetings, visit corporate clients either my courtesy visit, or collect duit la.

Malam ni plan nak balik awal. Ada free tickets to watch james bond kat oneutama. Tomorrow night ada kenduri rumah aunty yot. (kaklong shila : make sure the kids datang, aunty aida ada present la untuk diorang, hari tu raya lupa bagi!, shah, chalee, nadira : I will eat the yummy food on your behalf!) Friday night ada dinner with my gang, hmmm.... yummy food lagi.

Raya? Aiseyman, too many food intake. Diet starts next year, hehehe. Next month full wedding and outings and outsation, definately need to enjoy makan all the different food. Last weekend pegi open house. It was raining heavily on Saturday, banjir sana-sini. Pegi 2 rumah aja. Sempat jumpa uncle Nuar & aunty chomel. Lama sangat tak jumpa diorang. My 2 cousins dah tinggi, so now confirm, I'm the shortest in the family belah opah! Hari ahad pegi rumah kawan lama, N & wife jemput, dah 4 years tak jumpa diorang. I was late, so I missed the big crowd of old friends earlier.

Ala, kena panggil naik atas plak. Nanti aahh sambung.

Take care everyone!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Feeling very low this morning. Otak serabut gila. But life must go on and kerja mesti focus and siapkan, if not I yang kena jawab kat big boss. Nanti bila semua dah stable, dah ada mood balik, will give all the juicy details about my life and places I've been to, exciting things I've done for the past 2 months.

At this very moment, I really-really-really-really wish to have my father with me! Here in KL, I mean. Jauhnya babah tu upnorth. Tahun depan tak pindah balik KL jugak, tak tau la nak cakap apa dah kat orang tua sorang tu.

Take care everyone!