Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Finally, that moment is here.

Work is still busy as usual. Still need to follow up with debt collections. I think I can work with an ALONG COMPANY. Hehehehe. But so far so good. BSP went through this week. Thank God as big boss is not in Malaysia. And after few months, finally, the ticketing department is running smoothly on their own. The new supervisor is in, we have new good staff, another one coming mid december to do solely on our cash based corporate. Yeay, I tak yah handle that department anymore!!! We had few meetings last week, and did a lot of brainstorming on job segregation, introduced new working system. So far so good, tak 100% perfect, but I'm no more singa garang kat office, so that should be okay. And I hope it will stay that way for a very long time. And I'm glad to see that they can work as a team. The next few days I will be going out of office, attending meetings, visit corporate clients either my courtesy visit, or collect duit la.

Malam ni plan nak balik awal. Ada free tickets to watch james bond kat oneutama. Tomorrow night ada kenduri rumah aunty yot. (kaklong shila : make sure the kids datang, aunty aida ada present la untuk diorang, hari tu raya lupa bagi!, shah, chalee, nadira : I will eat the yummy food on your behalf!) Friday night ada dinner with my gang, hmmm.... yummy food lagi.

Raya? Aiseyman, too many food intake. Diet starts next year, hehehe. Next month full wedding and outings and outsation, definately need to enjoy makan all the different food. Last weekend pegi open house. It was raining heavily on Saturday, banjir sana-sini. Pegi 2 rumah aja. Sempat jumpa uncle Nuar & aunty chomel. Lama sangat tak jumpa diorang. My 2 cousins dah tinggi, so now confirm, I'm the shortest in the family belah opah! Hari ahad pegi rumah kawan lama, N & wife jemput, dah 4 years tak jumpa diorang. I was late, so I missed the big crowd of old friends earlier.

Ala, kena panggil naik atas plak. Nanti aahh sambung.

Take care everyone!


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