Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Can't believe April 06 is ending. Time flies really fast. Few things that was supposed to be done this month - hmm, not done yet! Kena carry forward ni macam.

So many things had happened this whole month, sad things, happy things, jlh things, but, well, those are part of life. Tak boleh komplen la. Ambik pengajaran yang mana patut ja.

This month, besides my lovely north trip, I had a great weekend at Singapore. Thanks to Minah and family. And also to Intan Nazrahayu for the lovely bracelet. I really enjoyed our chocalate indulgence at Leonadas. I went to Singapore by train. Damn 1st class cabin mahal giler aahh. You pay extra RM72.00 for attached bathroom, tv that runs for approximately 2 hours (well, they only have train channel, not 24hours astro!!), supper (okay, the mee goreng was yummy!!) and breakfast (tak sedap, overnight food from KL that they reheat). Takpelah, at least dah rasa, lepas ni definately tak nak naik train, too long!!! Shopping in Singapore was great. And cheap too! My darlings are planning to go for Singapore Sale come this May. Tapi wa tarak duit aahh, sudah pokai. And hi-time next month dok KL diam-diam. Need to save for my end of the year europe tour.

What else, oh, mom getting better each day. We talk to each other few times everyday. She was so happy that we go back each week (taking turns between me, ayong, kakteh & adik). And her sisters too. Need to find one week to go back next month.

Weight is stagnant!!! Why la? Everytime pergi gym kena dera, hahahaha.

Work??? Jangan cakap la. Tadi dapat love letter from IATA to increase our BG. Already I'm like a mad woman struggling to make sure weekly payment lepas, ni nak bayar lagi RM285k. Hello, we make little margin, and now all kena dump kat BG. I've drafted the appeal letter, tunggu big boss dari London cakap okay, then will send back to them. Am aware that is highly very unlikely they will let us go, but try ja la. Already I argued with the officer here in KL this afternoon. Nanti lagi next 4 months, if the company makes good sales, lagi BG naik. Macam mana nak roll duit ni? Melepas la 2 months bonus and salary increment ni macam!!!! Aiyak!!!! Kerja macam nak gila la next month and seterus nyer.

Apa lagi ha nak story ni? Oh, last week went to see Siti Nurhaliza performing at Sime Darby Convention Centre for Secretaries Week. Got free VIP tickets from EK. Went with my MD. Had a good makan, good music, and good view. Her voice was powerful. Loved the Bukan Cinta Biasa (bila cinta luar biasa aku nak mai ni????) & her latest Biarlah Rahsia. Banyak goodies dapat, free meal lagik, hehehehehe. I gave to my colleagues so they can enjoy themselves.

Come next month (MAY 06) - ada few weddings nak kena attend. Hmm, baju tak pi ambik lagi la. And need to do a new one too. Need to settle few things for my friend's bachelor party. Ma & Ba 36th Wedding anniversary coming! Ayong & Kak Lin 9th Wedding anniversary coming, byk la bday nak celebrate, belah babah ja dah macam ada 11 orang ja tu.

And we had a new niece last week, the very long wait. Congrats to the new parents, my cousins belah babah. Talking about baby, am craving for baby la. My email group of friends dok story pasal anak masing-masing, sending me latest pictures of their children, tengok baby aina last Sunday pun rasa geram saja. Nasib baik tak boleh kidnap bawak balik. I read in STAR paper yesterday, so tragic, a new born baby dumped dalam tong sampah. Apa punyer mak la, perempuan yg sungguh doink & irresponsible tu??? Here I am craving to have my own but somehow belum masanya lagi, tapi hari-hari baca paper orang buang baby, geramnya rasa.

Okay, enough for now. I hope next month will be a better month, but kalau ada benda tragic jugak, I'll take it as a challenge and part of life. At the moment syukur pada tuhan dengan apa yang ada. Banyak benda nak buat next month, hopefully apa I plan jadi la nanti.

Take care everyone!

Monday, April 17, 2006


I had few JLH moments this April.

But pix taken yesterday afternoon was the best april JLH moment I felt.

Just hope one fine day I can take pix of me & my own! Thank you Aaqil for sharing it with Aunty Aida. Nanti-nanti kita jumpa lagi.

Friday, April 14, 2006


Hello people!

Mood pagi ni : NGANTUK!!!! Tak leh tido last night, donno why. Probably because of the choc cake I had last night. Kek tu senget kut, tu pasal tak leh tido. Hmm?? Managed to sleep for an hour, terjaga, terus tak leh lena sampai pagi. Now a bit cranky, grumpy.

I came to work eventually this week! Aiyak!!!! Ada major financial crisis kat office need to issue. Kesian kat boss. I'm so workaholic!!! Married to work!!! Hmmm.... But I told my boss, if I can settle all the problems, I nak cuti seminggu straight, and not to be disturbed!! Sometime next month la. But next week will need to take one day off, need to do MYKAD!!!

Am off to Singapore tonight. Yeah yeah yeah!Naik train. Will be back in KL late Sunday night. Will stay at Aminah's house. Boleh jumpa Aaqil. Lama dah plan, asyik postpone ja. Malam karang kerja siap ka tak, am going, tak peduli. Hari Isnin balik baru fikir kerja.

Last Tuesday melepak rumah bapak aina & mak aina. Nasib baik darling chef kasi off diet, hehehe. It was eat all you can, eat all you want event!!! Thanks to those yang masak, very yummy as usual! Nasi lemak taiping tu sedap. Yang I tapau bungkus bawak balik pun, makan dah petang, masih sedap lagi. And sorry to tuan rumah sebab tak stayback & cuci pinggan as usual, had to rush, I blah ja buat tak tau, hehehehe. Jangan lupa next month nyer event & agenda ya? But please make sure let shoot aida session is scrapped off. I had enough that day.

Okay la, still ngantuk. Need to finish up banyak benda hari ni.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Ish-ish, byk nyer issue bulan ni. Kekekekeke.

Okay, first thing, mama dah okay dah. I went back home SP last Friday. She looked pale, tapi hari I nak balik sini baru nampak muka dia ceria balik. Mama kena TIA, a mild stroke which patient can recover with-in 24hours. Tapi dia kena jaga mkn, ambik ubat, kena monitor her bp, and kena jumpa neurologist nanti. I had a long talk with dad, suruh dia balik sini, settle down terus kat sini, 2 orang aja duduk kat SP tu takdak sape nak jengok. Kitorang ni dah lah liat nak balik. I hope he will come back soon. Babah tu pun bukannyer sihat sgt. 2 nights kat SP kitorang makan luar ja, tak nak bagi mama penat kemas. Tapi I sempat tolong dia kemas bilik atas, sapu & mop dapur & basuh bilik mandi tingkat atas. Ayong, kak lin, hariz & nurin ada kat SP hari ni, so I hope mama will feel much more better.

Hari Sabtu lepas I pergi Kangar, balik maktab. Ada SPKG. Maktab banyak dah berubah. Sempat la tengok tempat dating dulu-dulu, hehehehe. My blok asrama dah nak kena roboh. My class ada lagi. Sempat jumpa cikgu-cikgu lama. Mural kat dewan my class 5C buat tahun 1992 masih ada lagi. Sebulan gak la kitorang siapkan banner besar gila. Teringat sembang petang-petang sambil cat dinding. Sempat jumpa kawan-kawan lama kat maktab. I enjoyed the telematch. Menang 3rd place pancing ikan. Overnight kat putra palace with Irma & Salwa. Pagi ahad liat betul nak bangun!

Ahad pergi padang besar. Beli macam-macam. Ingat nak cuci mata ja, tapi beli jugak. Worth buying kat situ my new brown colour bracelet. Cost me RM20, tapi suka sangat, sebab susah nak cari colour brown yang lawa. I have to reorganise balik my bracelet box, nak kena check balik apa yang dah kena rembat, apa yang tinggal, apa yang dah tak suka boleh pass kat my cousins, and apa yang takdak lagi, kena beli.

Balik padang besar, semua orang lapar, so we went to kuala perlis. 3 kereta konvoi all the way. best makan! I can't remember nama kedai tu, tapi kalau pi kuala perlis, cari pejabat persatuan nelayan kuala perlis, the shop is next to it. Sedap makan kat situ. The pasembur, cucur udang, ketam goreng, sotong goreng tepung, and of course the laksa!!! But don't order the nasik, kureng sket. And makan kat utara, murah-murah belaka. Tapi cuaca amat la panas nyer. Rasa nak pengsan!!!

On Monday, went to Penang plak. Naik feri. (I didn't realise ada jugak orang yang tak pernah naik ferry! ;p) Otw pergi SP singgah, otw balik KL pun singgah sebab nak hantar our friend Dimas kat penang. We had nasi kandar again for 2nd time at Line Clear. Kedai ni kat penang road. Try the nasi beryani, sedap. Lauk-lauk pun sedap, especially gulai telur ikan. I tak makan telur ikan, tapi tengok fahroe & nazif makan tak toleh kiri kanan tu, dah tau la sure sedap punyer. We went shopping again kat penang. I bought another handbag! Thought of giving it to kak teh, but I think I pakai dulu, then baru bagi kak teh, hehehehe. It is still in the plastic bag in my wardrobe closet. Kat penang road ni ada satu bazaar nama chowrasta. Kat situ ada jual jeruk. Banyak selections! Harga pun okay. I bought kedondong! Oh, lupa, sempat jumpa orang jual kelapa laut tepi jalan. First time try makan terus dari buah. Tapi kurang manis la.

Return journey rasa lama gila, mungkin sebab kitorang banyak berhenti kut. Konvoi 2 kereta. And panas gila. Tried to sleep, tak dapat, so I read novel in the car. Habis satu buku tebal. By the time sampai rumah dah lewat gila, memang la keletihan. Nasib baik tak demam. Next morning I woke up late. Tido puas-puas, ganti tak cukup tido over the weekend.

I went to gym on Tuesday. After makan, tido & lepak 4 hari 4 malam, aiyak, sakit badan kena dera ngan my trainer. Masuk office on Wednesday banyak gila kerja. Patut semalam pergi Singapore, tapi masalah teknikal, kena postpone la pulak. My friend Minah : Sabar ya, nanti aku datang la. Will confirm with you this Wednesday whether I'm going or not. Next week cuti lagi, in fact am supposed to be on leave today sampai next Thursday. Tapi semua yang dah plan, dah tak leh nak proceed.

Ni tengah ngantuk. Semalam pi melalak with my friends. Ingat kejap ja nak lepak rumah my friend, last-last borak sampai pagi, karaoke plak. Nasib baik rumah dia jauh dari rumah lain. I dok melalak lagi tanpamu by farah waheeda, ada plak yg sanggup nak jadi rapper, hehehe. Sorryla korang, I know korang sure jemu dengar lagu tu ulang-ulang. So, hari ni kalau KL hujan lebat tu sebab Aida nyanyi malam tadi, hehehehe. But I had a great time. Tak nyesal datang, although I was late.

Apa lagi ya issue ni, oh, lupa plak. Baby Aina dah besar!!! Rupa bapak dia. Tapi jangan perangai macam bapak dia sudah. Hehehehe. Tak sabar tunggu dia besar. Malam tu pergi tak dapat pegang sebab dia dah tido, aku pun bagus, pi tengok budak dah lewat malam. Takpe, hari selasa ni boleh tengok & pegang puas-puas!!!

Okay la, I nak balik dulu. Cuti panjang lepas ni, nak rest puas-puas. Kasi otak rehat, kasi hati aman. Nanti balik start kerja boleh start with a fresh mind! Take care people, will be back on Friday!!!