Saturday, May 13, 2006


Besok mother's day. So, to all my cousins and friends yang dah jadi ibu tu, Happy Mother's Day!!!

Yang baru nak jadi ibu tu or yang baru nak merasa nak jadi ibu, GOOD LUCK!!!

Yang tengah crave nak jadi ibu tu (mcm saya ni!!!) , hahaha, sabar la dulu.

I wish I'm back home! Tapi tak dapat la. Kena masuk opis hari ni. But I have sent my lovely card & bought mama something for mother's day, hope she will like it! She has been a wonderful mom for the past 31years. Walaupun kuat leter, tetap sabar ngan kerenah 4 orang anak dia. Last nite mama buat bday party for babah. Dad celebrated his 62nd birthday on 11th MAY. Lucky Kakteh is in SP, so she helped mama with all the preparation. (Ya ka kak teh? Ke hang ngelat as usual? Hehehe) My aunties (adik-adik babah) are also up north. The house mesti bising dgr celoteh semua orang. Busu also planning to go SP on 27th, tengok la, if I takde apa-apa, then I ikut jugak kut (if work tak banyak!).

Another long weekend (Friday-Sunday). Tak buat apa semalam, rehatkan diri, tengok TV. Kemas rumah. Besok ingat nak pi Genting, tapi kensel pulak. Perhaps pi jumpa Hariz & Nurin kut, rindu pulak kat 2 orang tu. Hopefully kakteh balik KL besok, dah one week tak tengok her face. Rindu jugak, when she is around, we fight like cats & dogs, hehehe, but when she is not around, I got no one to leter kan pulak.

Okay la. The next 2 weeks will be very busy for me! Got weddings la, birthdays la, work of course la sibuk as usual.

By the way, to my kak Lin, bila nak tambah baby baru? Ayah okay kan? Hehehehe. Setakat 2 budak nakal letak dalam blog tu, tak meriah la. Lagipun, high time someone else needs to buli Nurin plak, kesian kat Hariz tu. Selamat Hari Ibu kak lin!
