Monday, May 08, 2006


I had a great time over the weekend.

Sabtu malam lepas I pi tengok teater Lantai T. Pinkie. Pergi ngan my aunty. Thanks to Kakteh la for the tickets (kena puji lebih-lebih sket, untung-untung dia belanja lagi!!!). Best jugak teater muzikal tu. 3 hours memang lama duduk (we got good seats!!), tapi puas hati. Backdrop, songs, dance performance, semua la, kira best! I'll give 8/10 rating. Kelakar sbb T. Pinkie bukan maksud tengku pinkie (dia anak tengku!!) tapi sbb punggung dia yg tonggek sangat yg buat ramai lelaki angau & sbb dia suka pakai kebaya warna pink!!! (Am not going to write a review here, or the synopsis, nanti lain kali korang pi tengok sendiri ah!)

Friday night before that pulak tengok movie ngan Iza & Ray kat KLCC. Terserempak 2 old friends kat Trolak dulu. Lama tak jumpa, muka masing-masing berubah (aku jugak masih chubby!!! Hehehehe). Tengok mission impossible. I thought I will be sleeping as I was feeling quite tired after gym session before that, but the movie kept me awake until the end.

Ahad pagi had very late brunch with Yang & Ija kat Uncle Chilis Mid Valley. Lama tak jumpa itu 2 orang. They brought their girls along, so kiut! (btw, am still crazy crave for babies!!! my friends ramai buat dajal, lately hantar semua latest pix of their cute little ones to my email). I had my hair cut, now so thin, but not so short. Itu tukang gunting tak kasi pendek, trim kasi nipis saja, nanti dia kata tak lawa, dia kata I better off with long hair (dia kata!) Tapi I dah rimas gila, and the hair is very thick la. Berat kepala. But once after the cut, rasa ringan sket. Then last nite went all the way to Puchong for dinner. Dah lama tak makan daun kaduk, semalam baru la nak rasa. I tak ingat la nak pi tempat ni. I'm always confuse kalau masuk area puchong. Nanti next time pergi, I'll try to remember the routing & will highlights the food there, memang sedap, but next time la.

This morning work okay, makin banyak kerja. Kena marah ngan boss pasal collection again, but I buat-buat cool ja la. Malas nak lawan, nanti sakit hati. Kalau dua-dua panas, meletup plak opis tu. Talking about meletup, hahaha, on friday I almost set fire kat opis. Punya la I ni DOINK! Nak makan roti, tapi instead masuk roti, pi masuk plastik, letak timer sampai 5 minit. Meletup-letup bunyi microwave tu. Habis berasap, bau hangit punyer la kuat. Nasib baik semua okay. Hmm, kepala berangan apa ntah, tak senonoh betul la.

Okay, nak balik la. This week I'm alone at home. Boo hoo hoo. Kakteh balik SP, cuti one whole week. Nanti Ahad baru balik. Mama tak jadi turun KL, dia nak pi holiday with my dad, kat Club Med Cherating, nak ikut diorang tak bagi, nanti kacau daun, aiyak!

Okay la, really nak balik now. Take care everyone!


Blogger Azwan Hadzree said...

Hi Aida, visit us at We'll be posting a lot of pics soon. Ayong & Kak Lin

Fri May 12, 07:48:00 PM GMT+8  

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