Monday, June 19, 2006

TENGOK CARS and so on....

Damn movie ni panjang. For a cartoon/animation or whatever you want to call it, 2 hours is very long. Kids pun rasa rimas duduk panggung lama-lama. Story ni kira okay la, tapi tengah-tengah ada boring sket, I actually slept for 10min during movie!!!

I went to KLCC yesterday with my Hariz & Nurin. (See pix at link Hariz & Nurin). My ayong, kaklin, kakteh pun ada, and so as my other cousins, nadia, afiq, haziq, faiq, fiqri (mak oiii, ramainyer!!!) Kitorang shopping and tgk wayang ramai2 di KLCC. I bought Hariz toys kat toycity, muka happy gila sebab ada buy one get one free. But ended up kena marah with ayah, kesian Hariz muka monyok!! But ayah marah bersebab, and for once I sokong my brother marah Hariz yesterday (yes, I selalu against ayong marah Hariz, tapi tu anak dia, and perhaps nanti bila I have my own children pun I akan garang jugak). But heard that everything is fine now in Sg Buloh. Nurin the clown banyak kali buat lawak clown semalam, cute betul.

It was a big outing as my siblings & cousins are complaining I'm not spending time with them. Last nite I got an sms from Ocu asking me dia ada buat salah tak sampai I dah lama tak jenguk dia & parents kat rumah. Last week pun kena leter gak with another group of my cousins and my aunts & uncles. I guess for the next 3 weeks I have to make my family visits to tell them that I'm around, I'm okay, just too busy focusing on my own personal private life! I have a big family, and me being single, I always lepak with everyone. I used to be the babysitter!, the tukang pegang kunci rumah (even my aunt rather bagi I than bagi anak dia lain kalau diorang not in town as she knows I will take care of the house, hehehe), will be there first if anything happen, 1st at kenduri, last to go - help kemas after kenduri. Yes, I missed my weekend sleepover at my cousin's place, kaklong's 5 wonderful kids- I used to detour umah dia dulu, dinner, then balik. Rumah maklang, rumah mommy, my free meal at opah's , even rumah busu yang kat Shah Alam pun I dah lama tak lepak. And adik is also complaining that I'm not home when he comes to BA. Hmm....

A statement from one of my cousins last week : Kitorang kena baca your blog to know you okay ka tak or what you have been up to. Aiyak!! Sorry la korang, I never forget our good times, never felt like keeping away from korang. I'm just busy doing things for myself, hehehehe.

Well, I'll try to do more visits okay. Korang pun, asyik Aida ja nak pi jumpa korang, now I buat ruling baru la. Sape nak jumpa I, datang BUKIT la. Hehehehe (oh, no, I tarik balik, datang bukit nanti korang kasi sepah, no way, hehehe) okay-okay, I'll try to make a point to spend time with everybody, kasi korang chance while I still have no laki and anak to jaga. Ni kira public apology kat semua orang la ni. I know you guys love this, making me feel guilty!!! Chet!. :p


Blogger Azwan Hadzree said...

u pun nak panggil dia clown girl. nak buat macam mana, dia memang suka buat lawak and abang mesti nangis kalau tak tahan. btw, kalau nak suruh ur frens visit Hariz & Nurin, terus le bubuh link kat blog tu, tak le depa susah-susah nak cari.

Tue Jun 20, 02:01:00 PM GMT+8  

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