Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Besok Cuti, yeay!

Tomorrow is a public holiday here in KL. Yeay!

One day only, cukup la. Nak sleep-in and bermalas-malasan di atas katil for a while. Nothing much planned for tomorrow. I have 1 open house which is compulsory to go, at Putrajaya, deliver cookies (sarah, iza, adam & shaz : you have to wait for 2nd batch next week ok? I'll deliver as soon as I get it from mom. Wahir : you, lagi kena wait, jauh la! hehehehe)

Oh, baru teringat, need to clean the house. Ada orang complaint rumah very dusty. Takpe, can do that sap-sap-sui tomorrow morning. What else to do? Oh, start packing things to move to new house, finish-up list of things to remind mama for adik's wedding, meet mama's friend to see contoh for bunga pahar, upload russia pix yang beratus tu dalam flicker (my picasa web tak leh bukak dah nak edit, not sure why, need to ask teacher to fix it!), ambik kunci rumah at nenek's house (am using spare key at the moment), singgah klinik nak kena check bp, visit Sofea if possible, aisey, teringat, need to visit my friend kat sjmc (kawan sakit breast cancer, baru lepas operate semalam), drop-by kampung baru to visit Makcik Minah and deliver her raya goodies (terperap atas my oven tu!!!).

Hmm.... so much about bermalas-malasan besok? Hehehehe. Tengok mood nanti macam mana. But bermalas-malasan will still be my priority!

Ramai comment ape hal terlebih posting gambar? Hahaha, aku excited terlebih la finally can get hold of this thing. Selalu kan bengap! Tu yang lepas dah faham, segala gambar aku upload. Macam kasi lepas gian ja, hahahaha. Tu pun ada bersepah lagi gambar trips yang dulu-dulu, tapi nanti la. Banyak sangat, tak larat. All pix are taken by my Nikkon Coolpix digital camera. Except for kakteh's engagement, that is taken by my favourite photographer, Encik Zainul Firdaus. I love his candid pictures. Dah book him for my brother's wedding nanti.

Kejap lagi nak pergi the loaf kat pavillion. Mahu makan itu rocks. Ever since I tasted it last Thursday, huhu, gian sungguh. Everyday my sayang Eddy Toh will singgah and buy it for me while he is out doing tickets delivery around that area. Dah seriously addictive! Cannot tahan! Macam compulsory ganja intake for the day. (Hmm, is that causing my high bp now? It was 140/90 last Monday.... nah... work pressure, really stressed-out that day!)

I dah baik demam, but I am still coughing. This is bad, really bad. I hope it will go away soon, am tired of coughing. Nasib baik malam boleh tido lena. Oh, my parents was around last week. Ma&ba loved the bantal! So I have to buy new ones for them. I gave excuse I need good sleep at nights, no way they can take away the bantal now. Hmm... need to go to IKEA soon. And KLCC to for the bolster. Itu pun nak kena kebas jugak. Aiyak!



Blogger Rimaugirl Wahir Jaafar said...

Tunggu pun tunggu laaa...aku tak kisah, yang penting ko boleh datang Melaka.

BTW, hari ni bukan Cuti Deepavali utk KL je, tu cuti utk seluruh negara laa...tapi aku kena keja..sob,sob...

Thu Nov 08, 09:05:00 AM GMT+8  

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