Thursday, March 22, 2007


Panglima ni takde kerja dok tag orang. Below are 6 weirds things about me :

1) I must have chicken in my daily food intake. Ayam dah jadi makanan ruji. Satu hari tak makan ayam, can die! (serious!!!). Last night ordered 8pieces bbq chicken kat Domino's Midvalley, with strict instruction to paroe that he can only have 2, although he is paying! Kat Canberra dulu selalu sangat la berkejar-kejaran dengan Ray (Iza's husband)sebab he loved to kidnap my ayam from my plate while I'm eating. Even until now dia tak leh duduk diam and sakat I when it comes to eating ayam. If merajuk with boyfriend, they (the previous and current) tak payah susah-susah bagi chocolates ka, bunga ka, pujuk I bawak makan ayam goreng ja cukup lah. Cepat gila sejuk hati. Hehehe.

2) I crave to have my own baby. Desparately need one now, using the natural method. Motherhood instinct is so strong, cannot see baby, small children, will crave the whole day. Nag kat boyfriend, he says wait! Aiyak, kena tunggu la.

3) Despite babycrave, I, myself is a crybaby. Sikit-sikit nangis. Benda kecik pun boleh jadi issue besar, then nangis! I am bigsize, very garang at office, but I cry a lot when it comes to my issues. Tapi airmata tu tak habis-habis la! Hehehehe. I'm a very sensitive person deep down inside despite my happy go lucky attitude I show off to people.

4) I hate cats, actually afraid of cats!!! Many people injured themselves bila diorang try nak sergah I dengan kucing. Tak boleh duduk diam kalau ada kucing kat sebelah.

5) I love the word doink! Don't ask me why.

6) I tak reti naik beskal! Tu pun don't ask me why. I can balance myself if I skate, but not on bycicle. Kat Trolak dulu, my friend, Aliasman, setiap petang without fail for few weeks akan bawak basikal dia depan dewan badminton, turun kan his seat, and thought me how to ride. But I failed. At last dia give up!

There you go. Now, the next six people will be :

1) Ayahnurin
2) Rimaugirl
3) Anum&Man
4) Irwan
5) Kaklong shila
6) J

As p5 wrote in his blog : "tagging rules : once tagged, the target must reveal six weird things about him/herself. and then tag others. break the chain and youre a party pooper"

Hehehehe, nasib la korang!


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