Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I couldn't sleep last nite. Dah makan ubat tido (the one given by my aunt who is my doctor as I complained I couldn't sleep at nights) pun tak beri kesan apa-apa. Around 1am I started to have chest pain. At first I buat bodoh ja, but an hour after it became more painful and I felt hard to breathe. Nak berdiri rasa pening semacam, berpaut kat tangga while nak turun.

Rush pegi klinik 24jam kat Bukit, just to discovere my bp was 170/110 at 3am in the morning. Doctor tu pun macam nak freak out ja. Muka tak puas hati 3 kali try dapat reading yang sama. Terus kena buat ECG, dia ketuk sana sini on my body, tekan sana sini. Almost an hour dekat klinik tu. Kena makan ubat darah tinggi, and ubat angin. Nasib baik ECG result ok. Tapi geli la badan kena letak wayar-wayar tu semua.

Hmm.... pagi ni bangun lambat, cover tido dulu baru masuk office.

Seksanya kalau everyday macam ni. Cepar-cepat la baik, cepat-cepat la turun bp ni. Risau gila, tak pasal kena stroke pulak. Lepas ni kena kurang garam, kena kurang fried food, kena lebih makan sayur (yuck!!!!), kena kurang makan ayam (aiyak!!!!). Damn!

And I kena stop fikir segala benda dalam kepala otak ni. Entahlah, hati tak tenteram lately. If only I can solve all the things yang kecamuk dalam kepala ni. Am trying my best to do that, and most important at the moment is to keep calm. First thing to start.... stop gaduh with boyfriend. I pity him have to handle me this way now, and I pity myself at the same moment. Can we survive with me going on like this? With him going on like that? (to those who wants to comment about kahwin, eerrr... simpan ja la dulu that thought!) But his assurance he gave me just shortwhile does comfort a bit. Now I leave it to God on our faith, somehow I do have faith, if not we would have gone separate ways ages ago. He is not an easy guy to handle and unsderstand, then again, I'm the pain-in-the-ass girlfriend too.

Next, my mother. That is another issue. Now we fight about everything. I used to be the angle daughter, ikut aja. Now I ikut perangai kakteh, melawan aja. Kesian mama. I neen to make ammends with her. I know dad will help.

Work - huhu, hari ni masuk lambat, my MD dah buat announcement pasal my bp last night kat semua orang. Masuk ja office tadi, sorang-sorang salesperson tunjuk concern. Semua dah tabur janji macam-macam nak help as much as possible with this week's collection. Ini sudah bagus.... hehehehehe.

My MD bawak food less oil, less garam from home for me . Dia masak pagi tadi when she got to know that I'm coming in to office. (Matta fair this weekend, sakit pun tak leh ngelat la) Hari-hari boss macam ni, besh la. Sayang kat boss.

To my friends yang tak sudah-sudah bertanya itu-ini pasal my health kat email tu, sudah-sudah la jadi keji. Doakan I cepat baik. Cepat bp ni turun, biar hidup I ceria selalu. Yang dok bagi sakit hati kat I ni pun, sudah-sudah la tu. Agaknya kalau I mati cepat lagi korang suka kut.

Paroe darling, thank you for rescuing me last night. Kesabaran anda diwaktu ini amatlah dihargai.


Blogger cruel said...


Sometimes your friend could turn to a bitch, and ruin your current good mood. Just ignore the bitch, and just be on your own.
Somehow by shetting the bitch off your mind, you'll find comfort and peace.

That's why I am such a quiet boy now, I'm shetting anjing betina.

Wed Mar 14, 06:11:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Channel 11.5 said...

Thank you keirul.

Wed Mar 14, 06:56:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Azwan Hadzree said...

hey, it's still not too late but dont change secara drastic, that may be the reason you bp go mad. just slow down on dinner but maintain the rest. replace dinner with fruit. try that for a week 1st if your body can take it, it will be fine.

Thu Mar 15, 11:46:00 PM GMT+8  

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