Thursday, December 08, 2005


Byk menda happened the past 2 weeks buat otak i pening betul. Semalam handphone buat hal lak. Geram punya pasal, I decided to get one new handphone for myself. Cikai punyer, but cost me RM230.00 Ceh! I have no idea how the hp masuk air? Last used the night before, I remembered bwk msk bilik after terlelap kat depan. Hmmm.... aiyak, that is the most expensive hp ever, with a bit canggih -ada kamera la!!! But now gone! Bal said he will try check what is the prob. But I will only know on Monday, as dia cuti bsok sampai wkend! Hmmm.....

Work of course sucks as usual. Bila la nak dapat prince charming kaya raya ni? Can support me, tak yah keja, dok rumah goyang kaki. Then feel like spending money, can do anytime as I pleased! Soh my parents carik, diorang kata carik sendiri as they dont want to interupt anymore. Last Wed night I stood up on one potential PC who happens to be rich. Kesian la pulak mamat tu! Well, at KLCC station, I came out from the train, went up the escalator, suddenly felt kepala very berat. Called the mamat, apologised, gave excuse kepala pening, went straight home, mandi & rest. Smlm morning I had to explain to him & my friend (Juju -dia la pandai 2 soh I go out with this mamat!) why I didn't turn up last night. Pening-pening.

But as I was resting at home I realised why I was getting these headaches lately. I dah too overweight!!!! Tu la, mkn too much. Now dah sakit baru nak diet. Yes, I never take serious about my weight & appearence. (Yes my dear friends, you can sigh all you want, as if you don't know me) Tapi this morning I noticed that my tummy has become a 6 months pregnant lady!!! -from a 3 months pregnant lady before this!!!! hmm???

Yes, yes, I'm complaining, tapi tak nak buat apa2. No disiplin at all. I promised kaklong no rice this week (as everyone was complaining I dah overrated gemuk kat kaklong's party last saturday night). Tapi tak reti-reti jugak control makan! for example, last Tuesday, siang I pegi KLCC mkn salad la konon, tapi mlm pi one Utama, mkn sandwich sket nyer byk kat Obrien tu!!! Tak include the coca-cola I had while watching movie, and the strawberry with chocs before the movie!!!! -oh yes, I went to watch Narnia with Fahroe, Kak teh, Hanizah & with my other ofcmates! We got free tickets from EK.!! Sape ada anak2 & have kid's heart like me, do go & see the movie.

Ok, back too gemuk topic! I dont mind having the big bump, but the pregnant lady tummy must definately go!!! And so does the triple layer chin!!! If mama can do it, kak teh also can do it, why can't I? hmmmm.............................

Mama was complaining when she saw me last weekend. Yes, dad & mom came down. But I did not spend that much time with them - melarikan diri as malas nak kena leter from mom about when nak kurus? when nak ada bf? when nak kawin? - thanks to kak teh & adik who had layan them & became the driver for the weekend. I only managed to see my parents at Kak Long's House & the hi-tea we went on Sunday evening kat rumah Nani. : kakteh i owe you, nanti ckp ja la nak apa2 okay? hehehehe

Makan2 at Kak Long's on Saturday night was yummy! I brought one dish, daging masak apa entah. hehehehe. Along : You better renovate your porch!!! All the aunties dah bagi design tu, bila nak buat? Hi-time to ketuk Epi on renovating the house. But please please make sure you leave some space for us to lepak kat luar. Senang kitorang hang-out bila the next time you buat mkn2 lagi (Hmmm... wedding aniversary ada mkn2 tak? heheheh) We celebrated Sara's bday too. Uncle Teh a.ka. Chalee a.k.a kambing gurun among the cousins, bought her FURBY!!!! Punyer mahal itu present! (Chalee : my next bday lagi 8 months, can I get a bigger Furby? make sure the furby not can only talk, but can kemas rumah also!) Next time balik KL lama sket la. 10days mana cukup! Poor Bangteh, try hard pujuk kitorang send him to airport, but no one able to. Sape soh balik on a working morning?

I'm excited waiting for this Sunday. Going to Melaka with Fahroe to see Minah (first apprearence, byk nanti nak story pasal dia, tunggu ja la the right moment!), and Wahir. Aween going too, tapi dia pegi dulu on Saturday! Minah : I ada surprise! Tunggu ha. Mesti terkejut nanti, hehehehe. Btw, prepare yourself with all the hot gossips I'm bringing (Pesan kat Omar : pandai2 la dia jaga Aaqil sorang2, hehehehehehehe, yes my dear, our variapop session ni lama dah tak buat!)

Huh, byk la bebel ni. Actually byk lagi nak dibebelkan, tapi nanti korang boring plak. Actually mmg takde mood nak update blog ni, tapi sbb dah ramai gila bising bila nak update, huh, baca la korang cerita bosan kat atas tu. I know I have not tagging that much this week, tapi mmg busy la. But I did my best to reply all the emails on all the questions korang tanya tu. I okay la, just busy with work. December ni, faham2 ja la, semua nak kena settle before new year. Xmas coming! Kat ofc dah ada pokok Xmas. Kitorang ni tgh tunggu hadiah ja bila nak diletakkan.

I hope everyone will have great life towards the new year. Whatever happened, we can't turn back the clock. Just face the coming days one at a time. I'm definately going to close this year's chapter with a BIG SMILE. No regets on what I had to go through -damn, it has been a very tough year for me!!! And I'm looking forward for the new year, with so many great thoughts in mind! Azam tahun baru apa? Nak bagi menantu for mama & babah. So prince charming hunting begins now! (yes, korang akan cakap ambik yg depan mata, tapi semua kena ikut turn & isi borang! ) :P

Take care everyone!


Blogger Rimaugirl Wahir Jaafar said...

Nice azam for next year...I hope you will get your Prince Charming soon. Kalau nak tunggu yang depan mata, sampai beruban la ko nak kena tunggu sebab DIA ni rabun banyak.Anyway, good luck for the future & tak sabar nak jumpa ko Ahad ni. Aida, sesi variapop tu ko & minah je ka? Sedih ni....

Fri Dec 09, 03:11:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Channel 11.5 said...

wahir : Kau jgn la kata DIA tu teruk2 sgt. Kesian mamat tu. Dia tak rabun, power spek mata tu okay lagi, hehehehe. I dah explain pasal sesi veriapop tu kan? looking forward to see u this sunday!

Fri Dec 09, 09:40:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Channel 11.5 said...

wahir : prince charming dah ada depan mata, tapi aku pun kekadang blur & doink!

Fri Dec 09, 09:41:00 PM GMT+8  

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