Tuesday, November 29, 2005


This morning, otw to work, kak teh & me noticed the lady driver infront of our car was doing her morning chores in her car. At first we noticed the compact powder, mascara, then the blusher, lipstick, siap lipgloss lagi. Then touch-up here and there. Damn woman, how did you do that?

And the car was moving pulak tu, at elevated hiway, the reverse directional lane going to Dang Wangi LRT station. I tgk kakteh, Kakteh tgk I, and we smiled. I mean, yes, I don't do those things for my daily routine. But if I do pun, not while driving! Tabik spring la kat itu ah moi. Memang la superwoman! Tapi most women nowadays pun super-super jugak. Can do anything by themselves! (Guys : This is just a personal statement from Aida ya, no intention nak carik gaduh or being sentiment!) To all of my girlfriends, each of everyone of us had gone through a tough test, and believe me, more to come. Just handle them one at a time, or you will go koo-koo!

Today work sucks. Since yesterday. Pagi tadi meeting sungguh stressfull!Hmmm...

Okay la, need to get back to work.

Take care everyone!


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