Thursday, November 17, 2005


Ish-ish, selagi tak habis syawal 2nd december nanti, punyala byk open house kena attend. Tapi this year I pegi yg wajib-wajib saja. Tu pun dah kira banyak tu.

Last week cuti 3 hari, jadi 2 hari ja. Ni semua bombing kat Jordan punyer pasal. Habis plan hari khamis nak buat macam2. But I had a great long weekend. On Friday, ingat nak buat mykad, tapi pegi lambat, no giliran dah habis. Kena buat nanti2 lah.

Mlm Friday to my good friends datang makan2. Buat chicken chop. Tak sangka jadi pulak. Kalau drebarlori @ my fav chef pun cakap sedap, then okay la kut. (P5 : jgn kutuk lagi, belom rasa belom tau ok?) Lepas mkn ada sesi main congkak. They left after midnight, leaving me with all the pinggan to basuh. Kakteh was doing he last minute packing. Now kakteh kat Mauritius, Monday ni baru nak balik. Lama tu pergi. Kalau dia ingat la kat kakak dia sorang ni (& if u're reading this blog kat sana), bawaklah balik apa yg patut - although i tau u still bengang about the kek issue! Hehehe. She's suppose to comeback this Saturday, but saja2 postpone ticket sampai Monday to do a bit more sightseeing & shopping. Well, I hope she enjoys here stay there. Dah lama dia tak pi holiday!

Saturday morning after sending her off, I went to Aquaria KLCC with P5. (ada ke patut kena category big kid! ceh!) Mahalnya entrance fee.

Adult RM38.00
Children RM28.00
Adult discount with Mykad RM28.00
Children discount with Mykad - tak ingat la

But now ada promo RM90.00 for 2 adults + 2 children. Kalau anyone nak pergi with promo rate, then okay la. But to pay RM38.00, so not worth it. I agree with P5, sungguh tak child-friendly. Jgn cakap the kids, I yg pendek ni pun kena jengket sket. But I had a great time there.

After Aquaria, pi my fav salon. Thought of cutting my hair very short, but the rebonding promo at RM99.00 was very tempting. I know the hairdresser dah lama soh I buat, sbb dia geram tgk my hair so thick - whatever style I cut or layerkan. So, I took the chance, and now very satisfied with the outcome. It should last 8 months, but we'll see, as I know I have very difficult hair to take care. Anyone nak try, the salon is at Setiawangsa, buzz me & I will give the direction. After rebonding, of course jalan raya lagi. Sempat pegi 3 rumah ja, last destination rumah busu kat shah alam.

Sunday, since morning sampai malam jalan raya lagi. Went KLIA in the morning, fetch my mamat gadget (uish, officially masuk nama dlm blog tu, hehehehe). Sempat jumpa Intan Nazrahayu. I haven't met her since 1992, after 13 years she is still the same - minah suka merempat. Spent about an hour with her, then baru kuar KLIA. Went to P5 house : dia hidang kuih raya ja.... Ingat ada lah ayam mortemobit (tak ingat spelling, btw p5, ni kasi hint ni, hehehehe). Last raya stop kat Bukit Antarabangsa, rumah Iza & Ray. Makan laksa johor, sedap!!!!

Monday after office sempat lagi jalan raya, went to Kg Baru & Selayang. This weekend another round. Babah dah sound, rambut rebonded, face make-over, bila nak body cun? Aiyak!!!! Hmm, so kena la do something about it.

Tonight ada 2 meeting kena attend. Anseri & My Cousin's Wedding Duty Roaster. I will go for the first dulu, and the later, kalau sempat baru pi as I know what is my duty. Perhaps I will go very-very late, to avoid all the aunties & uncles, biar diorang balik dulu. Kalau tak berasap telinga ni dengar soalan cepu emas.

Take care everyone!


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