Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Mama & babah datang KL during CNY break while I was away in Dubai. I came back on Thursday nitght, they were here until Sunday (after I managed to pujuk babah to stay a bit longer) so I had the chance to spend some time with them. After quite sometime, their last trip ni baru I rasa I really spend time ngan diorang. Kalau tak tu macam hi-hi, bye-bye ja. And kak teh or adik did most of the driver & tour guide work.

Hari Sabtu mama managed to pursuade me to follow her & her sisters to Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. So, early morning I went to Opah house for breakfast then off to Jln TAR with mama, aunty namah, aunty yot, and aunty da. Mak long was supposed to follow, but canx last minute as shah was around. (btw shah, bila nak jumpa ni? next week nak balik dah tu...)Shopping with Ma and aunty2 ni can really drive me crazy. 1st we went to Rajah Carpet. Ma & Aunty Namah beli kapet. Kesian la tokay tu kena layan diorang. Memanjang nyer nak discount. Tapi paling kelakarnyer boleh sempat interview tokay tu lagi. Asal mana, dah berapa lama bukak kedai karpet ni, berapa income dpt generate setahun. Apa la diorang tu! Tu semua ikut perangai Opah.

Habis kedai karpet, pergi SSF. Ini yg paling penat. Ada 4 tingkat, they cannot decide on the spot la. Dah turun tingkat 2, Aunty Da decided that she should have taken the flowers kat tingkat 3 & 4. Kena la I patah balik (I was tukang angkat barang that day!!!) Nak carik bunga apa letak atas freezer opah pun berejam. 4 perempuan with 4 different taste! Last-last I yg decide as they cannot agree with each other. My dad and uncle wahid (aunty yot's hubby) la paling I kesian. They can wait patiently for the ladies to finish shopping. Lepas tu kena angkut barang2 tu masuk keta, and most important, settle the bill!!! We had lunch at Insaf, then sambung tgk kain & tudung.I really loves all my aunties belah my mom. I treat them equally like my mom, sometimes mama bengang jugak sbb I dgr ckp my aunty than her. Ya la, she's far away upnorth. Some emergency cases I kena mintak tolong my aunty2 la.

Adik beradik my mom mmg kuat leter, with the exception of Mak Long. She is the coolest among them. And the open minded one. If I really buntu pasal apa2, carik dia, mesti rasa lapang. Aunty Namah is more the finance controller among them. Any project dia tukang collect duit. Bab masak bagi kat aunty yot. Well, all my aunties terer masak, tapi come raya or kenduri, anuty yot is the head chef!! Aunty Da paling sporting. Mungkin sbb dia paling muda.

All of them keja very efficient. Rumah bersih tip top. I just hope I'll get some of their qualities. I mean, it runs in family kan? Tapi pesal I masak tak kick mcm diorang? Hmm....

Best thing is, whenever they call me for makan or I saja2 buat muka lapar kat rumah diorang, they prepare everything from A to Z. Kita nak tolong kemas pun tak bagi. Suruh duduk depan tgk tv or I end up borak with my uncle. Kekadang tu rasa guilty la jugak, tapi hmm... memang dpt layanan best punyer. Tapi kalau time I buat makan2 kat rumah, if they're around, diorang tu la yg paling busy kat dapur tolong kemas semua. Although I keep on asking them to stop, diorang still buat keja. Mungkin they feel I lembab sgt kut kat dapur, hehehehe.

Oh, how I miss my mom now!!!


Blogger tulip said...

i thought my mum and my aunts aje buat cam tu... yours pun sama ke? interview org jual karpet? my goshh... siap boleh tanya ... nak jadi menantu diorang tak?? hahahha.... buat malu aje.. pergi kedai tu for hours, keluar beli karpet kecik aje... no wonder my dad and uncle semua tak nak ikut, suruh i aje pergi..

Thu Feb 16, 10:08:00 AM GMT+8  

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